Home US Karine Jean-Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after he asked if Biden has dementia and peppered White House press secretary about gas prices going up

Karine Jean-Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after he asked if Biden has dementia and peppered White House press secretary about gas prices going up

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White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre quickly ended a phone interview after being asked if Biden has dementia, followed by a question about inflation, telling a radio host to have a day
  • Charlotte radio host Mark Garrison interviewed Jean-Pierre on Tuesday
  • He asked if Biden has dementia and about inflation
  • ‘Oops, she hung up’



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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly ended an interview with a North Carolina radio host who asked her about inflation after launching an “incredibly offensive” question about whether President Biden has dementia.

Jean-Pierre called Mark Garrison of Charlotte radio station WBT AM on Tuesday, a day when the president was visiting the state. But she didn’t hang up immediately when he asked, “Does the president have dementia?”

‘I can’t even believe you’re asking me this question. “It’s an incredibly offensive question.” she started, before scolding him: ‘No, no, no, you’re leading us down this rabbit hole.’ Let me be very clear about this.’

As he does during his regular briefings, Jean-Pierre tried to steer his response toward the president’s record, rather than a series of physical stumbles amid polls showing voter concern about the 81-year-old president’s age while fight against 77. Donald Trump.

Karine Jean Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre quickly ended a phone interview after being asked if Biden has dementia, followed by a question about inflation, telling a radio host to have an “amazing” day. .

“This is a president, if you watch him every day, if you really pay attention to his record, to what he’s done, you’ll see exactly how focused he’s been on the American people.”

The question is not what caused the quick end of the call. It was a direct question about inflation after mentioning grocery store prices. “How does Mr. Biden win votes when people don’t have as much disposable income?” Garrison asked, a day when a new poll found Biden winning in swing states but still trailing Trump in North Carolina.

‘The president understands it. He grew up in a working-class, middle-class family in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “He understands it,” he said, before defending the measures he took on gas prices.

“We are in a different situation than a year ago in terms of prices for fuel, eggs, milk and seafood.”

Then he abruptly ended the call. “Thank you so much, Mark, have an amazing day,” she said, followed by a loud dial tone as she ended the call in the clip that aired.

“Oops, he hung up,” Garrison said.

“As she often does when the president travels, Karine had multiple consecutive interviews with radio stations that were offered seven minutes each,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement.

‘Once the agreed time was up, he called the next interview so everyone could have their full time. “This particular station chose not to air the entire interview and instead artificially added a sound effect that our phones don’t make when calls end,” he said.

1711546172 108 Karine Jean Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after

1711546172 108 Karine Jean Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after

“Wow, she hung up,” host Mark Garrison said.

1711546173 557 Karine Jean Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after

1711546173 557 Karine Jean Pierre HANGS UP on North Carolina radio host after

“Whoa, he hung up,” said Mark Garrison of Charlotte AM radio station WBT.

The interview occurred while Bide was campaigning in North Carolina.

The interview occurred while Bide was campaigning in North Carolina.

The interview occurred while Bide was campaigning in North Carolina.

Inflation rose to 3.2 percent in February compared to last year, a drop in the inflation rate but still a major concern for Americans and a political problem for Biden. But consumer prices rose nearly 20 percent from January 2020 to January 2024.

If Jean-Pierre had taken a quick look at Garrison’s page “biological boys shouldn’t play with girls.” Sport teams.’ He also reposted a Newsmax podcast about the Biden administration blaming Donald Trump for Afghanistan.

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