Home Australia I said let’s SHUT the windows! Moment safari park visitors’ car is invaded by hungry zebras… before deer AND ostrich join in

I said let’s SHUT the windows! Moment safari park visitors’ car is invaded by hungry zebras… before deer AND ostrich join in

For Jolie Brancaccio and her friends, their visit to the Lake Hartwell Wildlife Safari in the US state of Georgia turned into an even more intimate encounter than they expected.

Safari parks allow visitors to get up close to exotic animals from the comfort of their own cars.

Some even encourage families to feed them from open windows as they pass by, selling bags of feed.

But for Jolie Brancaccio and her friends, their visit to the Lake Hartwell Wildlife Safari in the US state of Georgia turned into an even more intimate encounter than they expected.

With the car windows down and food in their hands, the zebras began to gather.

Then they stuck their heads out, to the surprise of the three friends, as a video from the dashboard shows.

A deer and an ostrich also joined. The group screamed with laughter as they tried to avoid the hungry beasts.

One even grabbed the park’s rule book while yelling, “It says don’t feed the zebras.” Oh no!’

There were no injuries to people or animals, but one of the passengers can be heard shouting at the zebras: “Go away.” Oh God, they’re biting me.’

For Jolie Brancaccio and her friends, their visit to the Lake Hartwell Wildlife Safari in the US state of Georgia turned into an even more intimate encounter than they expected.

The group screamed with laughter as they tried to avoid the hungry beasts.

The group screamed with laughter as they tried to avoid the hungry beasts.

A curious ostrich was determined not to miss out on the rich profits.

A curious ostrich was determined not to miss out on the rich profits.

As another zebra chews on a side window, one of the young women warns: “It’s biting your car.”

“My car needs a bath,” her friend responds.

Commenters loved the video with one saying: ‘The way I’m laughing in bed right now!’

Another claimed: ‘This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time!’

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