Home Australia International anger erupts over Anthony Albanese’s ‘Trump-style travel ban’ on tourists from up to FIVE countries – as one nation set to be blacklisted rages and another expresses confusion

International anger erupts over Anthony Albanese’s ‘Trump-style travel ban’ on tourists from up to FIVE countries – as one nation set to be blacklisted rages and another expresses confusion

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Tourists from at least five countries could be banned from traveling to Australia if tough new immigration laws proposed by the Labor Party are approved by Parliament. More may follow

The Albanese government’s proposed Trump-style travel ban has sparked an international uproar, with the Russian embassy criticizing the move and Iraqi officials caught off guard by the potential changes.

This week, the federal government attempted to fast-track legislation through Parliament that bans visitors from some foreign countries from coming to Australia, including tourists.

Countries expected to be on the blacklist include Iran, Iraq, Russia, South Sudan and Zimbabwe. These countries do not accept citizens who have been deported from Australia and the government hopes a travel ban will force them to back down.

But Daily Mail Australia can reveal the proposal, which has stalled in Parliament, is causing the government a diplomatic headache.

A spokesperson for the Russian embassy in Canberra told Daily Mail Australia that the inclusion of Russia in this proposed legislation “is quite far-fetched.”

Tourists from at least five countries could be banned from traveling to Australia if Parliament approves tough new immigration laws proposed by the Labor Party. More may follow

Tourists from at least five countries could be banned from traveling to Australia if tough new immigration laws proposed by the Labor Party are approved by Parliament. More may follow

International anger erupts over Anthony Albaneses Trump style travel ban on

International anger erupts over Anthony Albaneses Trump style travel ban on

A spokesperson for the Russian embassy in Canberra told Daily Mail Australia that the inclusion of Russia in this proposed legislation “is quite far-fetched.”

“We are struggling to recall a single occasion on which the Australian government expressed concern about the expulsion of a Russian citizen who had no valid reason to stay or asked us to cooperate with such an expulsion,” the spokesperson fumed.

The Australian government did not approach or inform the Russian embassy about the legislation or its possible effects, the spokesperson added.


Do you support Labour’s proposed Trump-style travel ban?

  • YEAH 1598 votes
  • NO 289 votes
  • IT’S DESPERATION 386 votes

When contacted by Daily Mail Australia, the Iraqi embassy in Canberra seemed surprised and asked for information about the proposal.

The proposed travel ban comes as the government prepares for a High Court case on April 17, known as ASF17, which could further reignite controversy over its handling of immigration.

The government spent weeks under fire after the High Court decision in the NZYQ case last November freed 149 detainees, including criminals.

The applicant in this new case is an Iranian who refuses to cooperate with his deportation because he fears persecution and faces the death penalty if he returns to Iran as a bisexual man.

As things stand, there are up to 200 people in immigration detention who are in similar circumstances, and the government fears the High Court could order their release before Parliament approves the rule change.

Potentially affected diasporas have been expressing their disapproval of the legislation in the days following its announcement.

Human rights lawyers have described it as “the pure definition of discrimination” and “Trumpian”, while others have questioned whether Labor would ever have supported the Coalition if the roles had been reversed.

The proposed travel ban comes as the government prepares for a High Court case on April 17, known as ASF17, which could further reignite controversy over its handling of immigration.

The proposed travel ban comes as the government prepares for a High Court case on April 17, known as ASF17, which could further reignite controversy over its handling of immigration.

The proposed travel ban comes as the government prepares for a High Court case on April 17, known as ASF17, which could further reignite controversy over its handling of immigration.

Both Ms O'Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles held a press conference to express their disappointment on Wednesday.

Both Ms O'Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles held a press conference to express their disappointment on Wednesday.

Both Ms O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles held a press conference to express their disappointment on Wednesday.

In a further blow to the government, the Greens and Coalition voted on Wednesday to delay the legislation.

He was sent to a Senate inquiry for scrutiny, the report of which could take months, with the clock ticking for the Labor Party.

Greens senator David Shoebridge criticized the proposal as “Trump-style immigration laws buried in Labour’s deportation bill”.

‘They are designed to blacklist citizens of entire countries preventing them from obtaining visas to Australia.

“Thankfully we managed to bring this back from the brink with a Senate investigation, but the threat remains real.”

The matter is expected to return to the House the same week the Budget is issued.

Following the disappointing result in the Senate for Labour, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles held a brief press conference in which they expressed their frustration at the situation.

Ms O’Neil said: “We are very disappointed that the Liberals have stymied our efforts.” The reason we need it is that we seek to run an orderly immigration system in this country.

“Due to 10 years of deliberate neglect, we have an immigration system that… is fundamentally broken.”

O’Neil accused the Coalition of “playing politics” with the issue.

Opposition Immigration spokesman Dan Tehan said on Wednesday morning there was not enough clarity or information to pass the bill immediately.

‘Once again, we are seeing a completely failed process on the part of the government.

“What we want to do is properly examine this legislation; it is serious legislation; it deserves scrutiny, and everyone in the Senate agreed that it needed scrutiny, except the government.”

Your questions about the ‘Trump-style travel ban,’ explained

How would the new ‘tourism ban’ work?

The proposed ‘tourism ban’ will only apply to nations that do not accept involuntary deportations.

The government hopes that the mere threat of banning entry to Australia will be enough to encourage cooperation between these nations.

Officials hope the law will give them leverage over countries, so Australia can deport citizens who have no genuine right to enter Australia.

A case in point is the case that will come before the High Court next month.

An Iranian man refuses to cooperate with efforts to deport him because he is bisexual and could face the death penalty if he returns home.

Iran does not accept the return of citizens without their consent.

What was Donald Trump’s travel ban that the laws are compared to?

In 2017, then-US President Donald Trump introduced a travel ban barring most citizens of Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia from entering the United States. He later added North Korea and Venezuela to the list.

President Joe Biden repealed the ban when he took office.

If re-elected, Trump has promised to restore it and expand it to include the people of Gaza.

Why will the Albanian government’s new laws take time to be approved by parliament?

Labor was reliant on Coalition support to ensure this bill passed parliament this week.

The Greens oppose tougher detention policies and immediately expressed their disdain for the bill. House deputies also voted against. Human rights groups have also denounced the proposal as inhumane.

While the Coalition does not necessarily oppose the content of the bill, they have argued that they did not have enough time to examine the proposal, given that they were only informed on Tuesday morning during an already shortened week of parliamentary sittings.

Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said his party acted in “good faith” on Tuesday in passing the bill through the House for further consideration during a hastily arranged Senate hearing, but asserted the Wednesday that his questions were not answered adequately.

So now the party has teamed up with the Greens to force the bill to go before a Senate inquiry, meaning there is no possible way it can be passed by Parliament on Wednesday, as Labor had hoped. .

The Coalition has left the door open to returning to Parliament during the recess to debate the issue, but only if Labor demonstrates there is a genuine and urgent need for the laws.

Labor has tried to argue that the legislation is simply about closing a newly identified loophole, and has made no attempt to link this bill to the High Court case that took place on April 17.

For the bill to be passed before that case, the Coalition can hope to admit that the two issues are related.

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