Home Australia I’m 21 years old and I clean hoarders’ houses for a living. That’s why I do it and the time I found a $40,000 item under a moldy carpet.

I’m 21 years old and I clean hoarders’ houses for a living. That’s why I do it and the time I found a $40,000 item under a moldy carpet.

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Charlotte Bosanquet, founder of Care Cleaning Services in Sydney (pictured), cleans hoarders' homes for a living.

Horrible smells and insurmountable piles of rubbish can be too much for most, but a 21-year-old Australian woman has revealed why clearing out hoarders’ homes is one of the “most rewarding” jobs she’s ever had.

Charlotte Bosanquet started her own cleaning business in 2022 because she wanted to “help people get their homes back,” the Sydney woman told FEMAIL.

While working with all levels of cleaning, Charlotte-based company Care Cleaning Services has completely transformed several hoarder homes in Australia.

Charlotte charges between $5,000 and $20,000 to clean houses due to the sheer amount of work involved in doing the job.

“The first time I cleaned one of the houses it was very tiring, but it was the most rewarding thing I’ve ever accomplished in my life. Being able to help people who feel like they have no way out is the best feeling in the world. You just have to roll up your sleeves and get on with it,” Charlotte said.

In all her years of working with clients, Charlotte said the most shocking thing she found on the job was a 1930 Australian penny worth nearly $40,000. She then returned it to the homeowner.

“It was under a moldy carpet,” he said. “It’s one of the rarest and most valuable copper coins ever minted. My heart was pounding.Imagine discovering that beneath all that ‘Dust and dirt: we’re talking about a hidden treasure!’

A recent renovation saw Charlotte’s team completely and thoroughly clean a home that had months of filth and rotting food building up in the space.

Charlotte Bosanquet, founder of Care Cleaning Services in Sydney (pictured), cleans hoarders’ homes for a living.

A recent renovation saw Charlotte's team thoroughly and deep clean a home with months of filth and rotting food building up in the space.

A recent renovation saw Charlotte’s team thoroughly and deep clean a home with months of filth and rotting food building up in the space.

The cleanup took eight hours and 12 people to complete and it was a gigantic job.

The cleanup took eight hours and 12 people to complete and it was a gigantic job.

The cleanup took 12 people eight hours and was a titanic job.

When asked why people’s homes fall into such conditions, the professional said there are a multitude of reasons.

“It ranges from predominantly mental health issues, such as depression and hoarding disorders, to inheritances from deceased parents and single parents who simply find it difficult to keep on top of it all,” she said.

‘Often this can build up over several months or even years and by the time the client realises they need to ask for help, they are too embarrassed to realise they are not alone in this.

Charlotte focuses on small areas at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed when cleaning.

Charlotte focuses on small areas at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed when cleaning.

‘Clients with hoarding disorders also do not understand the severity of the problem at hand, as they often do not leave their home environment.’

What are Charlotte Bosanquet’s top 5 cleaning tips?

One step at a time:Focus on one small area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Decluttering is a marathon, not a sprint!

Sort and sift:Create three categories: keep, donate, and throw away. Be decisive and stick to your choices.

Go vertically:Use shelves or wall-mounted storage to maximize space and keep floors tidy.

Deep cleaning, not just superficial cleaning:Once you’ve cleared the mess, reach all the nooks and crannies with a good vacuum and a trusty disinfectant.

Celebrate the small triumphsEvery cleared corner is a victory! Reward yourself with a break or a treat after completing each area.

When it comes to cleaning, Charlotte revealed that she relies on the Shark Hydrovac

When it comes to cleaning, Charlotte revealed that she relies on the Shark Hydrovac

When it comes to cleaning, Charlotte revealed there’s one tool she can’t live without.

“The right tools can make all the difference,” he said. “The Shark HydroVac has been a game-changer for me – it’s like having a cleaning superhero at your side as it’s a 3-in-1 floor cleaning system.”

The $399.99 device vacuums, mops and cleans itself, so you’re not just moving dirt around, you’re removing it.

Charlotte said it was “perfect” for tackling stubborn layers of dirt and spills that have built up over time.

“The vacuum works on hardwood floors, tile, marble and carpet. Plus, the self-cleaning brushroll means you don’t have to constantly stop to untangle dirt, which is a huge time saver when you have a whole house to transform,” she said.

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