Home Australia I’m a mother-of-three and was ‘dress-coded’ at the gym… the reason was so infuriating I cancelled my membership on the spot

I’m a mother-of-three and was ‘dress-coded’ at the gym… the reason was so infuriating I cancelled my membership on the spot

by Elijah
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Emily May, 32, canceled her gym membership after the manager said her crop top and leggings were not modest enough for her dress code (file image)
  • Emily May was criticized for not dressing modestly enough to go to the gym.
  • The 32-year-old mother was wearing high-waisted leggings and a crop top.
  • He allegedly canceled his membership immediately after the encounter.



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A mother-of-three canceled her gym membership after the center’s “older male” manager “put a dress code on her.”

Emily May, 32, was furious at the man’s insistence that her workout clothes were not modest enough and violated gym rules.

The mother, from North Carolina, said she was wearing a crop top and high-waisted leggings that left “a couple of inches” of midriff visible on the day of the confrontation — “normal sportswear.”

Venting on She wasn’t working out in FFS lingerie (for God’s sake).

‘I canceled my membership right there.

Emily May, 32, canceled her gym membership after the manager said her crop top and leggings were not modest enough for her dress code (file image)

Emily May, 32, canceled her gym membership after the manager said her crop top and leggings were not modest enough for her dress code (file image)

Im a mother of three and was dress coded at the gym the

Im a mother of three and was dress coded at the gym the

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1711968095 334 Im a mother of three and was dress coded at the gym the

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1711968095 460 Im a mother of three and was dress coded at the gym the

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1711968095 24 Im a mother of three and was dress coded at the gym the

The mother-of-three vented about

“At the end of our conversation, I said, “Stop beating around the bush and say you want your gym to have more ‘modestly dressed’ women,” and he said, “I’m not beating around the bush, that is. “why does the rule exist?”

May went on to post the gym’s specific dress code, which she claimed not to be aware of at the time, but which she also had not had a problem with in almost a year as a member.

It said “shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, athletic leggings, and athletic shoes should be worn” at all times.

The problem was, supposedly, that the 32-year-old man was not wearing a “proper t-shirt”, clarifying that there was no safety issue.

Several comments on the viral thread, with more than two million views, criticized the poster, suggesting she was seeking attention and that the gym manager was right to clamp down on her.

But she responded, “I don’t go to the gym to look sexy or get validation (and I haven’t been approached at the gym once), but even if that were true, why would anyone care?”

“It made me feel like I was in high school at church camp.”

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Responses to the gym-goer’s post were mixed, but she insisted she wasn’t wearing her gym clothes “to look sexy or get validation, but even if that were true, why would anyone care?”

On that note, one of the many supportive comments asked, ‘Are you in the Bible Belt? I can’t even imagine being watched like this, but I’m on the west coast. I’m sorry you were degraded like this.

The “Bible Belt” refers to a socially conservative group of southern American states, including North Carolina.

Another “bewildered” X user added: “A sports bra and cycling shorts have been pretty standard at all the gyms I’ve been to over the last few years.”

And someone else asked: ‘Dude, what the fuck? What gym will do this in 2024?

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