Home Australia Kennedy family feud exposed: JFK Jr.’s sister Caroline didn’t think Carolyn Bessette was ‘good enough’ for her brother because of her ‘upper-middle-class’ upbringing

Kennedy family feud exposed: JFK Jr.’s sister Caroline didn’t think Carolyn Bessette was ‘good enough’ for her brother because of her ‘upper-middle-class’ upbringing

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Caroline Kennedy did not believe that Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was

Friends of the Kennedys have revealed details of a fierce family feud, revealing that Caroline Kennedy did not believe Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was “good enough” for her brother, John F. Kennedy Jr., because she had had an “upper-middle-class” upbringing.

When news hit the web that JFK Jr. was dating Carolyn, the advertising director of Calvin Klein, the entire world was captivated by the couple.

Paparazzi followed them in droves as the media covered their every move, but there was one person who didn’t seem to approve of the couple: JFK Jr.’s older sister, Caroline.

According to friends of the late couple, Caroline refused to accept her brother’s new romance until the wedding, and even after they tied the knot, it became clear that she didn’t like the fashion guru very much.

JFK Jr.’s friend Sasha Chermayeff revealed in the new tome, JFK Jr.: An Intimate Biography, that Caroline did not like that Carolyn came from an “upper-middle-class background that was not blue blood.”

Caroline Kennedy did not believe Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was “good enough” for her brother JFK Jr., who is shown here with Carolyn, Caroline and her husband, Edwin Schlossberg.

According to friends of the late couple, Caroline refused to accept her brother's new romance until the wedding, and even after they were married, she was not overly fond of Carolyn.

According to friends of the late couple, Caroline refused to accept her brother’s new romance until the wedding, and even after they were married, she was not overly fond of Carolyn.

“Carolyn was beautiful, intense, funny, smart, but if you could criticize her for one thing, it would be that she came from… an upper-middle-class background in Connecticut that was not blue blood,” Sasha wrote.

“It was clear to me that Caroline was not going to accept Carolyn until the last minute, until she had no other choice, until she was standing at the fucking altar and there was no doubt that she was part of the family.”

Sasha said Caroline found her husband’s sister “patronising” and added: “I don’t think there was a lot of love between (Carolyn) and Caroline.”

Acclaimed author Steven M. Gillon, who previously studied JFK Jr.’s life in detail for his own book, America’s Reluctant Prince: The Life of John F. Kennedy Jr., also weighed in on the topic throughout the new biography.

“Caroline didn’t think Carolyn was good enough for John; she and (husband Edwin Schlossberg) just thought she was temperamental and selfish,” she said.

She recalled one occasion when the two couples gathered to celebrate Christmas together, but Caroline felt “disrespected” after Carolyn and Ed left the gathering early.

‘Carolyn was really worried[about impressing Caroline]and had all these gifts for them,’ Steven shared.

“They came to see us and Caroline and Ed left within an hour to attend a sporting event or something. Carolyn thought that was disrespectful.”

JFK Jr.'s friend Sasha Chermayeff revealed in a new volume that Caroline did not like that Carolyn came from a

JFK Jr.’s friend Sasha Chermayeff revealed in a new volume that Caroline did not like that Carolyn came from an “upper-middle-class background.” JFK Jr. and Caroline are seen as children

Sasha said that Caroline considered her husband's sister to be

Sasha said Caroline found her husband’s sister “patronising” and added: “I don’t think there was much love between (Carolyn) and Caroline.” The couple pictured in 1999

According to the book, there were also growing tensions between JFK Jr. and Caroline’s husband, Ed.

They allegedly fought over an auction at which John Jr. planned to sell “his mother’s estate after her death.”

“They needed to pay taxes – a lot of money – on Martha’s Vineyard, so they needed to sell a lot of items,” Steven said.

‘John wanted a private auction; he didn’t want the media attention of a public auction.

According to the book, there were also growing tensions between JFK Jr. and Caroline's husband, Ed. Ed is seen with Caroline last year.

According to the book, there were also growing tensions between JFK Jr. and Caroline’s husband, Ed. Ed is seen with Caroline last year.

“Ed thought a public auction would raise more money, and rightly so. What bothered John was that Ed was the one making the decision: he believed that he and Caroline were the only people who should make decisions related to the family.

“And he resented Caroline for delegating some of that responsibility to Ed.”

Steve said John Jr. also “went nuts” after Ed volunteered him to narrate an HBO documentary about his father, the late President John F. Kennedy, on the anniversary of his assassination.

“They chose John because they basically proposed him as a narrator, without asking him,” added RoseMarie Terenzio, a former aide to JFK Jr.

JFK Jr.’s friend Rob Littell said the budding lawyer felt Ed was “exploiting the family name.”

Sasha also chimed in: ‘John thought Ed was entitled and was driving a wedge between him and his sister.

‘John was very close to his sister and suddenly they weren’t talking to each other. Up until that point, no one had created a rift between John and his sister, and John resented that greatly.

Carolyn was like, “Fuck them. They’re putting you down, they’re bossing you around.” She was going to escalate that, because she was all about protection.

‘John stayed with Carolyn. Caroline stayed with Ed. The breakup was a deep wound.’

Throughout the book, friends also revealed the hilarious way JFK Jr.'s aunt Lee Radziwill got revenge on him and Carolyn after they didn't invite her to their wedding. She is seen in 1976

Throughout the book, friends also revealed the hilarious way JFK Jr.’s aunt Lee Radziwill got revenge on him and Carolyn after they didn’t invite her to their wedding. She is seen in 1976

His aide said Lee (seen here with JFK Jr.'s mother) gave the couple

His aide said Lee (seen here with JFK Jr.’s mother) gave the couple “scrunchies and hair clips” for Christmas that year, saying, “That was my (my) fuck you for not inviting me.”

JFK Jr. and Carolyn tragically passed away in a shocking plane crash in 1999.

Throughout the book, friends also revealed the hilarious way Lee Radziwill got revenge on JFK Jr. and Carolyn after they didn’t invite her to their wedding.

The couple secretly married in September 1996, but JFK Jr.’s aunt Lee was not present at the nuptials.

According to RoseMarie, JFK Jr. did not invite Lee because he “didn’t trust her to keep it confidential.”

And the socialite made her disdain for the decision clear when they reunited to celebrate Christmas a few months later.

“That Christmas, after the wedding, they exchanged gifts, Carolyn and Lee at her apartment,” Rose explained.

‘Carolyn gave her a Hermes blanket and Carolyn opened Lee’s gift and it was a box of Duane Reade hair clips. Duane Reade hair scrunchies and hair clips, like the Goody hair clips.

Carolyn said, “I actually think this is pretty funny.” (Lee) said, “You know what that was, don’t you, honey? That was my ‘fuck you’ for not inviting me to your wedding. How dare you?”

“I’m sure Lee, who cared about appearances, was embarrassed that she hadn’t been invited to John’s wedding.”

DailyMail.com has contacted Caroline’s representatives for comment.

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