Home Australia Influencer Reveals ‘Unconventional’ Behavior He Considers Unfaithful in a Relationship… Including SKYDIVING

Influencer Reveals ‘Unconventional’ Behavior He Considers Unfaithful in a Relationship… Including SKYDIVING

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Ingrid Francesca, from the United Kingdom, revealed her peculiar stance on what she constitutes 'cheating' in a relationship in a TikTok clip

An influencer has described “unconventional” behaviors and acts that she considers unacceptable in a relationship.

Ingrid Francesca, from the United Kingdom, revealed her peculiar stance on what she constitutes “cheating” in a relationship in a TikTok clip.

The fitness and lifestyle influencer shared a video from her account, @ingridfrancescaa, with her 5.5 thousand followers in January, which has since accumulated more than 600 views and 35 likes.

In the candid clip, Ingrid explained her list of “forbidden” relationships.

Among the unconventional behaviors reported by Ingrid was skydiving with a member of the opposite sex.

Ingrid Francesca, from the United Kingdom, revealed her peculiar stance on what she constitutes ‘cheating’ in a relationship in a TikTok clip

Suggesting that these types of extreme activities blur the lines of fidelity and cross borders, he explained: ‘Skydiving, and this applies to both men and women.

‘Because why are you tied to another person so close to her? And jump from what? You don’t have to do that.’

The content creator then expressed her discomfort with the idea of ​​her partner buying gifts like flowers or chocolate for a coworker of the opposite sex.

Perceiving such gestures as crossing the line of appropriate behavior in a committed relationship, he said, “If a coworker leaves, like she’s leaving the company, and you buy her flowers or chocolate or that going away gift.”

And he added: ‘What? No, why do you do that? No do not do that. That’s cheating.’

However, the controversy did not end there: Ingrid also denounced gestures of kindness towards others as possible abuses of trust.

One example she cited was her disapproval of her boyfriend comforting a woman who was crying in public, seeing it as crossing another boundary.

He concluded: ‘If a girl cries in public and you go and try to comfort her… Why? What if a guy did that for me?

Among the unconventional behaviors identified as cheating by Ingrid is the act of skydiving.

Among the unconventional behaviors identified as cheating by Ingrid is the act of skydiving.

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Extraordinarily, Ingrid's followers seemed to agree with her list of relationships "no no"s - most notably, her problem with skydiving while tied to the opposite sex

Remarkably, Ingrid’s followers seemed to agree with her list of “no-no” relationships, in particular her problem with skydiving while tied to the opposite sex.

Remarkably, Ingrid’s followers seemed to agree with her list of relationship no-nos, in particular her problem with skydiving while tied to the opposite sex.

One person wrote, “I agree with skydiving,” while another said, “Stop skydiving, enough.”

The influencer responded: ‘Because why do we do all that? And, worse yet, you could die with him on top of you… not at all.

It comes after a young Australian woman who sleeps with married men revealed why she doesn’t feel guilty or consider it “cheating”.

Katija Cortez, from Sydney, finds dating difficult and says she is richer and more successful than most men she knows.

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