Home Australia I went through my boyfriend’s phone after he got mugged and found the unthinkable

I went through my boyfriend’s phone after he got mugged and found the unthinkable

A young man has been devastated after discovering his partner of three and a half years has been cheating on him for more than two years, with multiple people.

A young man was left devastated after discovering his partner has been cheating on him for more than two years – and with multiple people.

The man, 23, learned about his 33-year-old flight buddy’s extracurricular activities after the older man was assaulted on a night out.

“She came back to the hotel and called me crying about her Apple Watch,” boyfriend Jilted wrote on Reddit.

She was then asked to deactivate her partner’s iPhone so that he could use her iPad which was in the house they shared.

He got the iPad password and quickly deactivated the phone while it was smashed, his partner had been mugged while on a work stopover.

Out of nowhere, he had the instinct to look at his partner’s messages.

He discovered that his partner had sent a message, and even had ongoing relationships with several people, and took them to the house they shared.

A young man has been devastated after discovering his partner of three and a half years has been cheating on him for more than two years, with multiple people.

He added for the past two years, the older man has not been interested in intestacy.

“He told me ‘I’m dealing with health issues’ or ‘I feel self-conscious.’ Meanwhile, he’s been connecting with other people all the time,” he wrote.

The young man said he had felt something was wrong in the relationship but had ignored his instinct.

He said this had been his only long-term relationship and he was terrified of breaking up with his other half.

He then asked what he should do and explained that they live in a high cost city so it will take some time to get into a financial situation to leave.

And you own a dog together and as long as your partner chose and paid for the dog, he is the pet’s number one human.

People were quick to comment, telling the man to pack up his partner’s things so he could pick them up once he got off the plane.

“He’s not going to change, pack up his stuff and kick it to the curb,” one woman said.

Others had even harsher sanctions in mind.

“Use the iPad to unlock the phone so the raiders can have it, they serve you well,” said one.

The men had been dating for over three years, but the older one had been cheating for over two of those.

The men had been dating for over three years, but the older one had been cheating for over two of those.

“He would unlock his phone and send a gift to the attackers because without them he wouldn’t have been given the iPad password and seen the messages,” said another.

The young man said he felt bad for going through the messages. But others said they would have done it too.

“You are not wrong to find the messages, but you will be wrong if you choose to stay, have a little respect.”

“You haven’t been intimate in years, that should have been the first red flag,” one said.

Others said they wished they had done the same given the opportunity.

“If I had checked my ex’s phone when I suspected he was cheating, I would have saved myself three years of gaslighting and going crazy with paranoia,” said another.

The younger man said he had trusted his partner and would have married them in a heartbeat if they had asked… but now he’s worried their love life has been a lie.

“Get tested, if he’s sleeping then get a full panel to be sure,” one man said.

Some people questioned whether the man’s assault was random or whether he had gone home with the thief and then been robbed.

(tagstotranslate) dailyMail

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