Home Australia Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his wife’s ‘period management’

Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his wife’s ‘period management’

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A husband has sparked a heated debate after making shocking claims about the

A husband has sparked a heated debate after making shocking claims about his wife’s “period management”, including details of how her husband leaves used sanitary pads in the bed which their dog then licks off.

The anonymous man took to Reddit to express his concerns about his wife’s hygiene, admitting that he is “grossed” by having blood-stained sheets and mattresses.

In his rambling speech, he listed various practices that have left him disgusted, while recounting how his wife often left his “underwear with a lot of blood on it on the bedroom or bathroom floor.”

He wondered if he was wrong in a thread titled ‘Am I the idiot?” while confessing that she had always been disgusted by menstrual blood.

At the end of his post, he begged social media users to come to his rescue and help him come up with a plan to improve his wife’s habits.

A husband has sparked a heated debate after making shocking claims about his wife’s “period management” – including detailing how her husband leaves used sanitary pads in the bed which their dog then licks off (file image)

The post was titled: “Would I be an idiot to challenge my wife on managing her period?”

He began his stormy speech by confessing that he had never lived with a woman before his wife and that he did not know how to handle the situation.

“I’m at the point of losing my temper with my wife. I don’t know the ins and outs of the difficulties of controlling one’s period, but she always gets caught up in it. I’ve never lived with a woman before my wife, so I’m not sure this is normal,” he said.

The anonymous husband then listed the various things that have left him furious with his wife.

She added: ‘Our mattress is covered in blood stains from the period, and the first one appeared three days after we received it, which made me very angry but I didn’t mention it. Many of our sheets are also stained.

‘He often leaves underwear with a lot of blood on the bedroom or bathroom floor.

‘If you have had to resort to toilet paper, you sometimes leave it in the toilet without flushing.

“Sometimes she leaves used pads on the bed and then goes to work. We recently got a dog and the other day he was licking one of them, so I think something needs to be done.”

The anonymous man took to Reddit to express his concerns about his spouse's hygiene and admitted that he

The anonymous man took to Reddit to express his concerns about his spouse’s hygiene, admitting that he is “grossed” by having blood-stained sheets and mattresses.

He revealed that he had previously tried to discuss these issues with his wife, but she had ignored him.

The husband wrote: ‘There have been times when I’ve mentioned some of the above things and received responses like, “Grow up, it’s just blood. You only have to look at it at least, you’ll never understand how horrible it is for a woman.” (Paraphrasing)’.

He later admitted that he had always been horrified by menstrual blood and that living with his wife had not eased his dislike of it.

And although he claimed he never liked seeing feminine products covered in blood, he did everything he could to make sure his wife didn’t feel guilty about it.

“I’ve always been grossed out by period blood, and that’s my problem/choice. From the first time I looked down and saw my penis covered in blood, I decided it was something I’d rather not go near again, and as childish as that may sound to some, I think that’s okay.

“I’ve never tried to make anyone feel bad about it, but I’ve kept that boundary,” he said.

The fed-up husband revealed that he had been racking his brain trying to think of a comparison that was as bad as his wife’s menstrual practices.

He said: “The only parallel I could think of would be if I left used tissues around the house after (masturbating), or just did it in bed and let them dry, which I would obviously never do, but that’s probably not a fair comparison.”

At the end of the post, she wondered if he would be the villain if she asked him to clean up after her.

He asked, ‘Would I be an idiot if I mentioned this and asked you to do something different?’

Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his

1722287616 566 Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his

1722287616 105 Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his

1722287616 647 Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his

1722287617 41 Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his

1722287617 79 Man sparks heated debate after making shocking claims about his

People on the web flooded the comments section to defend the husband while offering various solutions to help his wife manage her period.

People on the web flooded the comments section to defend the husband while offering various solutions to help his wife manage her period.

People on the web flooded the comments section to defend the husband while offering various solutions to help his wife manage her period.

One person wrote: “You’re not the moron. I have to admit, I was about to throw my hands up at you and call you a moron at first, but your hygiene habits are not up to par.

‘First of all, with the mattress issue, it’s something that definitely happens. It’s often hard to predict when your period is coming and if you’re bleeding really heavily, the only thing you can do is put a rubber sheet down. That’s my main suggestion. Just put a rubber sheet or a mattress protector under your other sheets.

‘What about the rest? Leaving bloody pads on the bed? It’s perfectly reasonable to ask him not to do that and to make sure he throws them away. And flushing the toilet after use is a matter of basic etiquette.

‘As for the bloody underwear, maybe you could discuss getting a dedicated bucket to leave in the shower or something I can soak the underwear in with some stain remover in between washes.

“Is her hygiene questionable in other ways, too, or just when it comes to her period? Because, yeah, most of this is just a matter of basic consideration for the people you live with.”

Someone else added: “This is all perfect advice! OP, also get a pedal/closing lid trash can for the bathroom. Dogs are notorious for getting into the trash with feminine products in it.

“No, you idiot. I hope your wife takes this seriously. This is a health issue and also a lack of respect for those who live with her in a shared space.”

Another user commented: “Of course. His wife is a lazy, unhygienic person. Of course accidents happen. They give you a mattress protector. Everything else I read from that point on just got worse and worse! She’s a moron. It’s not hard to clean up after yourself. Not the moron.”

‘No, you idiot. Having your period at night in bed is one thing. That happens a lot. Especially if it’s irregular. You can’t avoid having your period at night.

‘But not picking up your dirty underwear and pads and cleaning up after them is a completely different thing. Yes, you can’t stop your period from coming, but either way, it’s kind of gross to leave stuff lying around. It’s irresponsible, especially with pets. When I was a kid, I had a dog who loved used feminine hygiene products. It was disgusting. We bought a bin with a lid to stop her from doing that.

“It’s natural to have your period, but it’s also natural to eat food, and yet we still throw away leftovers and wash dishes,” another person said.

Someone else wrote: “No, you moron. You get caught, especially if you’re not a regular. And blood on the mattress can be controlled by getting a mattress protector. But leaving used pads on the bed or floor is not okay. Especially if you have pets! It’s not unreasonable to ask for them to be thrown away when they’re picked up.”

Another person commented: “No, not that asshole. Your wife is a slob. In what world is it acceptable to leave bloody clothes lying around?”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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