Home Life Style Man receives sentence for torturing sex workers, fatally assaulting a woman and storing her dismembered remains in a freezer

Man receives sentence for torturing sex workers, fatally assaulting a woman and storing her dismembered remains in a freezer

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Man receives sentence for torturing sex workers, fatally assaulting a woman and storing her dismembered remains in a freezer

Somorie Moses, also known by aliases such as “Somorie Barfield,” “Sugar Bear,” “Bear,” and “Daddy,” has been sentenced to life in prison for his heinous crimes of coercion, torture, and murder. He United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York stated on April 5 that Moses would spend the rest of his days behind bars after being found guilty of a litany of crimes, including sex trafficking and the brutal murder of Leondra Foster, a 32-year-old woman. years. old sex worker.

His reign of terror lasted more than a decade, beginning in 2003, when he began luring women and girls under false pretenses of love and security. Once under her control, she subjected her victims to unspeakable horrors, including physical and psychological abuse, rape, and manipulation. Moisés forced his victims into the dark world of prostitution, where he exploited them for financial gain, taking every penny they earned and branding them with tattoos of his name, a grotesque mark of ownership.

The details of his depravity are chilling.. Moses threw a victim off a roof, savagely raped her, and even bit off a piece of her flesh before cruelly spitting her out. Another woman suffered severe scarring after he cut her with a razor and poured lemon juice on her wounds. Her brutality knew no bounds as he struck another victim with an extension cord, leaving her with multiple open wounds that bled profusely.

In one particularly horrific incident, Moses threatened a victim and her son with a shotgun, a grim reminder of the constant fear his victims lived under. But perhaps the most gruesome act was reserved for Leondra Foster, whose life was brutally snuffed out by Moses’ hands. On the morning of January 13, 2017, Foster was fatally beaten and suffered multiple injuries to his head and body. Prosecutors believe she suffered a stroke and died moments later, her life ended by the ruthless actions of Somorie Moses.

But his cruelty did not end with Foster’s death. In a macabre display of inhumanity, Moses dismembered her body in his Brooklyn apartment, hiding the evidence before brazenly bringing another woman to the same space for his own gratification. The stench of bleach masked the horror within, as Moses attempted to erase any trace of the heinous crime from him.

However, justice prevailed when investigators discovered the gruesome truth. Foster’s remains, including his head, hands, and feet, were found in Moses’ possession and served as damning evidence of his monstrous acts. U.S. Attorney Breon Peace rightly noted that while a prison sentence cannot undo the immeasurable harm inflicted by Moses, it serves as a crucial safeguard against further atrocities.

Somorie Moses’ reign of terror has come to an end, but the scars he left on his victims will last a lifetime. Imprisoning him ensures that he will never again prey on the vulnerable, providing a semblance of closure to those who suffered at his hands.

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