Home Australia Man in blonde wig, makeup and pearls accused of trying to kidnap 11-year-old girl outside her home

Man in blonde wig, makeup and pearls accused of trying to kidnap 11-year-old girl outside her home

Man in blonde wig, makeup and pearls accused of trying to kidnap 11-year-old girl outside her home

A man wearing a blonde wig, makeup and pearls was arrested Sunday for trying to kidnap an 11-year-old boy outside his home in Alliance, Ohio, police said.

Joshua Freyermuth, 39, also known as Vicky, told the boy “I need to talk to you” in an attempt to get him away from his property and dog.

When the boy refused, Freyermuth attempted to grab him on South Webb Avenue.

He was arrested at a friend’s home and taken to jail, with a court date set for Monday, police said.

The boy’s father, Zachery Thurmond, said WOIO‘When he grabbed my son’s arm, my dog ​​attacked him and then staggered backwards down the stairs.

Joshua Freyermuth, 39, also known as Vicky, was arrested Sunday for attempting to kidnap an 11-year-old boy outside his home in Alliance, Ohio, police said.

The boy's father, Zachery Thurmond, told WOIO:

The boy’s father, Zachery Thurmond, told WOIO: “When he grabbed my son’s arm, my dog ​​attacked him and then he staggered backwards down the stairs. He took off his heels, my son said he had white high heels on, and then ran down the street.”

“She took off her heels, my son said she was wearing white high heels, and then she ran out into the street.”

The boy managed to escape and is safe. Alliance City Police Department he wrote in a Facebook post.

Zachery Thurmond did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com.

A police report obtained by DailyMail.com said the suspect was originally arrested two days earlier, on Sept. 20, for possession of methamphetamine, paraphernalia and obstructing official business.

The report detailed how Freyermuth was on South Mechanic Avenue when officers arrived in the area.

They had received complaints about Freyermuth, who is described as homeless, driving in circles and trying to talk to children in the area.

A police report obtained by DailyMail.com said the suspect was originally arrested two days earlier after police received complaints about Freyermuth, who is described as homeless, driving in circles and attempting to talk to children in the area.

A police report obtained by DailyMail.com said the suspect was originally arrested two days earlier after police received complaints about Freyermuth, who is described as homeless, driving in circles and attempting to talk to children in the area.

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He said there was “no reason to believe the defendant was in the area ‘looking for children’, despite the arrest.”

During the investigation, Freyermuth was arrested after officers allegedly found 1.6 grams of methamphetamine hidden in the steering wheel of the truck and a glass pipe with methamphetamine inside hidden under the driver’s seat.

The report says Freyermuth attempted to lie about his activities to obstruct officers, changed his story several times and provided misinformation.

He said there was “no reason to believe the defendant was in the area ‘looking for children’, despite the arrest.”

Freyermuth was released on bail for the Sept. 20 incident.

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