Home Entertainment Katie Price ‘alarms neighbours’ in rural Sussex over mounting rubbish outside her new £5,000 a month rental – just six months after relocating from her ‘Mucky Mansion’

Katie Price ‘alarms neighbours’ in rural Sussex over mounting rubbish outside her new £5,000 a month rental – just six months after relocating from her ‘Mucky Mansion’

Katie Price appears to have made herself right at home after swapping her famous 'Mucky Mansion' for an elegant Tudor property in the Sussex countryside (pictured)

Katie Price appears to have made herself right at home after swapping her famous ‘Mucky Mansion’ for an elegant Tudor-style property in the Sussex countryside.

The former glamor model, who filed for bankruptcy for the second time in 2024, is understood to rent the sprawling home at a cost of £5,000 a month.

Price, 46, originally abandoned his £2million family home last May after claiming vandals had poured corrosive acid on his car while it was parked outside the property.

The nine-bedroom detached house, known as Mucky Mansion due to its sorry state, later sold for £1.5 million in December.

And new images of its current address reveal telltale signs of the same mess, with bloated garbage bags surrounding an overflowing wheelie bin.

Large pieces of masonry and empty cardboard boxes can also be seen on the lawn and next to the house, next to a folded wheelchair, possibly used by Price after breaking both of his feet while on holiday in Turkey.

Katie Price appears to have made herself right at home after swapping her famous ‘Mucky Mansion’ for an elegant Tudor property in the Sussex countryside (pictured)

The former glamor model, who filed for bankruptcy for the second time in 2024, is understood to rent the sprawling home at a cost of £5,000 a month.

The former glamor model, who filed for bankruptcy for the second time in 2024, is understood to rent the sprawling home at a cost of £5,000 a month.

New images of his current address reveal telltale signs of the same mess at his old home, with stacks of bloated trash bags surrounding an overflowing trash bin.

New images of his current address reveal telltale signs of the same mess at his old home, with piles of bloated trash bags surrounding an overflowing trash bin.

And neighbors are understood to be alarmed by the increasing rubbish, just six months after she moved into the property.

Price had previously admitted that he was unable to obtain car insurance after six driving bands and numerous speeding tickets.

But the black Nissan Jeep he recently hired from a local car rental service appeared to be parked in the road, along with four additional vehicles.

Before Price’s exit from her ex last May, a source told The Sun: “Katie has been dreading this day for a long time, but now that it’s here, she can’t wait to leave.”

‘The house has caused her a lot of pain and it was too much to handle alone. With work and kids it all became too much in the last few years. And she is convinced that it is haunted.

The former glamor model was declared bankrupt for the second time in March 2024 over an unpaid tax bill of £761,994.05.

Speaking of the West Sussex property, he said: “I absolutely hate Mucky Mansion, even how they call it Mucky Mansion because of all the things that happened there before.

‘I can’t wait to get out of that house. I’ve had nothing but bad memories in that house for nine years. I hate Mucky Mansion, I never want to see it again and I can’t wait to move into my new place, I’m so excited. New beginnings, fresh start, reset button, I love it.

Garbage appeared to be piling up outside the home, with trash bags and various items, including a folded wheelchair, evident around the perimeter.

Garbage appeared to be piling up outside the home, with trash bags and various items, including a folded wheelchair, evident around the perimeter.

His former home, a nine-bedroom detached house (pictured), known as Mucky Mansion due to its sorry state, sold for £1.5million in December.

His former home, a nine-bedroom detached house (pictured), known as Mucky Mansion due to its sorry state, sold for £1.5million in December.

Katie Price’s financial problems

2019 – Katie was declared bankrupt with debts of £3.2m from her failed company Jordan Trading Ltd, which was set up to oversee her line of perfumes and cosmetics.

He set up the company in 2003, but in 2017 an application was made to liquidate it while he tried to sort out his finances.

When it was declared bankrupt, it promised to repay £12,000 a month to the company’s creditors through an individual voluntary agreement.

The bankruptcy meant Katie, once worth £45million, faced losing her £2million, 11-bedroom mansion.

He took out a second mortgage on the property in 2015 but was faced with monthly payments of £12,300.

1737549940 793 Katie Price alarms neighbours in rural Sussex over mounting rubbish

2022 – The former model had to appear before the Royal Court of Justice to explain to a judge why she has not paid the millions she owes to her creditors.

However, the hearing was adjourned at the last minute and her lawyers gave no reason why Katie did not appear in court.

March 2024 – Was declared bankrupt again over an unpaid tax bill of £761,994.05. The demand for payment was made by HMRC in October 2023.

The bill “derives from self-assessments” for the years 2020-2021 and 2021-22 and includes VAT, taxes, surcharges and interest.

Insolvency and Companies Court judge Sebastian Prentis told the hearing at London’s Rolls Building: “There has been no response from the debtor. The papers are in order.

“Ms Price has a substantial debt to HMRC and I will therefore be making a bankruptcy order.”

May 2024: Katie is evicted from her home after receiving a notice and giving her weeks to leave. She was told bailiffs will arrive at 10am on May 29 to ensure she and the other occupants have left the property.

A rear view of the Sussex property that Price moved to in 2024, after receiving an eviction notice from his former home.

A rear view of the Sussex property that Price moved to in 2024, after receiving an eviction notice from his former home.

The black Nissan Jeep he recently hired from a local car rental service appeared to be parked in the road, along with other vehicles.

The black Nissan Jeep he recently hired from a local car rental service appeared to be parked in the road, along with other vehicles.

‘But don’t worry, I will present my new house on my YouTube channel when I receive the keys and I will welcome you to my new house. I can’t wait, I just want to get rid of all the bad things in my house. the past and have a new beginning.

“Although I would love a big caravan, we wouldn’t all fit in, so it’s definitely not a caravan I’m moving into.”

Price was given until June 26 to vacate his former home after receiving an eviction notice, but left early following the alleged attack on his car.

Price, 46, originally abandoned his £2million family home last May after claiming vandals had poured corrosive acid on his car while it was parked outside the property.

Price, 46, originally abandoned his £2million family home last May after claiming vandals had poured corrosive acid on his car while it was parked outside the property.

The former glamor model filed for bankruptcy for the second time in March over an unpaid tax bill.

The former glamor model filed for bankruptcy for the second time in March over an unpaid tax bill.

Price shares two children, Jett and Bunny, with her ex Kieran. She is also the mother of Junior and Princess from her marriage to Peter Andre and Harvey, whose father is Dwight Yorke.

Price shares two children, Jett and Bunny, with her ex Kieran. She is also the mother of Junior and Princess from her marriage to Peter Andre and Harvey, whose father is Dwight Yorke.

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