Home US Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden ‘misspeaks’ when he says he met dead people: Insists Joe, 81, never confuses names and his mental state isn’t in decline – after claiming TWICE in a week he saw deceased global leaders

Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden ‘misspeaks’ when he says he met dead people: Insists Joe, 81, never confuses names and his mental state isn’t in decline – after claiming TWICE in a week he saw deceased global leaders

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Mixtape: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spoke of several officials, including herself, who have made mistakes with their names. It was her latest defense of President Biden, 81, after he inserted the late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl into a story.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre adopted the “everybody does it” defense when asked to explain President Biden’s latest gaffe in confusing world leaders during a speech.

Jean-Pierre was repeatedly pressed over the latest mistake, as it involved mentioning the name of a long-dead world leader for the second time in a few days while retelling a story dating back to 2021.

“As far as the names and what I was trying to say, a lot of people, elected officials, a lot of people can sometimes misspeak,” he said.

He then mentioned several politicians, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, who have mixed up names in public. He even brought up some of his own mistakes, including repeatedly mixing up the names of USA Today reporters sitting at the front of the meeting room.

Mixtape: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spoke of several officials, including herself, who have made mistakes with their names. It was her latest defense of President Biden, 81, after he inserted the late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl into a story.

It came after Biden, 81, at a fundraiser in New York on Wednesday night, substituted the name of the late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl for his telling of a story about the 2021 G7 Summit and his statements in a discussion about his own boast that “America is back.” ‘

Kohl died in 2017. Biden intended to mention former Chancellor Angela Merkel.

That came days after the story confused the late former French president Mitterrand with the current one, Emmanuel Macron.

He noted that Johnson mixed up the names of Iran and Israel in an interview.

‘I often call Joe from USA Today “Michael.” Now I call him Jo-Jo,” he joked. This is an inside joke about the name Biden used strangely when she called Joey Garrison.

President Biden has botched the same story over and over again, but he keeps telling it even as he takes heat for the botches.

President Biden has botched the same story over and over again, but he keeps telling it even as he takes heat for the botches.

Sacred blue! Biden accidentally removed French President Emmanuel Macron, seen with his wife Brigitte Macron, from the story. During another iteration, he made reference to the 'president of France'.

Sacred blue! Biden accidentally removed French President Emmanuel Macron, seen with his wife Brigitte Macron, from the story. During another iteration, he made reference to the ‘president of France’.

None of the studies relate to deceased historical figures.

Biden also infamously asked “Where’s Jackie” in 2022 while speaking at an event a month after Rep. Jackie Walorski died in a tragic car accident?

He said Fox News host Sean Hannity had mixed up the names of Republican congressmen.

When asked if he had seen Biden mix up names in private, he said no.

Biden’s latest mistake came at a fundraiser.

‘When I was first elected president, I attended a G7 meeting with the seven heads of state from Europe and Britain. I sat down and said, “Well, America is back,” and the president of France looked at me and said, “For how long?” I never thought of it this way,’ Biden said.

“Then Helmut Kohl of Germany looked at me and said, ‘What would you say, Mr. President, if tomorrow morning you read the Times of London and found out that 1,000 people had broken down the doors of the British Parliament and killed some people?’ on the way,” Biden said.

In Mitterrand’s confusion, Biden was referring to a leader who died 28 years ago. He was in office from 1981 to 1995 and died the following year.

Biden spent 36 years in the Senate and has been in politics for five decades.

Jean-Pierre faced multiple questions about the incident, a sign of how the issue has morphed from a misguided patrol only occasionally referenced in the mainstream media to a broader issue raised by his minor Democratic rival in the Dean Phillips Primary. It was one of the first questions posed by the Associated Press, although Jean-Pierre opted not to call the media that was in tune with the issue on Thursday.

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