Home Politics Luca Fauvetta, 8, gives Scott Morrison red card on the Today show for Tasmanian soccer game tackle

Luca Fauvetta, 8, gives Scott Morrison red card on the Today show for Tasmanian soccer game tackle

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Luca Fauvette, 8, gave the Prime Minister a red card for the entrance on national television on Wednesday (pictured left with his grandmother)

Today show hosts were left speechless when an interview with the eight-year-old boy who was accidentally approached by Scott Morrison took a wild turn.

The Prime Minister was campaigning visiting the Devonport Strikers football club on Wednesday, in the electoral area of ​​Braddon, Tasmania, when he accidentally knocked down one of the club’s young players.

Luca Fauvette, 8, appeared on the Today show on Thursday with his grandmother Joy to give his side of the prime minister’s hilarious gaffe.

Luca Fauvette, 8, gave the Prime Minister a red card for the entrance on national television on Wednesday (pictured left with his grandmother)

Karl Stefanovic and Ally Langdon laughed when Luca reached into his pocket and pulled out a red card, declaring that the tackle “should have been a penalty.”

Langdon responded: “I say no bin for 10 (minutes).”

Morrison was participating in a training match with children when he ran towards the goal and collided with Luca, the club’s centre-forward.

“We were playing soccer and I think someone tried to pass it to me or Mr. Morrison and what happened was he tripped and was trying not to fall on top of me,” Luca said.

“So he tried to fall under me.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison accidentally ran over Luca Fauvette during a visit to the Devonport Strikers football club, which is in the Braddon electorate, on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison accidentally ran over Luca Fauvette during a visit to the Devonport Strikers football club, which is in the Braddon electorate, on Wednesday.

The adorable interview took a strange turn after Langdon said they had heard the youngster was “a bit of a rapper” and invited him to “pop a rhyme” on air.

“I was at the bar with my drinking team… And it was me, Jack Daniels and homely Jim Beam,” Luca began.

‘Knock knock…Who’s there…I don’t care…I just got scared there…Hey, why are you looking at me? You are not blind… You can see. ..Why are you trying to keep up with me? I’m only in first grade… But I have a degree in rap.

‘Sit at home, boys… We’ve got it all this morning. We know who we are… And you can represent… Collect the rental of the handball because you represent…

“I’ve been rapping since I was two years old… With one shoe…” he continued, before the show cut to a commercial break.

Morrison congratulated the boy on how he handled the strange situation.

“Shout out to young Luca for being such a good sport,” Morrison wrote on his Facebook page.

“You may have seen we had a small collision at club training tonight at Devonport Strikers Football Club in Tasmania. I spoke to Luca and his mother Ali tonight to see how he was doing and he was in good shape.

“It’s fantastic to be able to chat to him about his love of football and to know that he has already scored three hat-tricks in his budding career.”

The tackle made headlines across the country and globally, and immediately went viral on social media, with Fox Sport AFL360 presenters analyzing the tackle in jest.

The Prime Minister was touring the Devonport Strikers football ground as he pledged $3.5 million for a new stand along with improvements to the pitch and lighting.

He was able to see the funny side after the confrontation and told the parents that maybe he could help with the construction work.

“I think when that grandstand collapses, I heard it might need an excavator to take it down, so I might be able to help with that,” he said.

Morrison found it necessary to call himself a “bulldozer” a week after Election Day, but promised to improve his ability to “listen to Australians.”

The prime minister added that he has what it takes to continue leading the nation beyond Saturday’s elections.

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