Home US KENNEDY: How rude of my alma mater, UCLA, to not fire its disgusting ‘Race and Equity’ director for the horrible harassment of the affected Kate! Here’s my recipe for the deranged DEI disease infecting academia…

KENNEDY: How rude of my alma mater, UCLA, to not fire its disgusting ‘Race and Equity’ director for the horrible harassment of the affected Kate! Here’s my recipe for the deranged DEI disease infecting academia…

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When Johnathan Perkins (above) isn't spreading vicious conspiracies about Kate Middleton, the 37-year-old charmer directs UCLA's Race and Equity unit in its Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Meet one of America’s most ghoulish Twitter toads.

He is not your typical social media snake.

Because when Johnathan Perkins isn’t spreading vicious conspiracies about Kate Middleton, the 37-year-old charmer leads UCLA’s ‘Race and Equity’ unit in its Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Oh how my The mighty Bruins have fallen.

Yes, dear reader, I am a UCLA alumna. And I demand to know: How is it possible that the number one public university in the country is filled with so many number twos?

If UCLA EDI sounds like a condition that can be cured with antibiotics, you’re on the right track. And this is a very itchy case.

On campus, Perkins is tasked with “upholding dignity” and fostering “understanding, compassion and inclusion.” But to borrow a lefty bumper sticker, he’s not living your truth.

“Personally, I do NOT believe Kate Middleton has had or has cancer,” the armchair oncologist posted to his 31,000 “X” followers after the Princess of Wales revealed her diagnosis last month.

When Johnathan Perkins (above) isn't spreading vicious conspiracies about Kate Middleton, the 37-year-old charmer directs UCLA's Race and Equity unit in its Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

When Johnathan Perkins (above) isn’t spreading vicious conspiracies about Kate Middleton, the 37-year-old charmer leads UCLA’s ‘Race and Equity’ unit in its Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

That’s not very dignified, Johnny.

Worse yet, Perkins is a cancer survivor. He would expect a little more compassion.

But wait, things get even uglier.

UCLA’s EDI guidelines strictly prohibit harassment for “cancer-related” medical conditions.

However, Perkins has repulsively questioned “whether Kate Middleton is still alive” and has accused the Royal Family of “using the Cancer Card” to “silence speculation.”

Ruhroh. Sounds like textbook “bullying” to me.

‘Wait, isn’t Kate Middleton supposed to get up today?’ she tweeted on Easter Sunday.

Religious jokes about the resurrection!

How “inclusive” of them, if not absurdly hypocritical.

Perkins apparently has fits of rage whenever he thinks someone is messing with Me-Me Madame of Montecito.

—Do you realize that entire departments of the tabloid press are dedicated to making up nonsense about Meghan Markle? she tweeted last month.

For many of these Sussex Squad cheerleaders, their bubbling dislike of Kate seems to be inversely proportional to their obsession with the Baroness of Santa Barbara, and this guy has it bad.

He recently posted: “This is an account of American Princess Meghan Markle Stan.”

When it comes to Wales vs Sussex, this ‘Equity’ official loses all balance.

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1712565047 737 KENNEDY How rude of my alma mater UCLA to not

UCLA’s EDI guidelines strictly prohibit harassment for “cancer-related” medical conditions. However, Perkins has questioned “whether Kate Middleton is still alive” and has accused the Royal Family of “using the Cancer Card” to “silence speculation.”

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1712565047 878 KENNEDY How rude of my alma mater UCLA to not

“I personally DO NOT believe Kate Middleton has had or has cancer,” this armchair oncologist posted on social media after the Princess of Wales revealed her diagnosis last month.

'Wait, isn't Kate Middleton supposed to get up today?' she tweeted on Easter Sunday.

'Wait, isn't Kate Middleton supposed to get up today?' she tweeted on Easter Sunday.

‘Wait, isn’t Kate Middleton supposed to get up today?’ she tweeted on Easter Sunday.

Look, Perkins is clearly upset. But I would be inclined to give him a second chance, if he hadn’t already exhausted his options for human decency.

As a law student at the University of Virginia in 2011, Johnny-boy first became known by claiming in a letter to the student newspaper that he was being racially profiled by campus police.

Weeks later, he recanted and wrote: ‘I wrote the article to draw attention to the issue of police misconduct. The events described in the article did not occur.

He’s the Jussie Smollett of EDI!

In 2017, Perkins backtracked again, saying his story was, in fact, true and that the FBI had pressured him to retract it.

Surely UCLA has axed this gimmick after DailyMail.com exposed their Katespiracies in an article published earlier this week… right?


This fantasist still enjoys his $126,000 EDI salary.

A university spokesperson told the Mail: “Statements regarding [Perkins’s] The personal social media account does not reflect the views of the university.

So, UCLA, are you telling me that if an employee pushed anti-COVID vax lingo while working as a promoter for Alex Jones, it would be a piece of cake if it were on ‘personal social media’ accounts?

I doubt it.

The truth is that the leviathans of DEI have been strangling common sense in academia for some time now.

First-year UCLA medical students were recently forced to attend lectures by a crazy pro-Hamas radical named Lisa Gray-García, who ranted about “structural racism” and “crapitalism” (what a clever suitcase !) and directs America’s future doctors. in chants of ‘Free, Free Palestine’.

Perkins fits right in with these sentiment-first propagandists, who are truly anomalous with the legendary, politically agnostic university I once knew.

How do we fix these dilapidated psycho asylums?

KENNEDY How rude of my alma mater UCLA to not

KENNEDY How rude of my alma mater UCLA to not

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1712565048 169 KENNEDY How rude of my alma mater UCLA to not

Well, financier Ross Stevens reportedly threatened to rescind a $100 million donation to the University of Pennsylvania after President Liz Magill refused to condemn anti-Semitism on campus.

Lo and behold, Lizzy lost her job.

Harvard boss Claudine Gay was expelled after she waded into that same pile of anti-Israel garbage and then piled a stinking ball of plagiarism on top.

These holier-than-thou institutions seem to respond when people with their names emblazoned on libraries turn on the money spigot.

So where are the rich and fed up alumni willing to remember their gifts about Perkins and his complete lack of integrity?

Sing with me:

Greetings to all our Bruin Warriors,

Sons and daughters lead the way,

Who we are and what we represent makes us proud today,

Struggle! Struggle! Struggle!

I, for one, will not just watch these shameless radicals destroy the school I love.

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