Home US Kamala Harris convicted nearly 2,000 people for marijuana violations and sent many to prison. She now laughs at the ‘Kamala Kush’ marijuana strain and says marijuana smokers should not be imprisoned

Kamala Harris convicted nearly 2,000 people for marijuana violations and sent many to prison. She now laughs at the ‘Kamala Kush’ marijuana strain and says marijuana smokers should not be imprisoned

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Kamala Harris appears with ABC host Jimmy Kimmel

Vice President Kamala Harris seemed surprised Tuesday after learning that a special strain of marijuana was named after her, even though she has a history of sending marijuana smokers to jail.

Late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel revealed details to the vice president of the marijuana strain called ‘Kamala Kush’.

“Really? Really? I didn’t know,” he responded, laughing.

Oregon Cannabis Alibi Liza The strain is “earthy and fundamental” and contains “a unique flavor for an active high.”

Kimmel said he was surprised the strain’s developers hadn’t sent him a sample, but Harris said she wasn’t interested.

Kamala Harris appears with ABC host Jimmy Kimmel

“I’m not going to touch that,” she replied, laughing.

Harris repeated her new position that marijuana users should not be prosecuted or sent to prison.

“Look, I think we both agree that people shouldn’t have to go to jail for smoking marijuana,” Harris said.

However, as San Francisco district attorney, Harris indicted more than 1,900 marijuana convictions.

Harris has since supported marijuana legalization despite opposing a 2010 California ballot measure that would legalize recreational use of the drug for adults.

During her interview with Kimmel, Harris denounced previous efforts to stop people from using marijuana.

“There was a time when people said marijuana was a gateway drug,” Harris continued. ‘These are failed policies, right?’

Harris said resources used by law enforcement to enforce marijuana laws should be redirected toward counseling.

1717618582 93 Kamala Harris convicted nearly 2000 people for marijuana violations and

Kamala Harris denounced previous efforts to stop people from using marijuana, criticizing them for describing it as a “gateway drug” to more harmful substances.

A 'Kamala Kush' marijuana plant

Kamala Kush is available for purchase

Kamala Harris seemed surprised to learn that a variety of marijuana was named after her

“Resources should and will be better directed to address opioid addiction and what we need to do around fentanyl,” he said.

‘Get more resources for mental health and mental health care, right? That’s a smarter way.”

Marijuana activists continue to criticize Harris, who finally endorsed the idea of ​​legal marijuana in 2018, just before her failed presidential campaign.

‘Listen, I think it brings joy to a lot of people. And we need more joy,” he said in 2019, building on his previous stance on drug legalization.

US Vice President Kamala Harris gestures while speaking during a campaign event.

US Vice President Kamala Harris gestures while speaking during a campaign event.

Vice President Kamala Harris arrives for fundraising trip to California

Vice President Kamala Harris arrives for fundraising trip to California

Harris hosted rapper Fat Joe at the White House in February for an event to discuss the issue of incarcerating marijuana users.

“She has absolutely no moral authority to speak on this issue,” marijuana legal reform advocate Steve DeAngelo told DailyMail.com at the time.

During the Harris campaign, he celebrated his college marijuana use in an interview with Charlemagne the God on The Breakfast Club.

‘Have. And I inhaled. I inhaled,” he said, admitting to having smoked “a joint.” “It was a long time ago, but yeah.”

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