Home Australia I’m an American living in Sydney. These are the six things I hate that most people will agree with me on.

I’m an American living in Sydney. These are the six things I hate that most people will agree with me on.

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Marli Lozoya from California can't believe how many toll booths, speed cameras and mobile phone detection systems Sydney has.

A young woman living in Sydney has shared six things she doesn’t like about city life – and many Australians agree.

Marli Lozoya, An event producer from California said speed cameras, tolls, a “bipolar” climate and “high” income taxes are some of the things she has never experienced in the United States.

Although the American said life in Australia on a working holiday visa is “still worth it”, the New South Wales capital has some downsides which she revealed in a video.

1. There are annoying radars everywhere

The traveller could not understand the large number of speed cameras and mobile phone cameras in Sydney, which are often “in the middle of nowhere”.

He added that at some point you will receive the unpleasant surprise of a fine in the mail, without realizing that you have broken the law.

2. There are too many tolls on the roads

The young woman complained about the tolls on the roads everywhere, which are “super expensive” and said that the cost of paying them accumulates throughout the month.

Marli Lozoya from California can’t believe how many toll booths, speed cameras and mobile phone detection systems Sydney has.

The American also finds it funny that every time he is stopped by the police in Australia, he is immediately subjected to a random breathalyzer test.

3. The climate is ‘bipolar’

I had to get used to the weather here, it’s very bipolar, it rains in the morning and then there’s a beautiful sunny afternoon. Since I’m from California,‘That’s definitely something I had to get used to,’ she said online.

“They weren’t kidding when they said four seasons in one day.”

The young woman no longer bothers to check the weather app when she leaves the house, but simply looks out the window.

The port city is becoming a difficult place to live, with high rent prices and what many call a work-life balance

The port city is becoming a tough place to live, with high rent prices and what many call a “hectic” work-life balance.

4. Sydney is too far from Asia

The American was eager to visit Asia during his time in Australia, but was surprised to discover that flights to most Asian cities from Sydney are still long-haul.

Flights from Sydney to Bali take six hours and 35 minutes, and Tokyo is still ten hours away.

5. Income taxes are “high”

The traveller was also surprised to discover that Australian taxes account for “about half” of his salary and the more he earns, the more tax he pays.

While in his home state of California, the highest percentage of income tax payable is 12.3 percent, and the lowest is just one percent.

6. The “brutal” dating scene in Australia

The American asked him if he “dares” to talk about dating in Australia, which is quickly gaining a reputation among locals and travellers as being “the worst”.

Many have accused Australian men of being “too casual” when it comes to planning dates and chasing women, leaving many desperate to find love.

Hundreds of Sydneysiders agreed with the American that life in the port city is torture, but some said she forgot to mention the exorbitant rent prices.

“I’ve lived in Sydney all my life and I hate it,” said one.

“The best thing about Sydney is being able to leave,” another agreed.

Australia doesn’t like Sydney,” added a third.

One person said that although Australian taxes are high, they pay for free healthcare and education, and unlike in the US, there are no guns to worry about.

Some people debated whether Sydney’s weather was worse than Melbourne’s, and others said climate change was to blame for the “four seasons in one day”.

But one Australian doesn’t think tolls and unpredictable weather will tarnish Sydney’s solid reputation: “If those are its only problems, I think we’re doing OK.”

This comes after a young man from Melbourne tried living in Sydney for a few years. He said he would return to Victoria for good because the lifestyle is “so much better.”

Jen Rothwell returned to VIC’s capital after three and a half years of experiencing the disappointing reality of life in the port city.

She blamed social media lies, clique culture and the fast pace of city life as reasons why Sydney is not the best place to live.

“Before we moved to Sydney, everyone on social media gave the impression of living on the beach and having a really nice beach lifestyle,” Jen said.

But Jen, who lived in Newtown, a suburb in Sydney’s Inner West, said the reality is not “constantly walking around Bondi” and “the weather isn’t even that amazing”.

The six things an American hates about life in Sydney

  1. There are annoying speed cameras and cell phone cameras.
  2. There are too many “super expensive” road tolls
  3. The climate is ‘bipolar’
  4. Sydney is too far from Asia
  5. Personal income taxes are too high
  6. The dating scene is ‘brutal’

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