Home Australia Inside Vince Colosimo’s tangled love life as he juggles THREE different women at once, while claiming he’s moved back in with his MOTHER

Inside Vince Colosimo’s tangled love life as he juggles THREE different women at once, while claiming he’s moved back in with his MOTHER

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Vince Colosimo was spotted with Melbourne woman Kelly Sneddon

Underbelly star Vince Colosimo has been spotted living with a new woman while still juggling his relationships with his long-time partner and another alleged mistress.

Neighbours told Daily Mail Australia that Colosimo has been living on and off at the property, located southeast of Melbourne, since early May.

This week he was pictured with Caulfield North woman Kelly Sneddon as he worked on her home and loaded items into a van.

She is the former best friend of Colosimo’s partner Sabella Sugar, who continues to appear on social media alongside the actor, despite previously claiming they had split.

Ms Sugar supported Colosimo in court last year after he was hauled before a magistrate for failing to pay $65,000 in unpaid fines.

But she later said she had dumped the troubled actor when Daily Mail Australia aired allegations that he had been seeing a secret lover for the past 20 years.

On Tuesday, Colosimo’s secret lover, who Daily Mail Australia called Chelsea, revealed she was still sleeping with Colosimo this year, despite his ongoing relationship with Sugar and while he was staying with Ms Sneddon.

“The Mercedes he’s in the picture is the same one that picked him up from my house the last time he was here,” Chelsea told Daily Mail Australia.

Vince Colosimo was spotted with Melbourne woman Kelly Sneddon

Neighbours say Vince Colosimo has been living on and off at the Caulfield North property since May.

Neighbours say Vince Colosimo has been living on and off at the Caulfield North property since May.

Sabella Sugar accompanied Colosimo to court in July last year

Sabella Sugar accompanied Colosimo to court in July last year

‘He told me it was his Uber arriving… I actually thought it was weird when it arrived.

“I didn’t see her, just the car, but I heard her say, ‘How did it go?’, which I thought was strange for an Uber driver. So who knows what lies she told him.”

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Colosimo, his lawyer and Ms Sneddon for comment. Ms Sugar has also declined to comment.

But a close friend of Sugar’s said the actor was still in a relationship with her and had maintained he was simply doing “some work” at his friend’s house.

“They have known each other since their youngest son was born and they were best friends and spent three or four days a week together,” the friend said.

‘As far as she knows, Colosimo returned to live with his mother a few months ago to take care of her.

‘He has always told Sabella that he has been faithful and that he has never stayed in another woman’s house.’

Mrs Sneddon is known to have offered to give the unemployed actor two weeks’ work painting, which turned into months of work.

“He started staying there until 3 or 4 in the morning and Sabella told him it was really inappropriate for him to work until that time because he would come home and demand dinner,” the friend said.

Colosimo does some maintenance work outside the Caulfield North property

Colosimo does some maintenance work outside the Caulfield North property

Another woman who claims to have been Colosimo's long-time lover claimed the actor was picked up from her home in this Mercedes.

Another woman who claims to have been Colosimo’s long-time lover claimed the actor was picked up from her home in this Mercedes.

Colosimo’s own family is believed to be concerned about where the actor has been residing, allegedly telling Sugar that he had not been staying with his mother.

“Vince told them that this woman is the mother of a friend of his daughter’s from school and that he is simply helping her renovate her house,” the friend said.

Pictures taken this week show him using power tools outside the Caulfield North property.

But a neighbour said Colosimo often came to the property in the middle of the night and had been doing so since early May.

“He comes and goes at all hours of the night and in the early morning. A woman moved in there earlier this year,” the neighbor said.

“It’s been consistent, but I can’t recommend a routine. He’s often gone in the morning. It looked like he had been moving things around a few nights ago.

“She drives a silver Mercedes and has a son. The lights are usually on until the wee hours of the morning if I get up. It’s definitely an all-night situation.

“When I walk the dog early in the morning, I’ve seen him several times, usually leaving the house between 6 and 9 a.m. He’s very active.”

Vince Colosimo as Neville Bartos in the classic Australian film Chopper

Vince Colosimo as Neville Bartos in the classic Australian film Chopper

Chelsea told the Daily Mail Australia she had repeatedly tried to inform Sugar about Colosimo’s affairs, but her warnings had fallen on deaf ears.

“Vince will never be faithful to anyone, he is not capable of doing that,” she said. “He told Sabella that he was taking care of his sick mother while he was with me.”

Colosimo had his driver’s license suspended in October 2022 for 16 months after being caught driving without a license.

At the time, he had three previous convictions for driving without a licence and one for driving under the influence of drugs, between 2015 and 2017.

A tribunal spokesman told Daily Mail Australia that Colosimo would have had to appear in court to reapply for his licence once the disqualification period expired.

“Licence eligibility at the end of the disqualification period is at the discretion of VicRoads or the court, depending on the offence,” a spokesperson said.

“If the person whose license has been disqualified must initiate a court process to obtain an order of license eligibility. These proceedings are found in the Electronic Appearance Filing System and are heard in court,” he said.

Colosimo has not been seen in the court’s EFAS system or in court since 2022.

Daily Mail Australia does not suggest Colosimo has driven a vehicle this year while suspended.

Colosimo has been warned he could face jail time if he is caught driving without a license again.

Victoria Police declined to comment on Colosimo’s driving status.

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