Home Tech I’m a gardening expert and this is how you can make your Mother’s Day flowers last for weeks

I’m a gardening expert and this is how you can make your Mother’s Day flowers last for weeks

Julian de Bosdari, CEO of UK plant nursery Ashridge, shares his eight tips to ensure Mother's Day flowers last longer (stock image)

With Mother’s Day just over a week away, many of us will be heading to the supermarket to buy bouquets for the special women in our lives.

Although a bouquet of flowers is one of the most popular gifts for Mother’s Day, sometimes they don’t last long.

But just because flowers can wilt in several days without proper care, doesn’t mean they have to.

Julian de Bosdari, CEO of British online nursery Ashridge, has shared eight tips to keep your bouquet blooming for a week, or even longer.

Here, FEMAIL takes a look at ways you can make Mother’s Day flowers last longer…

Julian de Bosdari, CEO of UK plant nursery Ashridge, shares his eight tips to ensure Mother's Day flowers last longer (stock image)

Julian de Bosdari, CEO of UK plant nursery Ashridge, shares his eight tips to ensure Mother’s Day flowers last longer (stock image)


Perhaps one of the easiest ways to ensure a long life for your flowers is to bag a long-lasting variety.

According to the CEO of the online plant nursery, orchids, chrysanthemums and carnations are among the most durable types that can last for several weeks.

Unlike more delicate types of flowers, such as tulips and peonies, naturally longer-lasting flowers are unlikely to wilt within five days.

Buying a long-lasting type of flower will not only mean you get better value for money, but will also ensure your loved one can enjoy their gift for longer, says the CEO.


A key tip to increasing the longevity of your flowers this Mother’s Day is to make sure the vase containing them is clean.

Vases sometimes have narrow openings, which means they are often harder to clean and susceptible to trapping bacteria inside.

According to De Bosdari, this bacteria can seep into the water and increase the rate of decomposition and aging of the flower.

Therefore, he recommends purchasing a vase with a wider opening and avoiding the use of plastic containers, as they also retain bacteria.

She advises using a glass or ceramic vase, as they will not only enhance the appearance of your bouquet but will also be easier to clean.


Another tip to keep Mother’s Day flowers blooming longer is to trim a half-inch off the stem, according to the nursery manager.

Many cut flower bouquets already have the stems pre-cut, however, they will likely already be closed when you purchase them.

As a result, it is important to cut at least an inch from each stem at a 45-degree angle.

You should do this using a sharp pair of scissors or a clean knife before placing your gift in a beautiful vase, says Mr. de Bosdari.

Cutting them at a diagonal angle means there is more surface area for the flower to absorb water, which means your plants will be more hydrated.

You should trim the flower stems every couple of days so your plant has a better chance of absorbing water.

“Flowers are one of the most beloved gifts for Mother’s Day and it is disappointing that they don’t last longer,” said Mr. de Bosdari.

“However, making an effort to take special care of cut flowers will allow buyers to get the best value for money and recipients to enjoy their gift for as long as possible.”

It is important to cut at least an inch of each stem at a 45-degree angle so the flowers can better absorb water (file image)

It is important to cut at least an inch of each stem at a 45-degree angle so the flowers can better absorb water (file image)

It is important to cut at least an inch of each stem at a 45-degree angle so the flowers can better absorb water (file image)


Ensuring your plants’ habitat remains consistently clean is important to ensuring they have a longer life.

You can’t just clean the vase before using it and expect bacteria not to grow in the water.

It is important that, when they begin to wilt, any petals or foliage that have fallen below the waterline be removed, according to Mr. de Bosdari.

Any leaves or petals floating in water can cause bacterial growth, which in turn can clog the stems.

If the flower stems are clogged, this means that it may be difficult for water to enter the plant, shortening the life of the bouquets.

Any foliage that is above the water is preserved, as it will help preserve the bouquet and make it look as complete as possible, according to the CEO.


If you want to prevent your gift from withering within five days, it’s important to keep it out of sunlight, says the expert.

Direct sunlight and heat will cause the buds to bloom faster and will quickly reduce the lifespan of the flowers.

The best home for your bouquet is a cool environment, away from a radiator, that has plenty of indirect sunlight.

Your flowering bouquet should also be kept away from fruit bowls, as ripe bananas and apples produce a gas called ethylene.

The odorless gas causes the flowers to age faster and will cause the petals to start falling like dominoes.

Mr de Bosari said: “Keeping your bouquet clean, hydrated, nourished and out of the sun will go a long way to maintaining it, and removing unpleasant bacteria from its environment can help prevent flowers from deteriorating prematurely.”


Changing the water in your vase can help your bouquet live longer.

It is important to replace the water frequently in order to get rid of any bacteria that is developing in the water, according to the plant nursery’s CEO.

He advises changing the water every two days to keep your bouquet’s home free of bacteria. Cloudy, debris-filled water is a clear sign that the water needs to be replaced.

Changing the water in your vase is also key to making your blooming bouquet last longer, so you eliminate potential bacteria (stock image)

Changing the water in your vase is also key to making your blooming bouquet last longer, so you eliminate potential bacteria (stock image)

Changing the water in your vase is also key to making your blooming bouquet last longer, so you eliminate potential bacteria (stock image)


According to De Bosari, another way to keep your bouquet alive longer is to feed it nutritious foods.

The small sachet of liquid flower food that you will receive with your bouquet should be added immediately to the water in the vase.

But if you want the flowering plants to last longer, you should add this flower food every time you replace the water.

However, if you don’t have liquid flower food on hand, don’t worry: you can always make your own.

The only thing you need in your homemade mixture is two tablespoons of white vinegar and sugar, along with a liter of warm water.

The sugar will help give the bouquet some oomph, while the white vinegar will lower its pH and kill bacteria in the water.

A lower pH means the bouquet can also absorb water more efficiently, says the nursery’s general manager.


Keeping an eye on your colorful bouquet helps keep it alive longer, as you can remove falling petals and prevent the spread of bacteria.

Removing any dying leaves or petals also leaves more room for the buds to bloom, resulting in a blooming bouquet that is even larger than before.

De Bosari urges people to be careful with their bouquets, even if they have a very long-lasting flower.

Crushing or squeezing the stems by the man handling the flowers can cut off essential water supplies.

But once the life of your bouquets has come to an end, there is no need to worry as they can still make your home look beautiful.

The nursery’s managing director explains: ‘Remember, you can always press or dry the flowers once they have reached the end of their shelf life to preserve their beauty and retain the meaning behind them.

“If you’re put off by the fleeting nature of cut flowers, a houseplant or garden flowers can be an equally beautiful alternative that your loved one can enjoy for many years.”

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