Home Australia ‘I was scared they would rape me and parade my body in Gaza… I feared that more than death’: Israeli who was sexually assaulted while held hostage describes horror she endured after she was abducted

‘I was scared they would rape me and parade my body in Gaza… I feared that more than death’: Israeli who was sexually assaulted while held hostage describes horror she endured after she was abducted

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Amit Soussana, 40 (pictured), was taken hostage by Hamas during its October 7 attacks on Israel and released 55 days later.
  • Amit Soussana, 40, was taken hostage by Hamas during the October 7 attacks.



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An Israeli woman who was sexually assaulted while held hostage in Gaza has described the horror she endured after being kidnapped.

Amit Soussana, 40, was taken hostage by Hamas during its October 7 attacks on Israel and released 55 days later.

The hostage has described how she was surrounded and taken away by ten men with whom she tried to fight before being transported to Gaza and chained for three weeks in a dark room.

In the new documentary ‘Screams Before Silence’, Mrs Soussana said: ‘There were ten men around me. The feeling that they are taking me as if I were some kind of object, I couldn’t stand it.

‘My instinct was to just fight and do what I could. I was very afraid that they would rape me there and that they would drag me through the streets of Gaza and expose my body. I feared that more than being killed.

Amit Soussana, 40 (pictured), was taken hostage by Hamas during its October 7 attacks on Israel and released 55 days later.

Amit Soussana, 40 (pictured), was taken hostage by Hamas during its October 7 attacks on Israel and released 55 days later.

The hostage described how she was surrounded and taken by ten men to Gaza.

The hostage described how she was surrounded and taken by ten men to Gaza.

The hostage described how she was surrounded and taken by ten men to Gaza.

Soussana, an Israeli lawyer, said she was then taken to Gaza and kept in a dark room for three weeks, where a guard watched her.

“I was chained for three weeks in Gaza. They kept me in a very dark room without being able to move,” she said.

‘Every time I needed to go to the bathroom I needed to ask permission.

‘His name was Muhammad. He used to sit on the bed in front of me wearing shorts.

‘Lying down, I remember that I couldn’t look at him; I just looked away and covered myself with a blanket so I didn’t have to look at him. “It made me feel really uncomfortable.”

She added: “He also kept asking me if I like sex, if I have sex with my boyfriend, and every time he talked about it I would just laugh and say ‘oh come on, stop, stop’, trying to change the subject.” . .

‘I knew he was up to something. I knew something was going to happen.’

Ms Soussana described how she was given sanitary pads for her period and ordered to shower after her monthly cycle ended.

“One day Muhammad came and gave me women’s sanitary pads,” she said.

“He said, ‘When you get your period, after that, you’re going to shower and wash your clothes.'” And he kept repeating it a couple of times a day.

Ms. Soussana previously revealed how she was sexually assaulted while held captive by Hamas.

Ms. Soussana previously revealed how she was sexually assaulted while held captive by Hamas.

Ms. Soussana previously revealed how she was sexually assaulted while held captive by Hamas.

Ms. Soussana, an Israeli lawyer, said she was then taken to Gaza and kept in a dark room for three weeks under the surveillance of a guard.

Ms. Soussana, an Israeli lawyer, said she was then taken to Gaza and kept in a dark room for three weeks under the surveillance of a guard.

Ms. Soussana, an Israeli lawyer, said she was then taken to Gaza and kept in a dark room for three weeks under the surveillance of a guard.

“Then I got my period, and the period was only for one day, but I tricked him into believing that the period continued, until I couldn’t lie anymore.”

Ms Soussana previously revealed how she was sexually assaulted by guard Muhammad while she was held captive by Hamas.

Mrs. Soussana claimed that the guard, pointing his gun at me, forced me to commit a sexual act with him in a child’s room.

The hostage claimed she was sexually assaulted, beaten and tortured while detained in Gaza for 55 days.

The Israeli lawyer was released during a ceasefire in November along with 21-year-old Mia Schem.

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