Home Entertainment Kyle and Jackie O listener ‘steals’ money from PM Anthony Albanese live on air: ‘That sounds like politics’

Kyle and Jackie O listener ‘steals’ money from PM Anthony Albanese live on air: ‘That sounds like politics’

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Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was the victim of a daylight robbery during a call-in to the Kyle and Jackie O show. Pictured yesterday

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was the victim of a daylight robbery during a call-in to the Kyle and Jackie O show.

Australia’s top politician phoned in for an impromptu chat on Wednesday, before host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson asked the Prime Minister if he wanted to take part in a game of Split or Steal.

“Would any listener have the courage to steal something from our own Prime Minister?” Jackie asked as she introduced the game.

The radio queen then explained the rules to Albo, saying: “I’ll tell you how it works, Prime Minister. So two people, including you, will go into a cone of silence,” she began.

‘There are $5,000 and you can choose to share it or steal it. If you both keep your word and share the money, you will each receive $2,500,000 and you, the Prime Minister, can give it to whomever you want.’

Jackie continued: ‘If one person decides to steal the money and the other splits it, the thief gets $5,000 for himself and if they both steal, they get nothing.

“It’s a kind of game of trust, honor and dignity.”

Without missing a beat, Albo replied: “That sounds like politics.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was the victim of a daylight robbery during a call-in to the Kyle and Jackie O show. Pictured yesterday

The Prime Minister’s opponent, Richard, a father of two from Casula in Sydney’s south-west, initially said he would split the money with the Prime Minister as it would help pay for daycare for his two children.

“If I split it with you, $2,500 would pay for basically a month of daycare, so anything helps right now,” Richard said.

Albo agreed and revealed he would donate half of his prize money to the Sydney-based company. Reverend Bill Cruise Foundation providing assistance to help address the cause and effect of poverty.

Australia's top pollster called an impromptu chat on Wednesday and shortly afterwards host Jackie 'O' Henderson (pictured) asked the Prime Minister if he wanted to play a game of Split or Steal.

Australia’s top pollster called an impromptu chat on Wednesday and shortly afterwards host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson (pictured) asked the Prime Minister if he wanted to play a game of Split or Steal.

Having initially agreed to split the money, Albo was sent into the cone of silence before Richard played a dirty trick on the Labour leader.

“I can steal this money right now,” Richard admitted. “I’ll lock it away.”

When Jackie asked about the charity standing to lose $2,500, Richard was unmoved.

“Who cares? I voted Liberal anyway,” he said.

Then, stand-in co-host Cooper Johns warned Richard to be on his guard after the high-profile robbery.

“Richard, use your money wisely because you’re probably going to get deported,” he joked.

Jackie replied: “Now you can actually say that you stole money from the Prime Minister and probably no one would believe it.”

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