Home Life Style I stopped shaving my body hair more than 10 years ago – people are always staring, but men love my fuzzy legs and armpits

I stopped shaving my body hair more than 10 years ago – people are always staring, but men love my fuzzy legs and armpits

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Aria Loca, 34, from Mexico, revealed that although she receives glares in public, men online are obsessed with her bushy appearance.

A hairy woman has revealed that although people constantly stare at her bushy bobby pins, men are allegedly obsessed with them.

Aria Loca from Mexico is tired of society reinforcing the idea that women need to have hairless bodies, so she rebels against the norms.

The 34-year-old has opted for a lower-maintenance look and doesn’t care at all who can see her fuzzy bits.

Although her shaggy look draws some bemused looks, Aria says men online are completely in love with her bushy style.

But despite receiving daily messages from men professing their love for her soft pins and armpits, her natural look has still caused tension in her love life.

Aria Loca, 34, from Mexico, revealed that although she receives glares in public, men online are obsessed with her bushy appearance.

Aria Loca, 34, from Mexico, revealed that although she receives glares in public, men online are obsessed with her bushy appearance.

The electrical journeyman decided to ditch shaving foam at the age of 21 after being inspired by Patti Smith's Easter album cover, in which the singer shows off her hairy armpits.

The electrical journeyman decided to ditch shaving foam at the age of 21 after being inspired by Patti Smith's Easter album cover, in which the singer shows off her hairy armpits.

The electrical journeyman decided to ditch shaving foam at the age of 21 after being inspired by Patti Smith’s Easter album cover, in which the singer shows off her hairy armpits.

‘I was once in a relationship with someone who didn’t like me. “I kept shaving to please them, but I would never do that now,” Aria revealed.

“If they can’t accept me fully, they are not for me and I am not for them.”

But after building her TikTok page, @vivalahippieloca, around her fuzzy body hair, the electrical officer is now often showered with compliments from men.

“Now I get comments from men every day saying how much they like women’s hairy legs and armpits,” she shared.

Aria, who began growing her body hair at age 21, was initially inspired by Patti Smith’s Easter album cover, in which the singer shows off her hairy armpits.

Explaining why she ditched shaving foam more than a decade ago, she said: “I saw other women showing off their body hair and it looked so unruly and tough.

“Many of us don’t realize that we have been brainwashed from birth to conform to social norms.”

She added: “Women with smooth, hairless skin are plastered everywhere and that’s how we think women should look.”

Although Aria now doesn't care who looks at her body hair, it has caused problems in her past relationships.

Although Aria now doesn't care who looks at her body hair, it has caused problems in her past relationships.

Although Aria now doesn’t care who looks at her body hair, it has caused problems in her past relationships.

Since growing his body hair, he has never looked back and revealed that he would never shave for a partner again.

Since growing his body hair, he has never looked back and revealed that he would never shave for a partner again.

Since growing his body hair, he has never looked back and revealed that he would never shave for a partner again.

The 34-year-old says her friends envy her confidence, as they too wish they could embrace her natural confusion.

“I’ve gotten a few comments from friends saying they wish they could stop shaving like me, but they’re too afraid of what other people will say,” he shared.

However, Aria’s journey to embracing her natural self hasn’t been a walk in the park, as she’s often on the receiving end of online hate, but she doesn’t let that discourage her.

‘Negative comments come from the Internet. There will always be haters, there’s not much you can do about that,” he joked.

‘I don’t really think much about what other people might think.

‘However, I enjoy raising awareness and like to think it might be changing perspectives, just as it changed mine.

Although she receives daily messages from men enamored with her bushy style, Aria has received some hate online.

Although she receives daily messages from men enamored with her bushy style, Aria has received some hate online.

Although she receives daily messages from men enamored with her bushy style, Aria has received some hate online.

However, the criticism is nothing more than water for the content creator who believes everyone should embrace their natural bodies more.

However, the criticism is nothing more than water for the content creator who believes everyone should embrace their natural bodies more.

However, the criticism is nothing more than water for the content creator who believes everyone should embrace their natural bodies more.

“I may get stared at in public, but I’ve never received a negative comment in person.”

The content creator believes that everyone should be more accepting of themselves.

“We are all beautiful just the way we are and if women weren’t meant to have body hair then we wouldn’t have body hair, but it’s there for a reason.”

“I love embracing my femininity by embracing the hair on my body.”

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