Home Entertainment Lisa Snowdon admits she went through a “dark time” during her five-year weight loss journey as she reflects on how she lost two stone while battling menopause.

Lisa Snowdon admits she went through a “dark time” during her five-year weight loss journey as she reflects on how she lost two stone while battling menopause.

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Lisa Snowdon revealed that she went through a moment

Lisa Snowdon admits she went through a “dark” time when she lost five stone during a five-year weight loss battle while dealing with menopause.

The presenter, 52, who frequently speaks about her struggle with menopause, claimed she “lost it” when she started experiencing symptoms when she was around 40.

speaking to Nearest magazineThe former Britain’s Next Top Model presenter admitted she didn’t recognize herself at the time, as perimenopause and menopause had had a huge impact on her confidence.

She revealed: ‘I had such dark days that I thought, ‘If this is what my life is like, then I can’t do it’, I felt very alone and confused. I didn’t recognize myself.’

“Perimenopause and menopause have a big impact on your confidence and I lost it for a while.”

Lisa Snowdon revealed she went through a “dark” time as she spoke candidly about her five-year battle to lose weight, lose two stone and deal with menopause.

The star went on to explain that she was at her “heaviest” in 2018, however, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) helped alleviate many of her symptoms.

He also revealed that he lost two kilos after focusing on exercise and eating the right foods for his mind and body.

She admitted Near that she previously had “no control” over her cravings and revealed that she started “listening to her body.”

It comes after Lisa revealed in 2021 that she was prescribed antidepressants after experiencing low mood and anxiety as a result of early menopause.

The presenter, who suffers from endometriosis, began experiencing depression about 10 years ago, but had no idea her symptoms were a result of perimenopause.

Appearing on Lorraine at the time, she explained that her 2016 appearance on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! she was made worse by “weakening” periods, low energy and “mental confusion”, which revealed that she was dependent on the pill to stop her irregular cycle.

It wasn’t until she was prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) that Lisa was able to “take charge” of her health, praising the treatment as a “game changer” and insisting she “wouldn’t be without it.”

“When I look back, I realized it wasn’t a definitive point on the day I found out I was going to go into perimenopause,” Lisa explained.

Speaking to Closer magazine, the former Britain's Next Top Model presenter admitted she didn't recognize herself at the time, as perimenopause and menopause had had a huge impact on her confidence.

Speaking to Closer magazine, the former Britain’s Next Top Model presenter admitted she didn’t recognize herself at the time, as perimenopause and menopause had had a huge impact on her confidence.


Menopause is when a woman stops having periods and can no longer get pregnant naturally.

It usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age.

It is a normal part of aging and is caused by falling levels of the sex hormone estrogen.

Some women go through this time with few, if any, symptoms.

Others experience hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, and brain fog, which can last for months or years and may change over time.

HRT replaces hormones and is the main treatment used to treat symptoms, which can be severe and disrupt daily life.

Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing as much of the hormone estrogen and no longer release an egg each month.

“When I look back, it was about seven years ago when I started experiencing low mood, depression, anxiety and I was dealing with it because I thought that was what was wrong with me, maybe I was just a little bit unhappy.”

‘I was prescribed antidepressants and that wasn’t what I needed, but I thought I did. The symptoms started to evolve and they were painful periods, horrible, really irregular cycles, all these other symptoms started to appear and it was a juggling act. “It was really difficult to understand what was happening.”

After signing up as a contestant on the ITV reality show I’m A Celeb, Lisa began having periods so painful she found it difficult to leave the house, but she still had no idea she was showing signs of menopause.

“It was a shame,” he said. ‘I said yes to going to the jungle and I was really excited about it and in the months before I had debilitating and really irregular cycles, almost where I couldn’t leave the house and I didn’t know what to do. .’

‘I already suffer from endometriosis so I’m used to having very painful cycles but I thought: “What am I going to do? This is going to be horrible.”‘

“I went to see my gynecologist and they did scans and tests, but we never talked about whether it could be my hormones, perimenopause or menopause.”

‘We made a short arrangement that, looking back, I was able to go deep into the jungle. I was on the pill that stopped the cycle, which isn’t ideal, but I wanted to experience (the jungle).’

‘When I look back, I didn’t have the experience I wanted. I didn’t have the energy, I had brain fog, I had anxiety and I felt depressed, alone, in a bad mood and not recognizing your body.’

She revealed:

She revealed: ‘I had such dark days that I thought, ‘If this is what my life is like, then I can’t do it’, I felt very alone and confused. I didn’t recognize myself.’

It comes after Lisa revealed in 2021 that she was prescribed antidepressants after experiencing low mood and anxiety as a result of early menopause.

It comes after Lisa revealed in 2021 that she was prescribed antidepressants after experiencing low mood and anxiety as a result of early menopause.

Lisa now takes HRT for her symptoms and says she no longer has ‘angers’ or ‘yells at her partner’.

‘I’m taking HRT. I’ve been taking it for about four years and wouldn’t be without it. She has changed everything. She has been a turning point.”

‘I feel like myself again, I don’t yell at my partner, I don’t have anger, I feel like I recognize myself again and I have been able to take responsibility for taking care of my health.’

The presenter spoke candidly about her early menopause in 2021 and said she has “made peace” with the fact that she will never have biological children with her fiancé George Smart.

speaking to SunLisa said: “We had discussed it in the past but hadn’t started trying, so I knew we would have to explore other options in the future if we wanted to be parents.”

‘George was brilliant about it and told me we could look at alternative ways in the future. “There was a lot to accept.”

Lisa also revealed that her early menopause caused her to gain “around three kilos in a year” and also caused her “mental confusion, anxiety and anger attacks.”

She said: ‘In 2018, I went to the doctor to have blood tests, and that’s when I found out I was perimenopausal. It all finally made sense, but it was hard to process.”

Lisa now takes HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for her symptoms and says she no longer has 'anger' or 'yelling at her fiancé George Smart (both pictured in 2021)

Lisa now takes HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for her symptoms and says she no longer has ‘anger’ or ‘yelling at her fiancé George Smart (both pictured in 2021)

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