Home Australia I’m an influencer and I don’t understand why men always want to go for walks on dates. Don’t kids like to make an effort anymore?

I’m an influencer and I don’t understand why men always want to go for walks on dates. Don’t kids like to make an effort anymore?

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Sasha Morpeth, from Gold Coast, Australia, took to her TikTok and admitted she had unfinished business with men who take their dates out.

One woman spoke out about the modern dating scene and questioned why men want to go on “low effort” walking dates.

The influencer Sasha Morpeth, of the Golden CoastQueensland, took her Tik Tok and admitted that she has unfinished business with men who take their dates out for walks.

The content creator admitted that she doesn’t like walks and thinks people should try harder to date.

Sasha, who has four million followers on TikTok, said: “Sorry, but who the hell wants to go for a walk as a date?”

“Really the number of people in public who came up and said, ‘We should go for a walk sometime.’

Sasha Morpeth, from Gold Coast, Australia, took to her TikTok and admitted she had unfinished business with men who take their dates out.

‘Walk as friends? It’s a date? I don’t know because it is an offer that requires very little effort.

‘Do guys these days just don’t want to put in the effort to date you until they know they really like you?’

‘Does anyone still do the flowers at the door, take you in a date setting? Because maybe I’m just not healthy enough.

Speaking to the camera while putting on her makeup, Sasha said that while some people may be struggling financially, making sandwiches and taking them to the beach would be better than walking.

She said she was worried about bumping into people she knew while walking and then being bombarded with questions about who she was with.

“I don’t feel like seeing my mother, my brother, my ex’s new girlfriend, when I have a date. The whole town is walking,” he said.

Sasha then said she felt “really bad” because she had an upcoming date and admitted the man would “probably” see the rant she posted.

‘Actually, when he asked me I told him: I don’t walk. Which I obviously do walk, but am I being picky?

‘Am I asking too much? Am I just lazy and everyone wants to go for a walk these days? Why can’t we just go back to going out like our parents used to go out?

Sasha said that while some people may have financial problems, making sandwiches and taking them to the beach would be better than walking.

Sasha said that while some people may have financial problems, making sandwiches and taking them to the beach would be better than walking.

1716199355 106 Im an influencer and I dont understand why men always

1716199355 702 Im an influencer and I dont understand why men always

Thousands of people have since watched the video and commented on their opinions on the modern dating scene, with many agreeing with what Sasha was saying in the clip.

Thousands of people have since watched the video and commented on their opinions on the modern dating scene, with many agreeing with what Sasha was saying in the clip.

Sasha then captioned the video: ‘Am I acting like a brat? I don’t really want to go for a walk.

Thousands of people have since watched the video and commented on their opinions on the modern dating scene.

One wrote: “When they ask to take you for a walk, tell them to bring a dog.”

Sasha then responded: ‘Hahahaha no because I’m actually going to wear this.’

Another wrote: “You’re definitely not asking for too feminine.”

A third said: “A walk to dinner sounds great,” while a fourth simply commented: “Okay.”

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