Home Australia I’m going to flirt with my cheating husband’s friend to show him how I feel, but people say I’m toxic

I’m going to flirt with my cheating husband’s friend to show him how I feel, but people say I’m toxic

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A woman has revealed on Mumsnet that she is planning to 'do something' with her husband's friend to avenge him for an emotional affair he had with a co-worker (file image)

A woman has revealed she is planning to ‘do something’ with her husband’s friend to avenge him for an emotional affair he had with a co-worker.

In her original post on British parenting platform Mumsnet, the woman revealed that her partner has been “getting to know” a co-worker over text and has been “disconnected, miserable and grumpy” towards her and their children for weeks.

Despite her husband claiming the messages were innocent, the woman revealed in a second post that she wants to “give him a taste of his own medicine” and asked for advice on how to flirt, having been out of the game for 30 years.

Many were quick to comment, calling the mother “petty” and “toxic” and some urged her to “grow up” and “just leave him” if trust is lost in the relationship.

The charge Lee: ‘I’m trying to win over my husband’s friend. I’ve already posted about my husband on the relationship forum. At the moment, I can’t stand him. Today I got angry at him in front of the kids and a few minutes later I apologized to the kids and went for a walk to clear my head.

A woman has revealed on Mumsnet that she is planning to ‘do something’ with her husband’s friend to avenge him for an emotional affair he had with a co-worker (file image)

“I always think about how he lied to me and hid things from me. I thought we were the kind of couple that told each other everything no matter what, but obviously that wasn’t the case.”

She added: ‘Today I had the ‘brilliant idea’ to flirt with one of his friends when we all get together this weekend. Just to piss him off in all honesty.

“I’ve always been faithful to my husband, even when we were dating and his friends were staring at me, but I never fell for it. I just want to give him a taste of his own medicine to show him how it feels.

‘Earlier this year he told me that I couldn’t be friends with his other group of friends because one of his friends and I struck up a genuine friendship and he hated her.

‘I never hid anything, I told my husband everything we talked about and it was all innocent, but he still didn’t feel comfortable with me talking to him, so I cut ties with the friend, which made me sad.

She concluded: “So AIBU is flirting outrageously with one of his friends this weekend? By the way, I haven’t flirted with another guy in 30 years, so I’m going to need help on this front.”

In it Original Post The wife revealed she was “trying to figure out if he had cheated on me or not” by going through his phone and work laptop and finding messages between him and a coworker.

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In her original post, the woman revealed on the British parenting platform that her partner has been

In her original post, the woman revealed on the British parenting platform that her partner has been “getting to know” a coworker over text and has been “disconnected, miserable and moody” towards her and their children for weeks.

Although her husband claimed the messages were innocent, the woman revealed, in a second post, that she wants

Despite her husband claiming the messages were innocent, the woman revealed in a second post that she wants to “give him a taste of his own medicine” and asked for advice on how to flirt, having been out of the game for 30 years.

She wrote: ‘There were a lot of messages between them where it seemed like they were getting to know each other. Nothing flirtatious but he would ask her about her family, her age, what she was doing and a few jokes here and there and she would do the same. Every day they would message each other.

‘It seemed like they were getting emotionally attached, I can say with certainty that if I hadn’t found out, their next step would have been to get together, I’m sure of that.’

She explained that he asked his colleague ‘tons of personal questions about her life’ but never showed any interest in her.

She added: “Every time I engage him in conversation, he grunts and responds with one word, acting impatient, as if he wants me to hurry up and shut up.”

After asking for advice on how to flirt to get him back, some suggested that trying to flirt with her husband’s friend would only make the situation worse, calling her “petty,” “childish” and “toxic.”

They wrote: “It’s so childish, who has time for petty games?”

“God, how toxic. Poor children. Stop it already”;

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After asking her for advice on how to flirt to get him back, many suggested that trying to flirt with her husband's friend would only make the situation worse and others agreed to call her out

After asking her for advice on how to flirt with her husband’s friend to get him back, many suggested that trying to flirt with her husband’s friend would only make the situation worse and others agreed, calling her “petty”, “childish” and “toxic”.

Meanwhile, others were not entirely against the idea of ​​her flirting with her husband's friends.

Meanwhile, others were not entirely against the idea of ​​her flirting with her husband’s friends.

“I can’t believe this is a serious suggestion, OP. Incredibly childish. If you and your husband can’t sit down and talk about the state of your marriage and try to work things out, then maybe you should think about separating. Not getting into heated arguments in front of the kids or playing ridiculous mind games involving other people.”

Others said: “Don’t be weird. Your life is not an HBO production. Leave it like a normal person.”

“How pathetic! You need to escape from this toxic relationship, not make things worse and end up embarrassing yourself completely.”

However, some commentators were not entirely against the idea of ​​her flirting with her husband’s friends.

One said, “God, you’ve been given a deserved scolding. Don’t feel bad.”

“I understand why you want to do it, but that doesn’t mean you should. If you do it, do it so subtly that he can’t say anything, since he’s not sure you did it, but he has all the feelings.

“Why do you keep going out with him at night? Are you going to be able to leave?”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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