Home Australia I’m a Dubai millionaire – I couldn’t wait to leave London… it is Europe’s slum, the people are miserable and the city is scruffy and depressing

I’m a Dubai millionaire – I couldn’t wait to leave London… it is Europe’s slum, the people are miserable and the city is scruffy and depressing

Businessman Ali Hasani, 22, photographed on a recent trip to London where he splurged on several designer items.

A Middle Eastern millionaire says he couldn’t wait to leave “miserable” London, calling the capital “the slum of Europe” and saying British steak, even in upscale restaurants, tasted like cardboard.

Entrepreneur Ali Hasani embarked on a lavish trip to the Big Smoke this summer, dining at some of the city’s most expensive restaurants and splurging on designer items.

However, the 22-year-old left the capital feeling disillusioned and says Brits simply “don’t know good food or how to cook”, even comparing a posh restaurant’s meat plate to cardboard.

The self-proclaimed millionaire said Londoners were “miserable” and was not surprised to find the city “depressing” and “scruffy.”

Ali said the city could never compare to the beauty of Dubai, where he lives, and joked that he couldn’t wait to return home and experience true luxury.

Businessman Ali Hasani, 22, photographed on a recent trip to London where he splurged on several designer items.

Ali photographed in a Mercedes car near the London Eye on a recent trip to the city

Ali photographed in a Mercedes car near the London Eye on a recent trip to the city

The 22-year-old said he left the city disappointed and called it

The 22-year-old said he left the city disillusioned, calling it “the slum of Europe.”

The self-proclaimed millionaire said Londoners were

The self-proclaimed millionaire said Londoners were “miserable” and was not surprised to find the city “depressing” and “scruffy.”

The bachelor says he enjoys the finer things in life, claiming he recently shelled out a whopping $60,000 on an extravagant restaurant date.

Ali, who has 11.3 million followers on Instagram, described Londoners as “miserable” and soon jetted off to experience “true luxury” back to the UAE.

Ali said: ‘London is depressing. Everyone who lives there seems so miserable.

‘London has some good things to see, but it is very scruffy and dirty. It doesn’t even compare to Dubai. Dubai is the best city in the world.

‘Dubai is the city of my dreams, whatever you want in the world, you can have it in Dubai.

‘One of the reasons I live in Dubai is that if you want to buy a car or a house, you can buy it in an hour. It is safe, secure and respectful.

“You don’t feel that in London. It really doesn’t compare to Dubai. It’s like the slum of Europe compared to Dubai. If you want the life of your dreams, it’s in Dubai.

‘Many people are not happy in London. They are miserable. If you ask people in Dubai, 99 per cent say yes.’

And Ali also failed to fall in love with London’s “mediocre” restaurant scene, commenting that the city “doesn’t come close” to Dubai’s luxury dining.

Ali, who has 11.3 million followers on Instagram, described Londoners as

Ali, who has 11.3 million followers on Instagram, described Londoners as “miserable” and soon jetted off to experience “true luxury” in the United Arab Emirates.

Ali photographed dining at a restaurant overlooking the London cityscape

Ali photographed dining at a restaurant overlooking the London cityscape

The bachelor says he enjoys the finer things in life, claiming he recently shelled out a whopping $60,000 on an extravagant restaurant date.

The bachelor says he enjoys the finer things in life, claiming he recently shelled out a whopping $60,000 on an extravagant restaurant date.

Ali claims to be a self-made millionaire who runs his own company with the goal of helping people make money through the cryptocurrency market.

Ali claims to be a self-made millionaire who runs his own company with the goal of helping people make money through the cryptocurrency market.

Ali said: ‘I went to a restaurant and ordered a very expensive steak and it tasted like cardboard.

‘In Dubai, the quality of food and service you get doesn’t come close. It’s out of this world.

‘London is very mediocre compared to that. I struggled to get a good meal; It seems that the British don’t know how to cook and don’t know good food.

‘I was just not impressed with either the food or the service. Once you’ve eaten at the world’s best restaurants in Dubai, you’ll know what good quality is and sadly, there isn’t much that comes close to that.

“The prices in London and Dubai are the same, but in Dubai the quality is much better.”

Ali also likes to splurge on other people while dining out—she recently spent a whopping $60,000 on a date.

Ali said: ‘On one date alone, I spent $60,000 in a restaurant. It’s just not a lot of money for me.

“That’s one of the good things about being single: I can treat other people like women too.” I enjoy spending money on others.

Ali claims to be a self-made millionaire who runs his own company with the goal of helping people make money through the crypto market.

Self-proclaimed millionaire Ali photographed traveling on a private plane

Self-proclaimed millionaire Ali photographed traveling on a private plane

He described the capital as

He branded the capital “the slum of Europe” and said British steak, even in upscale restaurants, tasted like cardboard.

Ali also likes to splurge on other people while dining out—she recently spent a whopping $60,000 on a date.

Ali also likes to splurge on other people while dining out—she recently spent a whopping $60,000 on a date.

The business owner says he grew the company from just 10 employees to 1,200 employees and has since expanded to three locations.

Ali said: ‘When I first set up the company it was to make money, but now it’s about more than that. I want people to have better lives, be successful, and grow my business as much as possible.

‘I bought my first crypto token when I was 12 and lost all my money. I then started to gain more knowledge about cryptocurrencies when I was 16 and started investing properly.

‘I had many dark points in my life and I used them as a launching pad. There were days when even my account balance was below $1 and there was a time when my company was facing bankruptcy, but I did not give up and came back to the market even stronger than before.

‘I always try to teach people that they only need themselves to achieve their goals and that they should use their difficulties as a launching pad.

‘I never give up and always use the darkness and difficult conditions of my life as a launching pad for the progress of my life and learn from them.

“My goal is to expand as much as possible and ultimately expand into Europe and help people around the world.”

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