Home Australia I’m a career expert and here are my top tips on what to do in an interview.

I’m a career expert and here are my top tips on what to do in an interview.

It is said that most candidates fail at the interview stage of the job application process (stock image)

Everyone knows that a great application is just the first step to landing a great job – it’s what comes after you send your CV that really matters.

But despite knowing that their dream job offer depends on their performance at the interview stage(s), it is in those crucial meetings where most candidates fail.

Whether it’s nerves that get you down or an unexpected question from a stone-faced interviewer, there’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to put your best foot forward when you’re in front of the decision-makers at your ideal organization.

The good news, however, is that success in interviews doesn’t require innate or rare talent, but is a skill that can be acquired and honed like any other, according to Gary Gamp.

The UK-based career coach and business leader, who has worked with some of the world’s biggest companies, has now turned his attention to the plight of young people eager to break into the big time and build their careers.

It is said that most candidates fail at the interview stage of the job application process (stock image)

Aware that school leavers and college graduates often jump into the world of work with little guidance on how to land the job they want, he has published a book packed with tips and tricks to help job candidates succeed.

In ‘Career Catalyst: Ten Secret Job Skills They Don’t Teach You At School,’ Gamp, who has decades of experience training employees at large companies like AT&T and Orange Business Services, draws on his real-world experience to help prospective employees thrive in their careers.

In her new book, available on Amazon, there is an entire chapter dedicated to navigating the interview stage of the job application process.

From the chapter titled ‘How to be a genius at interviews’, these are Gamp’s top tips:


‘It’s all about confidence. The more you plan and the better you understand the questions and the people you’ll be facing, the more confident you’ll be.

‘Any question you’re asked, any situation that arises, you’ve probably already rehearsed it and are prepared for it.

‘We all know the old cliché: “If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” That’s very true, and preparation makes a huge difference.

However, being successful in an interview does not require innate or rare talent, but rather it is a skill that can be acquired and perfected like any other, according to the expert (file image)

However, being successful in an interview does not require innate or rare talent, but rather it is a skill that can be acquired and perfected like any other, according to the expert (file image)

‘Failure should not be an option, but preparation will take a weight off your shoulders and give you the best chance of being selected.

‘So how do you get started? It’s best to research the company by checking out their website.

‘If they are publicly traded companies, they should have an annual report. You can usually find it on the investor relations page.

‘On the first five pages, you’ll see the strategy outlined by the CEO, as well as the risks page, where they typically do the ‘dirty washing’ and explain all the company’s problems, as if it were an internal document.

‘This will provide you with key information and topics related to the company that you can discuss. That will totally impress them.

‘When you’re rehearsing for your interview, I recommend doing it alone, out loud, in front of a mirror. Don’t worry about feeling stupid. At this stage, it’s just you and no one else.

“When you verbalize something and feel good about it, it helps the process become ingrained in your head. Then, when you feel brave enough and have rehearsed it enough, do it with your partner or a friend.

‘Have them ask you questions. Chances are, if you’ve done your research, most of the things you’ve put into practice will show up.

Gary Gamp, a UK-based career coach and business leader who has worked with some of the world's biggest companies, has shared his top interview tips in his new book titled 'Career Catalyst: Ten Secret Job Skills They Don't Teach You At School' (file image)

Gary Gamp, a UK-based career coach and business leader who has worked with some of the world’s biggest companies, has shared his top interview tips in his new book titled ‘Career Catalyst: Ten Secret Job Skills They Don’t Teach You At School’ (file image)

‘It’s important to think about the questions the company is going to ask you. Think about the role, read the job description, and use the language they use to predict the questions you’re going to be asked. It’s a lot more obvious than you might think, but it usually boils down to three key questions. I call them: The macabre trio…

  • What are your strengths? It’s okay to flaunt yourself and be able to reconnect with what they’re looking for.
  • What are your weaknesses? This is less comfortable. They may express it differently, but you have to be prepared for this and you have to give something up, but don’t give them the crown jewels. I always say, “I’m a very motivated person and not everyone likes me.”
  • Why should we give you the job? You must have thought about this and it will help you look stronger.


‘You have to think of your interview as a performance, because as soon as you arrive, the show begins. This step is very important. The interview has already started the moment you start talking to the person who picks you up at reception.

‘I don’t know who they are. They may be important, they may not be, but everyone involved in your interview process is usually asked what they think of you at some point, so be on the lookout from the first minute.

‘Nonverbal messages are just as important as verbal ones. You have to use your body language well. Try to look relaxed. It’s a conversation between two adults. They are not more important than you, and you are not more important than them.

Career Catalyst: Ten Secret Job Skills They Don't Teach You at School by Gary Gamp is now available on Amazon, Kindle, and in paperback.

Career Catalyst: Ten Secret Job Skills They Don’t Teach You at School by Gary Gamp is now available on Amazon, Kindle, and in paperback.

‘I call this piloting your participation. You are taking control of this session, because this is what you had planned.

‘So how can you come across as relaxed and focused without coming across as arrogant? You have to have a confident vulnerability. Vulnerable enough to be interested and open-minded enough to listen and learn, but not too needy.

‘So you have to be confident enough in yourself to know what you’re doing and that you have something of your own. Your job is to find the balance between confidence and vulnerability. That stops you from being arrogant.

‘This is one of my favorite things to do at the beginning of an interview. If executed well, it can give you a huge advantage for the rest of your time with the interviewer.

‘The most important thing to do when starting out is to come up with a good question and then link everything else you do in that session to the answer. You have to find a question that applies to you, but I’ll give you an example.

“You could ask, ‘What do you think you are good at in this position, and what kind of person are you looking for? What would make the biggest difference in making this position successful? ’”

“Based on that, everything else you do in this interview will be anchored to your answer to my original question. It’s a key question because you’re making an instant connection.

‘We want to make them think as soon as possible that we are perfect for the job, and then they will start selling it to us.

‘The interviewer might say, for example, “We need someone with a business mindset and great customer experience.” As you review your experience, you can relate it back to those things.’


“It’s really important to never get defensive throughout the entire process. If you’ve ever watched The Apprentice, when they do the interview part, you can see that they’re trying to get on the candidate’s nerves; that’s where they get tripped up.

“The key is to not let the interviewer know where the goat is tied. Never get discouraged.”

  • Career Catalyst: Ten Secret Job Skills They Don’t Teach You at School by Gary Gamp is now available on Amazon, Kindle, and in paperback.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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