Home Australia Italian soccer legend Roberto Baggio is hospitalized after being attacked by armed robbers who broke into his villa, locked up his family and stole jewelry while they were watching the Euro 2024 match against Spain on television.

Italian soccer legend Roberto Baggio is hospitalized after being attacked by armed robbers who broke into his villa, locked up his family and stole jewelry while they were watching the Euro 2024 match against Spain on television.

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Roberto Baggio (pictured) had to go to hospital to be treated for his forehead injury, for which he received stitches

Italian football legend Roberto Baggio has been hospitalized after being attacked by armed robbers who broke into his home and locked up his family while they watched last night’s Euro 2024 match between Italy and Spain.

Baggio, 57, was at his home in Altavilla Vicentina, a small town in northern Italy about an hour’s drive from Venice, around 10 p.m. local time, when the gang of five burst in.

While Il Divin Codino, The Divine Ponytail in English, tried to fight off the thugs, he was hit on the head with the butt of a gun, before he and his family were locked in a room.

Thieves stole watches, jewelery and money, the value of which is currently unknown, from the isolated farm where he and his family have lived for 15 years.

The former striker managed to get his family out of the room in which they were locked, but not before the thieves escaped. Corriere della Sera He reported that the robbery occurred over 40 minutes.

Roberto Baggio (pictured) had to go to hospital to be treated for his forehead injury, for which he received stitches

Baggio and his family (pictured) were locked in a room by thieves

Baggio and his family (pictured) were locked in a room by thieves

The robbery occurred during last night's Euro 2024 match between Italy and Spain (pictured)

The robbery occurred during last night’s Euro 2024 match between Italy and Spain (pictured)

Investigating police officers were provided with CCTV footage to assist in their investigation.

Meanwhile, Baggio had to go to a hospital in Arzignano, about eight kilometers from his home, to receive treatment for his forehead injury, for which he received stitches.

While none of his family members were injured, local media reported that they were left terrified by the incident at their home, which is reportedly located on an isolated piece of land surrounded by countryside and forests.

Baggio and his family have not yet commented on the shocking robbery.

The Italian legend spent his entire 22-year sporting career in Italy, playing for the country’s three most decorated clubs, Juventus, AC Milan and Inter Milan, as well as other smaller clubs.

He won two Serie A titles during this time.

An injury in 1985, just three years into his career, threatened to end his time as a footballer. The incident changed him profoundly and he converted from Catholicism to Buddhism.

He married his long-time partner, Andreina Fabbi (pictured) in 1989.

He married his long-time partner, Andreina Fabbi (pictured) in 1989.

The couple had three children together: Valentina (pictured, center left), born in 1990, Mattia (pictured, center right), born in 1994, and Leonardo (pictured, left), born in 2005.

The couple had three children together: Valentina (pictured, center left), born in 1990, Mattia (pictured, center right), born in 1994, and Leonardo (pictured, left), born in 2005.

Baggio spent his entire 22-year sporting career in Italy

Baggio spent his entire 22-year sporting career in Italy

He is often considered one of the best players in the world.

He is often considered one of the best players in the world.

Baggio was known as The Divine Ponytail, a nickname given to him for his extravagant haircut.

Baggio was known as The Divine Ponytail, a nickname given to him for his extravagant haircut.

His religion became such a deep part of his identity that he proudly wore the colors of his religious school, Nichiren Buddhism, on his captain’s armband.

The band also carried the Japanese motto “We win”. We must win.’

But he never abandoned his Catholic roots and married his long-time partner, Andreina Fabbi, in 1989 in a Catholic ceremony.

The couple had three children: Valentina, born in 1990, Mattia, born in 1994, and Leonardo, born in 2005.

In addition to being a successful footballer, he was a businessman and owner of a sporting goods store in Thiene, Vicenza, called Baggio Sport, which had to close in 2012 after a series of losses following the global recession of 2008.

All of his children live with him on his remote farm in northern Italy.

All of his children live with him on his remote farm in northern Italy.

Despite his belief in Buddhism, he married his wife in a Roman Catholic ceremony.

Despite his belief in Buddhism, he married his wife in a Roman Catholic ceremony.

After retiring from football, he became a senior official of the Italian Football Federation, presiding over the organization’s technical section.

But in 2013, after three years in the role, he resigned, alleging that the sporting body did not listen to his recommendations on how to nurture young talent.

Outside of football, he is heavily involved in charity work. He was named a Goodwill Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and helped fund hospitals, raise money for disaster victims and raise funds to combat bird flu.

The Divine Ponytail has also used his football skills to raise money for charities, taking part in several fundraising matches, including a 2008 friendly between Milan and Florentina which raised money for ALS treatment.

He also participated in the 2014 Peace Party in Rome, to raise funds for Scholas, a project that aims to connect schools and educational networks of different cultures and beliefs around the world.

Baggio played alongside Diego Maradona, Carlos Valderrama, Zinedine Zidane, Lionel Messi and Andrea Pirlo.

He received the 2010 Man of Peace Award for his charitable and social justice work, which was presented at the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Hiroshima, Japan.

More to follow.

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