Home Australia I’m 16 and my creepy high school teacher said something that made my skin crawl

I’m 16 and my creepy high school teacher said something that made my skin crawl

A 16-year-old girl shared a 'horrifying' phrase her physical education teacher said during class

A 16-year-old girl shared a “horrifying” line her PE teacher said to her during class one day, and her “predatory” story makes it worse.

The anonymous student found her PE teacher “weird” and became cautious after several seniors warned her to stay away from him.

She took to Reddit after noticing a disturbing pattern of behavior in which the teacher would stare at her classmates’ chests and butts while running and unnecessarily touch their shoulders and arms without their consent.

But alarm bells really started ringing after she requested to be excused from class due to period pain.

“I have very irregular periods,” she wrote online. ‘Sometimes I go three months without having one, and other times I have two in a single month.

‘When I have my period, it is often painful and heavy, and sometimes causes nausea and vomiting, which means I cannot participate in PE or other sports during these times.

‘This month I had two periods. The first time I told my teacher that I couldn’t attend class that day and he seemed to understand me.

‘However, when my second period came and I told him again, he told me it wasn’t possible. He claimed it was just an excuse and explained that he knew because he had written down the date of my last period.’

A 16-year-old girl shared a ‘horrifying’ phrase her physical education teacher said during class

The young girl was horrified to think that her teacher would keep track of her period.

“I was surprised and at first I dismissed it, thinking he might have explained it wrong. Then I tried to clarify it by mentioning my irregular cycles and he seemed to understand a little.

‘However, I wanted to make sure I hadn’t misheard him before, so I jokingly asked him if he really kept track of our periods. To my surprise, he admitted yes, saying that it helped him determine whether the students were telling the truth or just making excuses.

She said his confession made her feel “uncomfortable” and “confused” and that she thought the behavior was “inappropriate,” and hundreds of people agreed.

‘This is strange. Tell your parents and they should tell the staff. I would also see if they can get you out of PE class. “If you don’t want anyone to know, at least consider reporting it anonymously,” one advised.

‘That’s so creepy!’ another exclaimed. ‘If my gym teacher had followed my period, I would have been furious. Your teacher is tracking your body and your personal medical information. Tell your parents and then take it to school. This guy is crazy.’

One woman added: “The gym teacher is creepy and his behavior is inappropriate.” Recording students’ periods is strange and a huge invasion of privacy. The worst thing is that he touches the students unnecessarily.

‘It may be a required class, but there’s no way a teacher will be interested in your menstrual cycle. It’s not good. Please report this,” said another.

The young woman was horrified to think that her teacher kept track of her period.

The young woman was horrified to think that her teacher kept track of her period.

Some parents shared their thoughts on the matter.

‘If this were my son’s school, the principal and school board would have to pay hell. They would be lucky if they were not reported to the local educational authorities,” one parent wrote.

‘This is medical/private information, why should a PE teacher keep track of underage girls’ periods?’ His excuse is even more worrying, to determine if the students are sincere or just making excuses. This is what I fear most, what is he going to do to the students when he tells them that they are not telling the truth?’

Another added: “The guy seems to think he’s a drill sergeant or something, there’s no reason he should get so upset because someone needs to stay out of playing dodgeball.”

“And in no world where students’ menstrual cycles are their business.”

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