Home Life Style I’m furious because my 9-year-old daughter was served ‘birthday drinks’ that looked like cocktails at a sleepover, but people say I’m uptight.

I’m furious because my 9-year-old daughter was served ‘birthday drinks’ that looked like cocktails at a sleepover, but people say I’m uptight.

A mother has shared her outrage after her nine-year-old daughter was served 'birthday drinks' that emulated cocktails at a sleepover (file photo)

A mother has shared her outrage after her nine-year-old daughter was served “birthday drinks” that emulated cocktails at a sleepover.

On British parenting platform Mumsnet, the anonymous woman revealed that the drinks were “just pumpkin” and not alcohol. However, they were served in plastic champagne glasses.

The worried mother stressed that she wants her daughter to have a childhood and not to be ‘adultized’.

But many were quick to comment to say the woman was being “ridiculous” and “uptight.”

the publication read: ‘My daughter recently attended a birthday sleepover. The girls are nine years old, which I thought was a little young, so I was a little hesitant but agreed.

A mother has shared her outrage after her nine-year-old daughter was served ‘birthday drinks’ that emulated cocktails at a sleepover (file photo)

‘I just saw some photos and I’m really not happy. The girls received “birthday drinks.” They were just pumpkins and obviously no alcohol was used, but they were served in real plastic flutes. The drink was bright pink with fizzy candy in the glass, but I’m not happy.

‘The mother in question has very different parents. They buy VERY expensive skin care products for their 9-year-old son. And her daughter acts like a complete teenager: We’re talking crop tops, Stanley Cups, skin care, TikTok dances, eye shadows, etc.

“I’ve been in the girl’s bedroom and she has a dresser completely covered in Drunk Elephant, etc. The mother likes that excessive consumption she sees online. Well, parents as you want, but I want my daughter to have a childhood and is not an adult.

‘AIBU thinking this was wildly inappropriate? Why couldn’t they have just made milkshakes or milkshakes? Or ice cream?

‘It’s the concept of birthday drinks and the fact that they simulated cocktails. There is all the time in the world to have a birthday drink.

Many took to the comments to disagree with the mother and said the party sounded pretty “sweet” and “fun.”

One person wrote: ‘Are you kidding? No one can be that uptight, right? Another said: “I think serving soft drinks in champagne glasses is pretty sweet and fun so I think YABU.”

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On the British parenting platform Mumsnet, the anonymous woman revealed that the drinks were

On British parenting platform Mumsnet, the anonymous woman revealed that the drinks were “just pumpkin” and not alcohol. However, they were served in plastic champagne glasses.

‘I used to take pictures of my DS pretending to drink a pint from his dad and grandad; He is now an adult and teetotal. You’re being ridiculous.

Another joked: “You’re right to be worried, it’s well known that drinking juice with sweets is the start of a life of vice.”

Someone else said: ‘Surely this is a joke?! Are you upset because your daughter drank soda, cordial, or candy out of a plastic cup at a friend’s birthday party?

“I really don’t see how this can be a problem unless there are actual allergies or dietary requirements that the mother didn’t meet. I would let my 5 year old have a drink like this for a friends party. You really need to relax, I thought I was pretty tense, but this takes the cake.’

However, some people understood what the mother was worried about and others even agreed.

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However, many rushed to the comments to say that the woman was being

However, many rushed to the comments to say the woman was being “ridiculous” and “uptight.”

One person said: ‘I partially understand where the OP is coming from. Sleepovers at 9 years old are absolutely normal and healthy. Pumpkins pretending to be cocktails, quite sweet.

‘However, the whole skincare/tiktok/branded products thing is, to me, very off-putting. The DD will probably be pouting for selfies in practically nothing when she’s 11.

“It just depresses me that girls are still raised to aspire to be objects of glamor for whom appearance and owning the latest designer stuff is everything.

‘But OP, it’s just another way of parenting and you can be relieved it’s not yours. I don’t think this will hurt your DD.

“Your DD will likely absorb your values ​​and the friendship will probably just fade naturally as they enter their tweens and teens.”

Another said: ‘I’m surprised to see you’re having such a hard time, OP. I don’t disagree with what you’re saying.

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However, some people understood what the mother was worried about and others even agreed.

However, some people understood what the mother was worried about and others even agreed.

“I wouldn’t make a fuss or anything, and I don’t think that’s going to turn 9-year-olds into raging alcoholics.” I just think “why?”

‘I just don’t see the need for it. Let them be children. They can be teenagers when they’re teenagers.’

Another added: “I don’t think the OP would have minded the soda in a fancy glass if that was all, like she said…it’s the context of skincare etc. So it becomes part of the whole thing.” from the ‘lambrini girls’ ‘Feminine conditioning… let’s have some fizz and get our nails done etc, which I agree is a bit sad at 9, but it’s nothing new.’

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