Home Australia Maris Galea: Dear Grandma Cheryl welcomed her son-in-law into her large family. She then tried to hire a hitman to execute her.

Maris Galea: Dear Grandma Cheryl welcomed her son-in-law into her large family. She then tried to hire a hitman to execute her.

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Grandmother Cheryl Brewin described the ordeal as


A grandmother whose ex-son-in-law plotted to have her killed by a hitman has broken her silence about the ordeal and explained how his evil plan was undone.

Cheryl Brewin, who lives in Sydney’s western suburbs, is relieved to be alive, two years after her daughter Amanda’s ex-husband Maris Galea hatched her murder-for-hire plot.

‘Obviously I’m still here, I’m alive… thank God!’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Frightening? Yes it was.’

It is understood Galea attempted to recruit a hitman online to carry out the contract killing, but the “hitman” turned out to be an undercover police officer.

Galea was quickly arrested shortly after as he attempted to hand over the cash. Since then he has been in preventive detention.

Grandmother Cheryl Brewin described the ordeal as “terrifying”

Berkshire Park man Maris Galea pleaded guilty to soliciting murder and breaching an AVO

Berkshire Park man Maris Galea pleaded guilty to soliciting murder and breaching an AVO

Maris Galea attended a family function with his ex-wife Amanda (pictured, second right) and ex-mother-in-law Cheryl Brewin (center)

Maris Galea attended a family function with his ex-wife Amanda (pictured, second right) and ex-mother-in-law Cheryl Brewin (center)

Galea, 35, pleaded guilty to soliciting, persuading or encouraging another person to murder and contravening a restraining order.

The court had ordered the electrician not to contact the grandmother.

But he admitted he “hired another person” to violate the stopped violence order which was intended to protect the woman and threaten her safety.

According to Galea’s former neighbor in Berkshire Park, northwest Sydney, the individual hired to “eliminate” Ms Brewin was actually an undercover police officer.

“I was present the day he (Galea) was arrested, the street was full of undercover police,” the neighbor recalled.

“Once he handed the money to the undercover cop, the police arrested him.”

Neighbors remembered that Galea had a bad temper and could explode for any reason.

“One moment he was polite and friendly, and the next he was your worst enemy,” the neighbor said.

'Obviously I'm still here, I'm alive... thank God!' she told Daily Mail Australia

‘Obviously I’m still here, I’m alive… thank God!’ she told Daily Mail Australia

Brewin insisted that he is no longer his son-in-law and that his daughter and Maris Galea have since divorced.

Brewin insisted that he is no longer his son-in-law and that his daughter and Maris Galea have since divorced.

Daily Mail Australia understands Galea and his ex-wife were separated at the time he was planning to hit his then mother-in-law.

“He’s not my son-in-law anymore…they’re divorced,” Brewin revealed, adding that his main concern was his innocent grandson.

No specific motive has yet been revealed for the attempted execution of the hitman.

Galea was recently excused from appearing at Penrith District Court where his matters were mentioned.

A set of draft facts, which have not yet been signed by Galea, were presented to the court on the basis that they “could be the subject of controversy,” while a date was set for a sentencing hearing expected to last three hours.

The court ordered that a sentencing evaluation report be presented next time to help determine appropriate sentencing options.

He will remain in custody and return to Penrith District Court on October 18.

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