Home Australia I’m a moving expert – these are my best packing tips for your life… and they barely cost anything.

I’m a moving expert – these are my best packing tips for your life… and they barely cost anything.

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A study by St. Modwen Homes found that the average Briton will buy five houses in their lifetime, pack 95 boxes, lose ten precious items and experience 15 crying fits (stock image).

A moving expert has published eight top tips to ensure Brits can master packing effortlessly.

According to research, homeowners pack (and unpack) 95 boxes, lose ten precious items, experience 15 crying spells, fight with family ten times, and endure ten nights sleeping on an inflatable mattress during an average move.

While a third admit they found moving home so stressful it had a negative impact on their mental health, and 68 per cent said they would love to have someone pack and organize everything for them.

But Jo Winston, from property company St Modwen Homes, has revealed eight useful tips to ensure packing is stress-free.

A study by St. Modwen Homes found that the average Briton will buy five houses in their lifetime, pack 95 boxes, lose ten precious items and experience 15 crying fits (stock image).

1. Organize your home

Before you even think about grabbing the packing tape, take the time to declutter your home.

Get rid of unnecessary belongings by donating, selling or throwing away items that no longer serve a purpose.

This will not only speed up the packing process, but will also lighten the burden of the journey ahead.

Jo adds: “Plus, by using selling sites like Vinted and eBay, you could also make quite a bit of money.”

2. Tag, tag, tag

When packing, organization is key. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to.

This simple step will save you countless unpacking headaches, allowing you to locate essential items with ease.

When packing, organization is key. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to (file image)

When packing, organization is key. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to (file image)

3. Don’t leave it to the last minute

We’ve all been guilty of getting stuck in that ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ loop; Then tomorrow comes too soon and there is an overwhelming amount of things that need to be done with no time left to do them.

Jo says: “Create a checklist in advance and tick things off as you go, from cleaning to calling the removal company.” Make the plan realistic so you can stick to it.’

4. Ask for help

Moving house is a team effort, so don’t be afraid to enlist the help of friends and family.

Whether it’s packing, lifting heavy furniture, or providing moral support, having a support network by your side will make the process infinitely more manageable.

5. Create a folder for your important documents.

One thing that will surely come with moving is paperwork, and a lot of it.

Jo recommends purchasing a folder to keep all your important documents in one place so they don’t move around during the move.

Moving house is a team effort, so don't be afraid to enlist the help of friends and family (stock image)

Moving house is a team effort, so don’t be afraid to enlist the help of friends and family (stock image)

6. Create a budget

Moving house can be an expensive undertaking, but it doesn’t have to break the bank.

Before you dive into packing, create a budget that takes into account all moving-related expenses, from packing supplies to professional moves.

Sticking to a budget will help you maintain your financial knowledge throughout the process.

Jo adds: “Shop around to make sure you get the best deals for your money.”

7. Pack from room to room

Resist the temptation to throw everything into random boxes. Instead, tackle one room at a time, packing similar items together.

Not only will this keep you organized, but it will also make unpacking a breeze, as each box will contain items destined for the same space in your new home.

Resist the temptation to throw everything into random boxes. Instead, tackle one room at a time, packing similar items together (stock image)

Resist the temptation to throw everything into random boxes. Instead, tackle one room at a time, packing similar items together (stock image)

8.Make a packing and unpacking schedule

When moving into a new house, we can sometimes find ourselves living among mountains of boxes for days or even weeks.

By creating a realistic timeline to follow, you can avoid living in a cardboard mess in your new home.

Jo recommends starting with the bedroom first, adding: “You’ll appreciate having a bed to sleep in after all that hard work.”

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