Home Australia I told my fat friend she has to lower her standards if she wants to find a man – now none of my mates want to talk to me

I told my fat friend she has to lower her standards if she wants to find a man – now none of my mates want to talk to me

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A young woman has been criticized by her friends after advising someone to

A young woman has been criticized by her friends after advising her to “lower her standards”, join a gym or stay single.

On Reddit, the woman explained that her partner ‘Lola’, 26, has been single for years despite registering on all online dating platforms and even trying to ‘manifest ‘love in her life’ by dressing in white in everywhere’.

She said that while her friend is often approached by men, especially when the group of friends goes out, her standards are so high that she will likely remain single forever.

His list of “must haves” for a man includes a healthy appetite for the gym, a minimum salary of $100,000 and the ability to play a musical instrument.

I told my fat friend she has to lower her

A young woman has been criticized by her friends after advising her to “lower her standards”, join a gym or remain single, after declaring that a man must be fit, rich and tall.

He should also be at least 187 centimeters tall, or six feet two, according to the Reddit pitch.

The problem, according to the OP, who was criticized by her friends for telling Lola to lower her standards, is that she doesn’t live up to the standards she sets.

“He works part-time and lives with his parents, is overweight and hates exercise and has never picked up an instrument in his life,” he wrote.

The woman said Lola has a habit of dragging her non-existent love life into every conversation.

She added that she usually tries to ignore it, but Loa brought it up directly and asked how she managed to snag her athletic, musically talented boyfriend.

The woman explained that she and her boyfriend have the same interests and go to the gym together every day.

“I told her that if she wants to find a man like that, she should consider working harder at her job, going to the gym, and taking up a hobby that she wants her partner to have,” she wrote.

“Otherwise, she could date a guy who is interested in her as she is or feel comfortable being single.”

The blunt advice blew up the group of friends, ending brunch early and leaving Lola crying.

“She got very upset and accused me of shaming her for being fat (even though I never said anything about losing weight, just going to the gym because she wants her partner to go to the gym),” she wrote.

The friendship group was divided.

“One of my friends told me that Lola is worthy and deserving of a great guy and that she doesn’t need to change herself,” she said.

“Others supported me and said what I said was correct.”

The woman posted on the popular Reddit thread Am I the Asshole? to find out if she was wrong.

But the people took his side.

‘You gave Lola honest and helpful advice when she asked for it. You didn’t shame her, you just pointed out that people tend to date people with similar lifestyles. If she wants a fit and successful guy, she should work on those things herself.

The woman was angry with her friend and felt that she had embarrassed her by suggesting that she join a gym to look for a boyfriend.

The woman was angry with her friend and felt that she had embarrassed her by suggesting that she join a gym to look for a boyfriend.

The woman was angry with her friend and felt that she had embarrassed her by suggesting that she join a gym to look for a boyfriend.

These are all superficial qualities. None of these traits say anything about his character. “She doesn’t want a man, she wants an accomplice,” said another.

‘Sure, she deserves an amazing guy, but the amazing guy will also want an amazing woman. What does she bring to the dating table? asked another.

Others suggest that men who check all the boxes Lola wants are “not dating.”

‘As for her demands on a man, I don’t think she realizes how long they lose all interest, since she does nothing herself. The gym, playing an instrument for practice or fun, and working long hours take time,” said one.

Read more: I drove an hour to go to a date that quickly turned into a hellish night.

1712029599 598 I told my fat friend she has to lower her

1712029599 598 I told my fat friend she has to lower her

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