Home Health I’m a dentist… here are FOUR reasons why snoring ruins oral health and causes bad breath

I’m a dentist… here are FOUR reasons why snoring ruins oral health and causes bad breath

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Dentist and founder of AI-based dental app Toothfairy shared the four effects snoring can have on oral health

A leading dentist has revealed why snoring can wreak havoc on your oral health and even cause bad breath.

Most people will snore at some point in their life, whether due to a cold or an illness that affects their ability to breathe through their nose.

However, for 15 million sleepers across the UK, grunting and wheezing is a common problem, according to the British Snoring and Sleep Anoea Association.

Age, gender, lifestyle and weight are all contributing factors to the snoring problem and can also be an indicator of an underlying health problem, according to dentist Dr. Deepak Aulak.

The founder of an AI-based dental app Tooth Fairy he shared the impact of snoring on his sparkling smile.

Dentist and founder of AI-based dental app Toothfairy shared the four effects snoring can have on oral health

1. Increased risk of oral infections

Snoring all night often causes you to breathe through your mouth, which means reduced saliva, but waking up with a dry mouth is the least of your worries.

A lack of saliva increases the risk of oral infections and chronic dry mouth can lead to cavities and gum disease, as saliva is vital for maintaining good oral health.

Dr. Deepak Aulak said, “Regular dental checkups are crucial, not only to maintain overall oral health, but also to specifically address dry mouth issues.”

“By monitoring your oral health regularly, we can detect any early signs of dry mouth and implement appropriate interventions to relieve discomfort and prevent potential complications.”

2. Cavities

Bad breath is not the most pleasant aroma in the morning; However, a bout of bad breath may be an indicator of an underlying problem with your oral health.

Dry mouth from snoring increases bacteria buildup, which means there is less saliva to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Dr. Deepak Aulak said, “If someone has complained that you snore, you may be brave enough to tell them some more painful truths.” You have bad breath?

‘Snoring dries out the mouth and removes that natural defensive layer of saliva, which is key to fighting cavities and keeping teeth and gums clean.

“If you don’t feel comfortable asking someone if you have bad breath, ask your dentist—you’ll get an honest answer from the same person who can help you treat it.”

The This Morning regular explained that chronic dry mouth caused by snoring can reduce saliva production and increase the chances of infections and gum disease.

The This Morning regular explained that chronic dry mouth caused by snoring can reduce saliva production and increase the chances of infections and gum disease.

3. Gum disease and gingivitis

Dry mouth from snoring not only causes cavities, but can also cause gingivitis and more serious gum diseases, such as periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, which occurs when plaque, tartar and bacteria build up on the teeth, causing red, swollen and bleeding gums.

When the condition is left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis, which attacks the soft tissue around the teeth and causes tooth loss.

Sleep disruption caused by snoring or sleep apnea can increase inflammatory markers in the blood, which can exacerbate gum disease.


Do you snore while you sleep?

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  • No, I’m as quiet as a mouse. 0 votes

Dr. Deepak Aulak said, “If you see blood in the sink after brushing your teeth or notice a bad smell after flossing, these could be the first signs of gum disease.”

‘In its early stages, it can be easily treated with special toothpastes and mouthwashes, but if the disease is allowed to take root deeper, you will know, it is very painful.

‘Regular dental checkups are essential not only for the early detection and treatment of gum disease, but also for general preventative care.

‘In addition to visits to the professional dentist, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices at home.

‘This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and using antimicrobial mouthwash to reduce plaque buildup and minimize the risk of gum disease.

‘By combining regular dental checkups with consistent oral care at home, we can effectively prevent the progression of gum disease and mitigate the risk of more serious complications.

“Snoring may not seem like a problem to you now, but addressing it could save you real problems in the future.”

More serious types of gum disease, such as periodontitis, can weaken gum tissue and lead to tooth loss (file image)

More serious types of gum disease, such as periodontitis, can weaken gum tissue and lead to tooth loss (file image)

4. Tooth loss

Severe gum disease, or periodontitis, weakens the soft tissue that supports the teeth, meaning that in some severe cases, teeth can be lost.

Tooth loss changes the shape of the mouth, sometimes causing the airways to become narrower and even affecting the way a person’s tongue rests when they sleep.

As a result, tooth loss also causes sleepers to snore.

Dr. Deepak Aulak said, “Tooth loss due to gum disease is the end result of long-term poor oral hygiene.” And snoring could make it worse.

Snoring is also something a dentist can advise you about, as problems with your teeth and gums can affect your breathing when you sleep.

Dr. Aulak said, “Snoring is more than just a frustration that you and anyone within earshot can endure.”

‘It is often indicative of underlying health problems which can significantly affect your quality of life and can also lead to oral health problems.

«Snorers often sleep with their mouth open, which dries their mouth and reduces the amount of saliva.

‘We need saliva to ensure our teeth and gums remain healthy. The result is more bacteria, which potentially means gum disease, cavities, and even tooth loss.

This Morning regular Dr Deepak added: “If you’re worried about snoring, make sure you speak to a dentist and doctor.”

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