Home Life Style ‘I went to hug him, I think she just wanted to shake his hand’: find out if it was a coincidence on this week’s blind date

‘I went to hug him, I think she just wanted to shake his hand’: find out if it was a coincidence on this week’s blind date

Madhu (pictured) has been single for five months. She is looking for a fun, spiritual, artistically minded guy who also cares about his health.

Sadhu, 28 years old

Single for five months

Past dates?

I moved to London from India in 2019 to study an MBA, but I fell in love with one of my classmates, so I stayed and we lived together for three years. I’ve been single since, although this year I dated a guy I met on an app for four months.

Pre-date nerves?

In any case, I was very relaxed having the whole day organized for me; Dating in 2024 is hard work.

Madhu (pictured) has been single for five months. She is looking for a fun, spiritual, artistically minded guy who also cares about his health.

First impressions?

Colorful! George was wearing a striking outfit (a green shirt and orange pants) that I wasn’t expecting. However, the look suited him well. We hugged to say hello and although it wasn’t awkward, I felt like he was a little nervous about it.

Is he easy to talk to?

At first, I wasn’t sure I would be matched with someone younger than me. But George is a mature guy, he has his own apartment and as a lawyer he has a very good career.

More than that, outside of work he writes music and acts in amateur dramatic productions. When he went through what he had achieved, I didn’t feel envy; In fact, he encouraged me to keep going.

Embarrassing moments?

Yes, I thought a plate of fries was for sharing, but they were George’s side. I apologized for eating a little but he didn’t mind in the slightest. Instead, he complimented me and said he liked the fact that I had immersed myself.

Did sparks fly?

It’s too early to say if there is romantic chemistry. I’d never dated anyone like George before, but we had so much in common that my perspective on him changed.

At the end of the date, physical features took a backseat because I found him so cute.

Madhu, a banking sector analyst, felt that George was mature for his age and had a very good career.

Madhu, a banking sector analyst, felt that George was mature for his age and had a very good career.

See it again?

Yes, it would be nice to see George as a friend again.

What do you think he thought of you?

He didn’t flirt or try to be touchy-feely. I still think he likes me because he repeatedly complimented me on my positive outlook on life.

Would your friends and family like it?

Yes, my friends would find George funny.


MADU, 28

Single for five months


Banking sector analyst.


A fun, spiritual, artistically minded guy who also cares about his health.

Jorge, 25 years old.

Single for four years.




Someone confident (but not arrogant), with aspirations and hobbies of their own.

Jorge, 25 years old.

Single for four years.

Past dates?

I had a long-term relationship outside of school that lasted a little over five years. I haven’t had a serious relationship since and to be honest, I enjoyed being single.

The next person you meet has to be someone special. I almost died in a car accident when I was 21, so I always live life to the fullest as I know you can’t guarantee tomorrow.

Pre-date nerves?

Just a little. I tend to talk a lot when I’m nervous, so I knew there wouldn’t be any awkward silences.

George (pictured) has been single for four years and is looking for someone confident (but not arrogant), with aspirations and hobbies of his own.

George (pictured) has been single for four years and is looking for someone confident (but not arrogant), with aspirations and hobbies of his own.

First impressions?

Madhu is an attractive woman with striking dark brown eyes. He stood up to greet me and my instinct was to go hug me, but I think he was going to shake my hand. Then I cringed, hoping I hadn’t crossed any boundaries.

Is he easy to talk to?

Yes, we talked about our families and Madhu told me about her life in India. I told him I had been there once but couldn’t remember what state it was in. Impressively, he passed through quite a few before reaching Gujarat; It was a little embarrassing.

Madhu also lives by my motto “live every day as if it were your last”, which I liked because I think it will serve us well in our lives.

Embarrassing moments?

No, we were both well behaved and neither of us looked at our phones while we were together.

Did sparks fly?

Not on my side. I think Madhu also feels the same. We had a great time, but it was a flirt-free zone. However, it was a good match: we have a lot in common and we are both spontaneous and motivated people.

George, who works as a lawyer, said Madhu followed the same motto as him:

George, who works as a lawyer, said Madhu followed the same motto as him: “Live every day as if it were your last.”

See her again?

We’re not big planners, but she said to let you know if I’ve ever been to London (I live in Winchester) so we can meet up.

What do you think she thought of you?

I hope she thinks I’m a good guy. I suppose he will say the same thing as me: that he enjoyed my company.

Would your friends like it?

Yes, Madhu enjoys going out at night and said that once she is on the dance floor, she doesn’t leave it. They would like that about her.


APPRECIATED? I felt relaxed.

REGRETS? My early start the next day.



APPRECIATED? Madhu’s spontaneity.

REGRETS? No, it was fun.


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