Home Australia ‘Incredibly cruel’ thugs tie poor cats’ testicles with rubber bands

‘Incredibly cruel’ thugs tie poor cats’ testicles with rubber bands

Two cats have been victims of horrific cruelty in Canberra's north in recent weeks and the RSPCA has appealed for information to help solve the crimes. Pictured is one of the cats

Two cats had their testicles tied together with elastic bands in horrific acts of animal cruelty.

Cats’ testicles were bound with elastic bands in two separate attacks in Canberra, which RSPCA ACT chief executive Michelle Robertson described as “horrific”.

“We are aware of two separate incidents where male cats’ testicles were tied very tightly at the base with elastic bands,” Ms Robertson told the alphabet.

“It’s incredibly painful, incredibly cruel.”

One of the cats was taken to the RSPCA’s ACT shelter in late August and was treated by vets.

“We were able to help that kitten… get the inflammation under control, and the kitten is healthy and doing very well,” Robertson said. “But this should not have happened.”

This happened again last week, when another cat that was similarly attacked was taken to a local vet.

“We are very concerned that there are two separate incidents with such a similar horrific situation,” Robertson said.

Two cats have been victims of horrific cruelty in Canberra’s north in recent weeks and the RSPCA has appealed for information to help solve the crimes. Pictured is one of the cats

“Animals feel pain. You can imagine what it would feel like if this happened to a human.”

The ACT RSPCA said both cats had been attacked in the Charnwood area of ​​Canberra’s Belconnen region.

The organization is investigating the possible motive for such cruelty inflicted on cats.

“It could have been misinformation, it could have been people who were really desperate and wanted to stop their cat from reproducing,” he said.

“It could have just been malice.”

If the person who did this to the cats is found, they could face penalties for aggravated animal cruelty.

“I am very saddened to report that we see terrible things and I hope we can live in a world where we don’t see these terrible things,” Ms Robertson said.

The RSPCA urged pet owners to seek veterinary care for medical procedures and said it does not condone ear cropping with elastic bands in any species except for medical reasons.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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