Home Life Style Loose Women Reveal List of ‘Posh Habits’: From Calling Your Friends by Their Last Name to Using Mom as an Adult

Loose Women Reveal List of ‘Posh Habits’: From Calling Your Friends by Their Last Name to Using Mom as an Adult

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Christine Lampard, Coleen Nolan, Judi Love and Brenda Edwards appeared on the London show today and talked about how to tell if you're stylish.

The Loose Women panel discussed the habits of the rich today, from riding horses to calling people “honey”.

Christine Lampard, Judi Love, Coleen Nolan and Brenda Edwards appeared on the show in London today and talked about Victoria Beckham’s birthday, bringing them to the topic of how to tell if someone is stylish.

Presenter Christine revealed a list of activities and habits that supposedly reveal whether you’re more stylish than you think, including whether you like horse riding and skiing.

Coleen, who today was crowned the most stylish woman on the panel by ticking most of the list, said she likes horse riding and Judi insisted she was going to start skiing “soon”.

Christine also said you’re rich if you call everyone “darling”, to which Coleen replied: “I call them lots of things, but it’s never darling.”

Christine Lampard, Coleen Nolan, Judi Love and Brenda Edwards appeared on the London show today and talked about how to tell if you’re stylish.

While Judi and Brenda agreed that they use the word a lot to describe friends and family.

Comprehensive list of women’s “stylish habits”
  • you like riding horses
  • Go on a skiing holiday
  • Call everyone ‘honey’
  • Able to read, write or speak Latin.
  • Call champagne ‘champions’
  • Call your friends by their middle name instead of their first.
  • Have an Aga oven
  • Call your parents ‘mom and dad’ even when you’re an adult

Being able to read, write or speak Latin is another indicator of education and Christine was the only one on the panel who knew the ancient language, attributing this to the fact that she went to a “posh school”.

Meanwhile, calling champagne “champers” is another sign that you may be fancier than you think, and the entire group of presenters agreed to use the shorthand word for the bubbly drink.

Calling your friends by their middle names instead of their first can be another sign that you’re opting for the good things in life.

But the group of four agreed that doing so would be rude, and Christine added that it seems more common for men to do it.

Another indicator of class is if you have an Aga, an expensive classic Swedish stove that sells for around £6,000.

This sparked a debate between two of the panellists, as Coleen was happy to have ticked something else off the list, while Judi seemed confused about what an Aga was.

Coleen Nolan (pictured on today's show) was today crowned the most stylish woman on the panel by ticking off the top spot.

Coleen Nolan (pictured on today’s show) was today crowned the most stylish woman on the panel by ticking off the top spot.

Christine, who was reading the list, admitted that she knows Latin because she went to a

Christine, who was reading the list, admitted that she knows Latin because she went to a “fancy school.”

Calling your parents “mom and dad” even as an adult could also be a sign that you’re a classy person.

But this is one of the things that bothers Coleen the most, as she said: “I can’t stand it when the older kids call their parents mom and dad.”

However, she was overjoyed to learn that she had been crowned the most stylish person on the panel.

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