Home Australia Kremlin spy chief calls defecting Russian helicopter pilot a ‘moral corpse’ days after he was found ‘riddled with bullets’ and run over by a car in Spain – amid fears hit squad assassinated him to ‘settle scores’

Kremlin spy chief calls defecting Russian helicopter pilot a ‘moral corpse’ days after he was found ‘riddled with bullets’ and run over by a car in Spain – amid fears hit squad assassinated him to ‘settle scores’

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Captain Maksim Kuzminov, 28 (pictured), fled Russia with the help of Ukrainian intelligence services.

A Russian spy chief described a helicopter pilot who defected from Ukraine and was found shot to death in Spain as a “moral corpse” for betraying his country, in Moscow’s first comment on the case since news of the incident emerged. murder.

Captain Maksim Kuzminov, 28, fled Russia with the help of Ukrainian intelligence services and accused Vladimir Putin of “genocide” after his daring escape last summer.

Ukrainian GUR military intelligence confirmed yesterday that the pilot – a known target of Russian death squads – had died in Spain, but gave no further details about the circumstances surrounding his death, although Spanish and Ukrainian media reported that he had been living in Spain under a false name.

In the Kremlin’s first response to Kuzminov’s murder, Sergei Naryshkin, director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), said: “In Russia it is customary to speak well of the dead or not at all.”

But he quickly added: “This traitor and criminal became a moral corpse at the very moment he was planning his dirty and terrible crime.”

Captain Maksim Kuzminov, 28 (pictured), fled Russia with the help of Ukrainian intelligence services.

Ukrainian GUR military intelligence confirmed yesterday that the body of the pilot, a known target of Russian death squads, was found in Spain (pictured)

Ukrainian GUR military intelligence confirmed yesterday that the body of the pilot, a known target of Russian death squads, was found in Spain (pictured)

Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), said:

Sergei Naryshkin, director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), said: “This traitor and criminal became a moral corpse at the very moment he planned his dirty and terrible crime.”

Western leaders say Russia frequently kills those it considers traitors abroad. Moscow says the West has provided no evidence to support such claims.

A Spanish court in Villajoyosa has opened an investigation into the death of the shooting victim, a judicial source told Reuters on Tuesday.

At the time of his death, the victim was carrying documentation identifying him as a 33-year-old Ukrainian citizen, but his identity was still under investigation, the source said.

Kuzminov’s defection to Ukraine was presented last year as a major blow to kyiv. At a press conference in kyiv, he said that he could not understand why his “beloved homeland” would enter a war with Ukraine.

Other aircrew members died during their desertion. Moscow said Kuzminov killed them; He said they panicked and fled, and may have been killed later.

In October, shortly after his dramatic defection, there were public death threats against Kuzminov in Russia, with suggestions that Putin’s secret services would find him and kill him in a final betrayal.

Kuzminov's defection to Ukraine was presented last year as a major blow to kyiv.

Kuzminov’s defection to Ukraine was presented last year as a major blow to kyiv.

Anonymous officers from Russia's GRU Spetsnaz special forces appeared on Moscow state television last year making it clear that a

Anonymous officers from Russia’s GRU Spetsnaz special forces appeared on Moscow state television last year making it clear that an “order” had been given to liquidate Kuzminov.

Last year, anonymous officers from Russia’s GRU Spetsnaz special forces appeared on Moscow state television making it clear that an “order” had been given to liquidate Kuzminov.

State channel Rossiya 1’s Vesti Nedeli channel told viewers in a chilling broadcast: “The order [to kill Captain Kuzminov] was received, its execution is a matter of time.’

A Spetsnaz officer said: “We will find the man and punish him for betraying his brothers to the fullest extent of the law of our country.”

A second officer said: “He won’t live…”

Kuzminov’s wife and family were believed to have been removed from Russia before he defected. It was not known why he was in Spain.

After defecting, Kuzminov became a propaganda trophy for Ukraine.

Kuzminov's wife and family were believed to have been removed from Russia before he defected. It was not known why he was in Spain.

Kuzminov’s wife and family were believed to have been removed from Russia before he defected. It was not known why he was in Spain.

After defecting, Kuzminov became a propaganda trophy for Ukraine.

After defecting, Kuzminov became a propaganda trophy for Ukraine.

He claimed there were no Nazis in Ukraine – a common claim by Putin – and accused the dictator of “genocide” of both Ukrainians and Russians by waging the war.

In a documentary about his daring escape and surrender, he said: ‘I realized I was close to the border.

‘So I gave my location, I said, let’s try it… I had made my final decision… I flew at an extremely low altitude in radio silent mode…’

He said: ‘[I defected because] I am very offended by what is happening now.

‘Murder, tears, blood. Just people killing each other…

‘What is happening now is simply a genocide of the Ukrainian people, both Ukrainian and Russian.

“The basis of my action is not to contribute to these crimes.”

In an interview released by Ukrainian authorities, Kuzimov said: “I contacted representatives of the Ukrainian secret services, explained my situation and they offered me this option: “Come on, we guarantee your safety, we guarantee new documents, we guarantee monetary compensation , a reward”. ‘

He was reportedly promised £400,000 if he defected to Ukraine with Russian military equipment.

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