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Is it rude to film on a Disney ride? Etiquette expert weighs in on the controversial theme park topic

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Is it rude to take videos while you're out and about at Disney World? Etiquette expert Myka Meier has weighed in on the controversial topic exclusively for DailyMail.com

Is it rude to take videos while you’re out and about at Disney World? An etiquette expert weighed in on the controversial topic.

Between YouTube and TikTok, amusement park vlogging has become extremely popular.

But pulling out your phone to record in the middle of a ride can ruin the experience and be quite annoying for other guests, which begs the question: is it acceptable to film while you’re on an attraction?

Fortunately, etiquette expert. Myka Meier has spoken about the issue exclusively to DailyMail.com and said it really “depends on the circumstances.”

Is it rude to take videos while you’re out and about at Disney World? Etiquette expert Myka Meier has weighed in on the controversial topic exclusively for DailyMail.com

Between YouTube and TikTok, amusement park vlogging has become extremely popular

Between YouTube and TikTok, amusement park vlogging has become extremely popular

Between YouTube and TikTok, amusement park vlogging has become extremely popular

He explained that it all comes down to a few key things, including whether or not it’s safe and whether it will “distract from others’ enjoyment of the trip.”

“Filming on a theme park attraction can be okay or considered rude depending on the circumstances,” he explained.

‘First of all, make sure it is allowed. Many theme park attractions (especially roller coasters) do not allow cameras or filming, mainly for safety reasons, but also to not distract from others who are also on the attraction.

‘If there are signs saying no filming or recording, it would be considered rude to do so. Consider whether the trip is actually appropriate for filming.

“For example, on a slow, scenic ride, filming may be more acceptable than on a fast, intense roller coaster, where your focus should be on safety and not losing control of the camera and seriously injuring yourself or others. “.

Myka, who teaches classes on proper etiquette through her company. Beaumont label – added that “anything that makes the trip less enjoyable for others is inconsiderate” and should be avoided.

She advised against filming in dark attractions because the light from the screen could negatively affect the attraction for others, and also warned against blocking people’s views with your phone.

“Holding a camera or phone can block the view of those sitting behind you, distracting and frustrating other cyclists,” he continued.

Myka said that

Myka said that “anything that makes the trip less enjoyable for others is inconsiderate” and should be avoided.

He advised against filming in dark attractions because the light from the screen could negatively affect the attraction for others, and warned against blocking people's views.

He advised against filming in dark attractions because the light from the screen could negatively affect the attraction for others, and warned against blocking people’s views.

‘In addition, the light from the screens on a dark trip can detract from the experience for all participants.

‘If you plan to film friends or family during the trip, make sure they are comfortable being filmed.

‘Respect their wishes if they prefer not to be filmed. Not everyone on a rollercoaster wants their shocked faces captured forever on camera.’

If you search 'Disney ride' on TikTok, thousands of videos taken at the various attractions appear.

If you search ‘Disney ride’ on TikTok, thousands of videos taken at the various attractions appear.

She said if you plan to record, try to make it as “quick and discreet” as possible, and consider using a go-pro or hands-free camera that attaches to your clothing.

“Instead of continuously recording the entire trip, record short video clips to lessen the distraction of others,” he suggested.

‘Avoid selfie sticks or holding your phones; It can be very distracting and considered rude when traveling.

‘Instead, hold the phone low or close to your body and out of the reach and sight of others.

“Or use a go-pro or hands-free camera that attaches to your clothing so you don’t block others’ view with your hands.”

About Disney planning websiteencourages visitors to record videos “of Walt Disney World theme parks and resorts,” but does not mention the attractions specifically.

It says that “recording for unapproved commercial purposes” is prohibited, adding: “If the recording is done for personal reasons, it is absolutely acceptable.”

However, certain attractions, such as Space Mountain and TRON at Magic Kingdom, state that “no carry-on or loose items, including cell phones and cameras, are permitted while riding,” so it’s important to check each attraction’s rules.

In February, a debate over the law broke out after someone complained on Reddit and claimed that someone using their phone had forced

In February, a debate over the law broke out after someone complained on Reddit and claimed that someone using their phone had forced a trip to be “shut down.”

Is it rude to film on a Disney ride Etiquette

Someone else explained in the comments section that

Someone else explained in the comments section that “90 percent of the time a vehicle breaks down it’s because someone drops something.”

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1715451222 11 Is it rude to film on a Disney ride Etiquette

Many others took to the comments section to complain about the issue.

Many others took to the comments section to complain about the issue.

1715451222 488 Is it rude to film on a Disney ride Etiquette

Others, however, defended the act. One comment read: 'I film my kids in teacups every time.' 'And I watch those videos ALL the time. I'm sorry, I'm not sorry'

Others, however, defended the act. One comment read: ‘I film my kids in teacups every time.’ ‘And I watch those videos ALL the time. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry’

If you search ‘Disney ride’ on TikTok, thousands of videos taken at the various attractions appear.

In February, a debate over the law broke out after a park visitor complained on Reddit and claimed that someone using their phone had forced an attraction to “shut down.”

‘Why is it so hard for people not to use their phone when traveling?’ the user posted on the Disneyland subreddit.

‘It’s the epitome of self-centered behavior that results in significant inconvenience to others over a stupid Insta post that no one but you cares about. Arrest.’

While the poster didn’t elaborate on how someone using their phone on the trip caused it to turn off, someone else explained in the comments section that 90 percent of the time a trip breaks down it’s because someone leaves fall something ‘

“It is actually rare for a vehicle to break down due to some type of mechanical problem,” they stated.

“It usually happens when someone drops something or a safety mechanism is triggered because ride vehicles are not being dispatched quickly enough from the boarding station.”

Many others took to the comments section to complain about the issue.

“And even if they don’t drop their phones during the ride, they have the flash on while recording the ride and blind people while waving their phones around,” someone else fumed.

“Even if the flash is off, the screen is super bright,” chimed in another user. “I’ve been on many rides or even worse, watching the beautiful, serene snowflakes dance around the castle at night, holding my daughter.” , caught in the magic of the moment, then someone’s screen is eight inches from my face because she’s holding her phone in the air right in front of me to film the ENTIRE show. Enjoy the magic of the moment, for God’s sake.

Award-winning theme park journalist and travel expert Carlye Wisel previously told People magazine that she thinks it's totally fine to shoot videos of Disney attractions.

Award-winning theme park journalist and travel expert Carlye Wisel previously told People magazine that she thinks it’s totally fine to shoot videos of Disney attractions.

She told the publication that she believes it should not be

She told the publication that she believes guests should not be “expected to put away their devices” while traveling.

But the journalist added that those who try to record video must be

But the journalist added that those who try to record video should be “very aware of their surroundings” and make sure not to “impede the experience of those around them.”

Another person asked: ‘Why get in a vehicle if you’re not going to pay attention?’

“We had someone FaceTiming someone in front of us on Rise of The Resistance and it completely ruined the trip,” someone else revealed.

‘The law is unreal. I was lucky enough to not have to deal with any streamers during my walks on my last visit. “This is my biggest fear,” said another user.

Others, however, defended the act, as one comment read: “I always film my kids in teacups.”

‘And I watch those videos ALL the time. Her giant smiles and us laughing and saying faster. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry.’

“I don’t see any problem with recording most trips as long as you don’t put it in people’s faces and aren’t a dick about it,” said another.

Award-winning theme park journalist and travel expert Carlye Wisel previously said People magazine that thinks it’s totally fine to shoot videos of attractions at Disney.

Carlye, who is described as “the go-to magazine reporter for all things Disney” on her website, told the publication that she believes guests should not be “expected to put away their devices” while traveling.

“Using your phone to film attractions tends to be a hot topic, but I don’t really see a problem with it,” he said.

“These places are meant to create memories, so it is normal to film your loved ones or even your surroundings on board.”

But the journalist added that those attempting to record video should be “very aware of their surroundings” and follow a few simple rules to ensure they do not “impede the experience of those around them.”

“That means don’t block people’s views, turn down the brightness on your phone, and whatever you do, never use the flash,” he added.

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