Home Australia Jackie ‘O’ Henderson shocks her radio co-stars as she reveals her very surprising celebrity crush

Jackie ‘O’ Henderson shocks her radio co-stars as she reveals her very surprising celebrity crush

Jackie 'O' Henderson (pictured) sent her co-stars into a frenzy when she revealed her surprising love for the Hollywood star.

Jackie ‘O’ Henderson sent her co-stars into a frenzy on Tuesday when she revealed her surprising love for Hollywood stars.

The blonde radio star, 49, revealed on The Kyle & Jackie O show that the man of her dreams was Stranger Things star David Harbour, who is also the husband of British singer Lily Allen.

During the segment, Jackie was discussing the actor’s relationship with the Smile hitmaker, 39, after she ended their relationship in December after discovering he was using celebrity dating app Raya.

But Jackie didn’t seem too interested in the breakup of the marriage, instead gushing over David’s appearance.

“That guy is actually very, very attractive,” Jackie said live.

The radio queen’s co-stars were surprised by the revelation of her celebrity crush.

Jackie ‘O’ Henderson (pictured) sent her co-stars into a frenzy when she revealed her surprising love for the Hollywood star.

‘Wait, you think he’s really attractive? Like the lumberjack look, right? newsreader Brooklyn Ross asked.

‘Yeah! Yes. A tall, masculine man. “It looks grayish and masculine,” Jackie replied.

“He has that energy and he and Lily have been together for many years.”

Lily has since checked into a US trauma clinic following their split after telling friends she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The Mail on Sunday revealed that the singer’s mental health deteriorated significantly after she recently returned from a holiday to her marital home in New York.

While at his Brooklyn home, it was revealed that Lily was feeling “triggered” by the idea of ​​him being elsewhere in the city with another woman.

A source said: “It was very painful for Lily to return home. David used to be her savior and now he is a trigger for her. Lily settled her children into the family home and took them to school for their new term, then flew straight away. to rehab. She arrived a day early because she felt shaky and desperate to escape.

She will spend several weeks at the residential retreat in the US, where she is expected to participate in intensive group counseling and individual therapy sessions in which she will be urged to “unpack” her emotions.

The blonde radio star, 49, revealed on Tuesday morning's Kyle & Jackie O show that the man of her dreams was Stranger Things star David Harbour.

In the photo: Port of David

The blonde radio star, 49, revealed on Tuesday morning’s Kyle & Jackie O show that the man of her dreams was Stranger Things star David Harbour.

Protected from the outside world (after having handed over her mobile phone), she will also be encouraged to eat healthy and take walks in the countryside.

The latest chapter in the star’s often troubled life has caused dismay among her closest friends, but, as one told me, they hope she is “now on the road to recovery.”

What makes this painful episode particularly disturbing, they say, is that Lily had pinned her hopes for a better life on her husband, who plays heroic police chief Jim Hopper on Netflix’s Stranger Things, after past problems with alcohol and drugs.

Another source said: “She wants to make sure she feels physically well again so she can be there for her daughters as the best mother possible.”

Everyone thinks David is the stable one and Lily is the crazy one. But the reality is that Lily was calmer and more steadfast than ever, until she discovered that her marriage had ended unexpectedly. She is taking the responsible course of action with a trip to a retreat to clear her head.’

Although they did not meet in person, the couple were in contact briefly recently to arrange for David to look after his stepdaughters Ethel, 11, and Marnie, 13, in their mother’s absence. He is close to the girls, who are said to adore him and know little of what happened.

They were hoping their stepfather would accompany them on their Christmas safari in Kenya. But, as this newspaper revealed, he was seen with another woman at a temple in Rishikesh in India, in the foothills of the Himalayas, after having reactivated his dating profile on Raya about a month earlier.

When the actor landed back in the US last week, the mystery woman, believed to be in her twenties, was nowhere to be seen.

Lily, 39, was admitted to a US trauma clinic after breaking up after telling friends she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Lily, 39, was admitted to a US trauma clinic after breaking up after telling friends she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

But after his wife left town, he was seen walking around town with Scarlett Johansson. The pair have been close friends since they appeared together in the 2021 film Black Widow. He was also photographed smoking a cigar.

A source said: “As David strolled around New York smoking cigars and looking carefree, you can only imagine how Lily felt. Her distress was made worse by being around him in Brooklyn.

Earlier this month, Lily became an amateur detective after suspecting her husband of cheating on her.

She herself joined the Raya app and was left in “agony” when she discovered that her husband had already created a profile, which was listed as active for at least a month.

Since then, he told listeners of his BBC podcast: “I’ve been going round and round, and it’s gotten out of control.”

In the same episode, he said he had a panic attack over Christmas and admitted he ran away from a London play he was watching during the interval because he couldn’t “focus on anything except the pain I’m going through.”

The couple first met after the release of Lily’s shocking 2018 memoir, which detailed her drug and alcohol use, her encounters with sex workers during a music tour, and the collapse of her marriage to builder Sam Cooper, the her father two daughters.

After discovering that Sam had quickly moved on with a younger girlfriend (India Windsor-Clive, daughter of the Earl of Plymouth, to whom he is now married), she was said to be determined to find love again.

The Mail on Sunday revealed that the singer's mental health deteriorated significantly after she recently returned from a holiday to her marital home in New York.

The Mail on Sunday revealed that the singer’s mental health deteriorated significantly after she recently returned from a holiday to her marital home in New York.

Earlier this month, Lily became an amateur detective after suspecting her husband of cheating on her and found him in Raya.

Earlier this month, Lily became an amateur detective after suspecting her husband of cheating on her and found him in Raya.

Turning his life around, he overcame his addictions and then met Harbour, a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, through Raya. After a whirlwind romance, she moved into his west London flat during lockdown in 2020.

She has since admitted that it was during this time that she had sex sober for the first time.

When they married in Las Vegas in September 2020, Lily seemed healthy and, according to her friends, happier than ever.

The low-key wedding, with only their two daughters as witnesses, was followed by a reception at an In-N-Out burger joint. Although the ceremony was officiated by an Elvis impersonator, Lily declared that she was serious about marriage and told her friends that she had every intention of staying married to David for the rest of her life.

After moving to New York, she settled into happy worldliness, a joyous novelty after years of traveling the world as a ‘ladette’ pop star.

Enjoying the relative anonymity of living in the United States, where she is much less famous than her 49-year-old husband, she became a housewife. Weekends were spent cooking extravagant Sunday roasts for the family.

At the school gates, other mothers saw her simply as the real wife of television host Jim Hopper. At least on the outside everything seemed perfect.

However, in recent months, listeners to Lily’s podcast, Miss Me? He began to suspect that not everything was as it seemed in his marriage.

David and Lily on their wedding day in 2020, followed by a reception at an In-N-Out burger joint.

David and Lily on their wedding day in 2020, followed by a reception at an In-N-Out burger joint.

While he has never specifically spoken about the cracks in their relationship, he has dropped some subtle hints.

In July, Lily confessed that David made unusual requests for “kinky sex” in the bedroom, which she rejected.

Speaking to her co-presenter and best friend Miquita, she said: ‘I wonder if I embarrass my husband. Because very often he asks for things and I say, “No, honey, that’s not going to happen.”

Her husband made a cameo in another episode that month. At first he gushed about his wife, but then revealed that she might be too needy, which gave him “puck.” A few months later, Lily repeatedly mentioned that she was feeling sad, but did not elaborate.

In October she stopped wearing her wedding ring and a month later, things became clearer when she admitted last month: “I’m going through a bit of a tough time right now.” But I’m trying to move on.

He had previously told how his daughters were in the line of fire of his emotional state. ‘I exploded and screamed at the children. I thought, ‘I can’t handle this right now; I’m going through so much that I need you two to behave.’

Another clue to the cause of her confusion came when Lily announced, “I’m so bored of men.”

At the same time, a source told The Mail on Sunday that Lily was “struggling” with life.

A source told The Mail on Sunday that Lily was 'struggling' with life.

A source told The Mail on Sunday that Lily was ‘struggling’ with life.

Now he has even confessed: ‘when life is hard… having to keep things together is really, really difficult. We’ll get through it and we’ll be fine.’

A source said: ‘Thankfully Lily has not relapsed into drugs and alcohol during this ordeal. But he will spend the next few weeks receiving a lot of therapy, which he desperately needs. After a wonderful holiday with her children in Kenya, albeit without David, she returned to London to spend time with old friends and family.

“After that he flew to New York and that’s when, frankly, he felt on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She feels insecure and thinks David may have a girl with him in New York.

“People tend to think of him as TV’s Mr. Nice Guy, a great dad, and a real-life version of Stranger Things’ good cop. But in reality the way their breakup occurred was neither honorable nor kind and has left her totally shocked.’

David has had a well-documented battle with alcoholism and bipolar disorder in the past and was, by his own admission, a “terrible human being” before he became clean.

The source added: “Lily has always been there for David, holding his hand through his professional or personal ups and downs. That’s what marriage means to her.

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