Home Entertainment KIIS FM staff break the law to keep Kyle Sandilands from losing his licence as the radio presenter’s manager attempts to bribe producer Lachlan Mansell for his demerit points in exchange for money.

KIIS FM staff break the law to keep Kyle Sandilands from losing his licence as the radio presenter’s manager attempts to bribe producer Lachlan Mansell for his demerit points in exchange for money.

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Kyle Sandilands' manager Bruno Bouchet tested the loyalty of KIIS FM staff on Monday by attempting to bribe them into accepting the radio presenter's driving ban.

Kyle Sandilands’ manager Bruno Bouchet tested the loyalty of KIIS FM staff on Monday by attempting to bribe them into accepting the radio presenter’s driving fine.

Last week, Bruno revealed that Kyle had received another speeding ticket and was about to lose his remaining demerit points.

He asked the show’s content assistant, Alfie, if he would break the law and tell police officers he was the one driving the radio presenter’s car.

Alfie agreed and told police he had borrowed Kyle’s car because his vehicle’s fuel pump had broken.

“You’re a real soldier, bro. I’m impressed by you,” Kyle said, adding that Alfie had passed the loyalty test.

Bruno then asked producer Lachlan Mansell if he would accept Kyle’s demerit points in exchange for “a couple of thousand dollars.”

However, Lachie said he would not accept the points because “it is against the law”.

“I can’t do that. It’s against the law and it would mean I would have to die. You could go to jail for that. I have a perfect driving record. No deal,” she told Bruno.

Kyle Sandilands’ manager Bruno Bouchet tested the loyalty of KIIS FM staff on Monday by attempting to bribe them into accepting the radio presenter’s driving ban.

“I’m not going to do anything against the law.”

Kyle then told Lachie he was disappointed by his response, adding: “That shows what a terrible friend and disloyal person he is.”

“My mother also has a perfect driving record and said she would take the point. I have done more for Lachie than I ever did for my mother.”

—Aren’t you grateful for being given a chance at life? —Kyle said.

Bruno asked the show's content assistant, Alfie, if he would tell police officers that he was the one driving the car. Alfie agreed and told police that he had borrowed Kyle's car because his vehicle's fuel pump had broken down.

Bruno asked the show’s content assistant, Alfie, if he would tell police officers that he was the one driving the car. Alfie agreed and told police that he had borrowed Kyle’s car because his vehicle’s fuel pump had broken down.

Bruno confirmed on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Tuesday that the radio host had lost one point but had none left, meaning he automatically loses his licence.

After discovering he had been disqualified from driving, Kyle threatened to leave Australia and live in Los Angeles for three months until his licence was valid again.

He also shared an image of the moment he was caught speeding in a Sydney tunnel and explained that he didn’t realise the speed limit had been lowered from 90km to 80km.

“The speed sensor I used to detect the speed said 90 km, but the one in the tunnel said 80 km,” he insisted.

‘I remember Chris Minns, the Premier of New South Wales, was sitting next to me and he said, “We’re going to increase it to 90km.” And I thought some moron hadn’t updated the sign.’

Co-host Jackie O Henderson asked: “How many points did you lose?”

Kyle later revealed that this was the ninth time he had lost his license.

Bruno asked producer Lachlan Mansell (pictured) if he would accept Kyle's demerit points in exchange for

Bruno asked producer Lachlan Mansell (pictured) if he would accept Kyle’s demerit points in exchange for “a couple of thousand dollars.” However, Lachlan said he wouldn’t accept the points because “it’s illegal.”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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