Home Australia I ordered a hot bagel with my coffee at a café in Melbourne; Then the bill came and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I ordered a hot bagel with my coffee at a café in Melbourne; Then the bill came and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

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A young man was left angry after he was charged a 'heating fee' for accepting a waitress' kind offer to heat his chocolate chip bun.

A young man has been left in hot water after being charged a “heating fee” for accepting a waitress’s kind offer to heat his chocolate chip bun.

The man said he was ordering his second coffee at the Melbourne cafe when he decided, mid-joke, that he would opt for the delicious cake.

“We (the man and the waitress) agreed that the guilty pleasure of the white chocolate muffin would be worth it,” she wrote on Facebook.

‘They asked me if I would like it to be heated. Cold morning in Melbourne, sure why not,” he added.

But when he received his bill he was surprised. Opting to have the $7 bagel served warm cost him $1.

A young man was left angry after he was charged a ‘heating fee’ for accepting a waitress’ kind offer to heat his chocolate chip bun.

The man complained that the “heat standard” charge came as a complete surprise.

“They just add it to the bill without telling you,” he said.

While he understands margins are tight due to the cost-of-living crisis and expenses “rising,” he says customers should be informed about additional charges.

His coffee, a long black, only cost him $4.50. His decision to add a tasty treat added another $8 to the bill.

The man’s Facebook post attracted more than a thousand reactions and 850 comments before being deleted, and most people were as surprised as he was.

“I can’t believe they charged you $1 to heat a bagel,” one woman said.

Others debated the basic cost of the muffin.

“For $7 it must have been the best muffin ever; I would never pay more than $5 and even then it would have to be charged,” one woman said.

‘I would turn red right then and there. “It would make me furious,” said another.

Others advised the man to go to the ACCC because the charges needed to be made clear to customers.

‘They’re supposed to say, “It’ll be an extra dollar, okay?”‘ they advised.

The original poster said it would accept your receipts from now on, adding that most people don’t pay attention when they’re in cafes.

The man asked if anyone else had received a similar charge after agreeing to heat something up at a coffee shop.

Daily Mail Australia approached the cafe for comment. The client did not want to comment further.

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