Home Travel Lonely Planet reveals its ultimate travel tips, from the best time to book a flight to tips for getting an upgrade (and why you should ALWAYS pack a sarong)

Lonely Planet reveals its ultimate travel tips, from the best time to book a flight to tips for getting an upgrade (and why you should ALWAYS pack a sarong)

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Lonely Planet is the authority on travel. His new Travel Hack Handbook is therefore certainly very practical. Booking early is one of the many tips readers will find in its pages.

Lonely Planet is the authority on travel.

So, his brand new Travel Hack manual is definitely very practical.

The guide reveals that it provides “general advice, tips and information from a wide range of writers, including guest experts such as adventure travel specialists and train travel gurus, as well as as inspiring recommendations on destinations, trips and experiences that offer the best value for travelers.

Tom Hall, Director of Lonely Planet UK, commented: “We’re really excited to kick off the year with the ultimate travel companion; The Travel Hack Handbook. As UK travelers prepare to plan their holidays this year, we’ve rounded up our best tips and tricks for traveling better and saving money while doing it. From booking flights to tips for traveling safely solo, we’ve compiled expert recommendations that are sure to inspire your next trip.

Here we can reveal a taste of the helpful tips readers can find in the book, from the best time to book a flight to tips for getting an upgrade.

When to book

Lonely Planet is the authority on travel. His new Travel Hack Handbook is therefore certainly very practical. Booking early is one of the many tips readers will find in its pages.

Lonely Planet is the authority on travel. His new Travel Hack Handbook is therefore certainly very practical. Booking early is one of the many tips readers will find in its pages.

Book early. That’s the advice from the Travel Hack Handbook, which explains: “Most airlines open flights for booking about 11 months before departure. Closer to the departure date, cheaper courses fill up and availability decreases – try to book at least five weeks in advance. Last minute deals are rare: prices generally increase around 21 days before departure.

Shop the sales

The Travel Hack Handbook states: “Many airlines offer sales in January, September, and on dates such as Black Friday. Sign up for airline newsletters and travel news services such as aller.com And theflightdeal.com for notice.

Compare booking sites

“Booking sites compare routes and airlines, but it’s often helpful to compare booking sites,” explains The Travel Hack Handbook. “Search Skyscanner or Google Flights to see what prices different travel agencies and airlines charge for a particular route. »

Get an upgrade

The book explains that airlines prioritize frequent flyer club members with a good points balance or people with injuries, such as a broken leg, but it adds: “Dressing smartly, asking politely and arriving early will increase your chances. If the airline requests that volunteers be transferred to a later flight, see if you can get an upgrade as part of the deal. Upgrades are a solo traveler’s game: no one gets an upgrade for the whole family.

Always pack a sarong or shawl

1712172217 199 Lonely Planet reveals its ultimate travel tips from the best

1712172217 199 Lonely Planet reveals its ultimate travel tips from the best

A sarong, according to the Travel Hack Handbook, is “a blanket when the air conditioning is freezing…an emergency towel” – and so much more.

Unless you’re sure you can find one locally, pack a sarong or shawl, advises The Travel Hack Handbook, which continues: “It’s a blanket when the air conditioning is freezing.” It’s an emergency towel. It’s privacy for changing on the beach. It is modesty not to be able to enter a temple with your legs or shoulders visible.

Avoid motion sickness

If you’re prone to motion sickness, the book says, “sit near the window between or in front of the wings, for maximum stability.” It adds: “Don’t eat salty, fatty or spicy foods, avoid reading or using screens, open air vents and carry Dramamine (or ginger) as a back-up option. »

When to travel around the world

Want to travel around the world? Here’s the best plan, according to the book: “Heading east, start your trip between mid-April and June and you’ll enjoy good weather all over the planet, catching a summer in Australia and a summer in the United States. United. » This also coincides with the best prices for tickets around the world.

Be a Midweek Traveler

Midweek stays are cheaper for many reasons, notes The Travel Hack Handbook

Midweek stays are cheaper for many reasons, notes The Travel Hack Handbook

Midweek stays are cheaper for many reasons, notes The Travel Hack Handbook

“Come midweek and you’ll avoid expensive stays of two or more nights and transportation costs during peak periods,” notes The Travel Hack Handbook. “If you have to come on the weekend, check to see if any hotels in the business district offer discounts during their quiet periods. Beware of popular festivals and public holidays.

Pay less for your room

There are good deals on hotels if you know which website to check – and the book knows it. He says: “Roomer (roomertravel.com) acts as a marketplace for the resale of unused, non-refundable hotel reservations, offering significant discounts off full-price rates.

Eat where the locals eat

“It’s easy to spot the best places to eat,” the book notes, “they’re filled with locals rather than tourists and there’s a queue for every meal. Often the menu and signage will be in the local language, so be prepared to order by pointing to what you see displayed on the counter or on other customers’ plates.

The Travel Hack Handbook (from £12.99) is available at shop.lonelyplanet.com/en-gb or “where all the good books are sold”.

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