Home Australia Inside the Wild West of Male Genital Enhancement: How ‘Average’ Men Pay $20,000 for Unapproved Fillers, Botox Injections and ‘Shockwave’ Therapy…Despite the Terrifying Risks

Inside the Wild West of Male Genital Enhancement: How ‘Average’ Men Pay $20,000 for Unapproved Fillers, Botox Injections and ‘Shockwave’ Therapy…Despite the Terrifying Risks

The treatment involved the injection of an unauthorized filler, hyaluronic acid, which is injected under the skin on the shaft of the penis. (Pictured: adult film actor Boomer Banks)

Kenny, a Texas firefighter, had filler injected into his penis eight years ago.

His wife still has no idea.

Is his not so small secret.

Back then, as a single man, Kenny had struggled for years with erectile dysfunction and was frustrated with local urology clinics that offered to prescribe him Viagra and send him on the run.

He wasn’t interested in medication. He wanted to address the root cause of his problems.

So he traveled to Morganstern Urology in Atlanta – the “oldest men’s sexual health clinic in the United States” – to find a permanent cure.

“It was a miracle,” Kenny told DailyMail.com of the various treatments he received, including some that manually manipulated his blood flow. “He had erections naturally within a week.”

That’s part of the reason he jumped at the chance when his doctors upsold him.

For a total of $3,000 plus costs covered by his health insurance, Kenny was told he could not only treat his erectile dysfunction, but also increase his girth.

The treatment would involve the injection of an unauthorized filler, hyaluronic acid, which is injected under the skin on the shaft of the penis. Kenny agreed.

Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body and lubricates and cushions our joints. It is most commonly used to add volume to the cheeks and lips. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved it for therapies below the waist.

The treatment involved the injection of an unauthorized filler, hyaluronic acid, which is injected under the skin on the shaft of the penis. (Pictured: adult film actor Boomer Banks)

Dr. David Shafer, 50, a double-certified plastic surgeon in New York City and inventor of the SWAG (Shafer Width and Girth) procedure, said penile filler procedures account for 50 percent of all work he does. do now.

Dr. David Shafer, 50, a double-certified plastic surgeon in New York City and inventor of the SWAG (Shafer Width and Girth) procedure, said penile filler procedures account for 50 percent of all work he does. do now.

“It was a lot fuller, just thicker,” Kenny said. “Like crazy thick, like six and a half inches in diameter.”

After a few days of inactivity during which she was advised not to have sex, she immediately began receiving favorable reviews.

“The women’s eyes were popping out of their sockets,” he said. ‘I’ve never had those reactions before. A couple of the girls I dated were like, “Wow.”

‘It helped my confidence. “She had the feeling that she couldn’t go wrong,” she said, adding that the bomb gave her an “extra arsenal” in the bedroom.

Kenny (whose name has been changed to protect his anonymity) met his wife six years later, but decided not to tell her about his procedure.

‘I would have told him from the beginning, but now it’s been too long. “I feel bad keeping a secret, but I’m not ashamed,” she stated.

More and more men like Kenny are discovering this growing cosmetic trend, and that’s translating into big business for the boutique clinics at the forefront of male enhancement.

Dr. David Shafer, 50, a double-certified plastic surgeon in New York City and inventor of the SWAG (Shafer Width and Girth) procedure, said filler procedures account for 50 percent of all the work he does now .

“When I started doing it in 2017, I was maybe seeing one or two patients a week,” he said. “Now we have four or five a day.”

New York nurse practitioner Chris Bustamante, 32, said he treats so many men that he has lost count of how many patients he has seen.

Better known as ‘InjectorChris’ to his 21,000 Instagram followers, Bustamante said that since opening his ‘Lushful Aesthetics’ medical spa two years ago, revenue has more than doubled to $2.2 million.

Half of his business comes from patients looking to improve their girth. But that’s not all it offers.

The full menu of intimate procedures includes Botox injections into the penis or scrotum to make the treated areas hang lower.

A ‘P-Shot’ delivers platelet-rich plasma by injection directly into the tissue to stimulate harder erections.

Better known as 'InjectorChris' to his 21,000 followers on Instagram, Bustamante said that since he opened his medical spa, Lushful Aesthetics, two years ago, revenue has more than doubled to $2.2 million.

Better known as ‘InjectorChris’ to his 21,000 followers on Instagram, Bustamante said that since he opened his medical spa, Lushful Aesthetics, two years ago, revenue has more than doubled to $2.2 million.

And ‘Shock Wave Therapy’, a non-invasive treatment that emits powerful acoustic pulses through the penis, amplifies blood flow and sexual performance.

But by far, penis filler is the preferred procedure.

Bustamante estimates that half of his clientele are gay men, and a notable number are in the adult entertainment industry.

Boomer Banks, a gay porn star, tweeted his endorsement of Bustamante’s handy work last month, writing “The bigger the better… Thanks to InjectorChris.”

Adult film star Ricky Roman was another satisfied customer. He tweeted last year: ‘Loving the girth.’

However, Bustamante said, the vast majority of his clients are regular guys.

“I see more ordinary people than porn stars,” he told DailyMail.com.

An appointment at Lushful Aesthetics typically lasts an hour. After a consultation, Bustamante injects his patient with nerve blockers, applies an anesthetic pain cream, and injects a dose of Trimax – an erection-inducing medication – to allow him to see what he’s working with.

“Having the patient ‘chubby’ helps you as an artist visualize the entire area,” he said. “I find that a lot of people who do this when the patient is completely limp end up with very uncomfortable and strange results.”

The refilling procedure involves the nurse guiding the syringe from side to side and using the thumb to remove unsightly lumps.

A typical penis filler treatment at Bustamante’s clinic uses about 15 syringes of hyaluronic acid (a person who has filled lips usually receives one syringe). That will add at least half an inch to girth and will cost you $10,500.

Injecting the filler only takes about ten minutes, and patients go home with the treated parts covered in Vaseline and wrapped in gauze.

They can expect to be “hyperbloated” for a few days and are told to avoid sex, hot tubs, swimming pools, and saunas for 24 hours.

Bustamante also advises newly improved men to massage their penis for 15 minutes each day for two weeks. This helps “drain” the swelling to prevent the filling from coming loose and creating small irregularities.

In the event that a patient is not satisfied with the results, ‘Hylenex’ injections can be used to dissolve the filler, although Bustamante stated that he has never had to do this.

Josh, a 35-year-old gay man who lives in New York City and works in Financial Technology Services, says he was above average size to begin with, but he wanted something with more of a “shock factor.”

He spent $18,000 to enlarge his penis by one inch.

Adult film star Ricky Roman was another satisfied customer. He tweeted: 'Loving the girth.'

Adult film star Ricky Roman was another satisfied customer. He tweeted: ‘Loving the girth.’

“His partners have noticed the difference,” Josh boasted, but he says he appreciates “the attention-grabbing look” of his new penis even more.

He took his improvements a step further and shelled out 15 syringes of hyaluronic acid to also inject into the subdermal layer of his scrotum.

Bustamante said ‘ScroFill’ is the ‘best kept secret’ for men looking to boost their overall figure, as it makes everything look bigger under a pair of skimpy shorts or swim trunks.

‘ScroFill’ only ‘thickens’ the skin, Bustamante explained. No padding goes inside the actual scrotum.

“I’ve had guys start with 15 syringes in their scrotum and go up to 45,” he said, “it looks like they have a huge ball sack.”

Josh told DailyMail.com he plans to return to the clinic to recover before a beach holiday in Greece at the end of the summer.

‘When you’re wearing swimsuits, you see it. It catches your attention and it’s like, “Oh, hey!””

Depending on individual metabolism and biochemistry, treatments can last between 12 and 24 months and are considered quite safe.

A 2021 Chinese study followed 230 penile filler patients and found that only 4 percent experienced minor complications such as subcutaneous bleeding, infection, tissue deterioration, or unsightly lumps.

But that doesn’t mean that penis enhancement is completely risk-free.

Bustamante warned that going to an unlicensed clinic is an obvious no-no.

In February 2020, a 32-year-old man in Germany died of septic shock after a restaurant worker posing as a doctor injected silicone oil, instead of hyaluronic acid, into his penis.

Bustamante also warned potential patients to be aware of feelings of body dysmorphia, a mental disorder characterized by an obsession with imagined physical imperfections.

He recalled refusing to treat a patient who had a ‘Frankenstein penis’, which was bent and scarred from excessive use of penis pumps, devices that use vacuum suction to stretch the penis.

Despite all this, Bustamante believes the future of penis enlargement is bright and predicts that one day it will be as common as female breast implant surgeries.

Kenny from Texas isn’t so sure.

Now, almost a decade later, she admits that the effects of her filler have faded.

“With the expansion we will have a fun year,” he said. “When my wife first saw it, she said, ‘Oh my God, it’s thick,’ and I thought, ‘Well, you should have seen it before!'”

Now, Kenny thinks the best money he ever spent was on his… hair transplants.

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