Home US ‘I’m talking right now!’ Kamala Harris attacks whoever interrupts a dinner in Detroit with Octavia Spencer despite mourning the loss of “innocent lives” in Gaza after the rescue of Israeli hostages

‘I’m talking right now!’ Kamala Harris attacks whoever interrupts a dinner in Detroit with Octavia Spencer despite mourning the loss of “innocent lives” in Gaza after the rescue of Israeli hostages

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US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a campaign event in Michigan

Vice President Kamala Harris lashed out at a pro-Gaza protester on Saturday after lamenting the loss of civilian life in Gaza during the war with Israel.

Harris spoke about the ongoing conflict during her speech at the Michigan Democratic Party’s Legacy fundraising dinner in Detroit.

When the vice president said she and the president were working to end the war between Israel and Hamas, a woman stood up and started yelling at Harris.

“I’m talking right now,” Harris said sternly as security moved quickly to push the protester out of the room. ‘I value and respect your voice, but I’m speaking right now.’

Harris on Saturday welcomed the news that Israel had rescued four hostages, but acknowledged that many civilian lives were lost during the operation.

US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a campaign event in Michigan

“Fortunately, four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight,” he said. “And we mourn all the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically murdered today.”

Israelis celebrated after four of the hostages who were captured and held by Hamas on October 7 were rescued as part of an Israeli military operation.

The freed hostages were Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 22, Andrei Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 41.

The Gaza Ministry of Health saying The Israeli hostage rescue operation killed 274 Palestinians, but the Israelis estimated the casualty list to be fewer than 100.

Harris appeared defensive of the Biden administration’s approach to the Israel-Gaza war.

“We have been working every day to end this conflict in a way that ensures Israel is safe, recovers all hostages, ends the continued suffering of the Palestinian people, and ensures that Palestinians can enjoy their right to self-determination. , dignity and freedom.’ she said.

President Joe Biden and Harris are struggling to rally support from Michigan’s Arab-American communities, which are angry about the way the administration supports Israel during its war with Hamas.

A pro-Gaza protester is quickly escorted out of a fundraising dinner with Vice President Kamala Harris.

A pro-Gaza protester is quickly escorted out of a fundraising dinner with Vice President Kamala Harris.

Pro-Palestinian protesters continue to disrupt campaign events with Biden and Harris

Pro-Palestinian protesters continue to disrupt campaign events with Biden and Harris

The Biden campaign also continues to fight disruptions by protesters at campaign events calling the president ‘Genocide Joe’ and the vice president ‘Killer Kamala.’

Harris was also heckled by pro-Gaza protesters during an appearance at a taping of Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night show on Tuesday.

‘You’re a fucking murderer! How many babies have you killed? one protester shouted as the show began.

The protests were removed from the show when it aired, but were posted on YouTube by anti-war activists Code Pink.

Thousands of angry pro-Palestine protesters gathered at the White House on Saturday demanding that Biden push for a ceasefire in Gaza.

A protester wearing a Hamas headband held a bloody mask of President Biden as he shouted for an end to the war. Other protesters defaced a statue in Lafayette Park with angry messages directed at Biden.

The president was in France during the protest.

During her speech at the dinner, Harris praised Biden’s negotiations with Qatar and Egypt to pressure Israel to offer a ceasefire in Gaza and withdraw completely from the area.

“As President Biden said last week, it is time for this war to end,” he said.

Actress Octavia Spencer campaigned with Harris in Michigan on Saturday

Actress Octavia Spencer campaigned with Harris in Michigan on Saturday

Harris spent the day in Michigan, attending a fundraiser in Ann Arbor, where she mocked former President Donald Trump.

Actress Octavia Spencer joined Harris for her events, including a stop at a bookstore in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Spencer praised Biden and Harris for helping the Black community, noting that they sent them direct payments from the government as part of the coronavirus relief bill.

“One of the first things Joe and Kamala did when they took office was deliver checks directly into the pockets of millions of Americans,” he said. ‘Checks for $1,400 from the American Rescue Plan and another $300 per month per child per family.’

Harris attacked former President Donald Trump, referring to the New York jury’s verdict of 34 felony convictions in the “hush money” trial.

‘Do you know why he complains? Because the reality is, cheaters don’t like to get caught,” she said.

Harris criticized Trump for attacking the verdict as politically motivated.

‘Simply put, Donald Trump believes he is above the law. “This should disqualify anyone who wants to be president of the United States,” he stated.

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