Home Australia I made my pregnant friend cry by criticising her baby name – she says I’ve ‘ruined’ it, but she wanted to call her child after a household item

I made my pregnant friend cry by criticising her baby name – she says I’ve ‘ruined’ it, but she wanted to call her child after a household item

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I made my pregnant friend cry by criticising her baby name - she says I've 'ruined' it, but she wanted to call her child after a household item

A woman revealed she made her pregnant friend cry after criticizing the name she chose for her unborn child.

On Reddit, the anonymous US user admitted she can be “quite critical” when it comes to the names of other people’s children, but asked if she was being unreasonable after finding out her friend was planning to call her unborn baby ‘Cup holder’.

The anonymous author’s friend chose the gender-neutral nickname because she thought it was “super cool and different, and it sounds like a surfer’s name.”

But after learning that coaster was synonymous with coasters, the pregnant woman was left in tears and blamed her friend for “ruining her name.”

Leading to the subreddit NameNerdCircleJerkin which users share stories of people choosing unconventional names for their children, explained: “My friend is expecting her third child and they don’t find out the sex until the birth.

A woman has revealed that she made her friend cry after disdaining the name she chose for her baby because it reminded her of a common household object (File Image)

“I was hoping she would say something that wasn’t too common, but also not strange. Her family is made up of big hippie surfers and her first two children have unusual but recognizable natural names.

‘We met them yesterday and I was chatting to her about pregnancy, parenting etc, and finally asked her if she had a name for her third child. She said yes.

“She then proceeded to tell me that she’s ‘really happy with the name, no one else has a name like that, and it’s super cool and different, and it sounds like a surfer’s name.’

‘Upon hearing this, I was internally preparing myself for what was to come, but I just had to ask what the name was.

“It’s the roller coaster.”

When the person noticed the association, he revealed that his friend seemed to have no idea what a roller coaster was and had to Google the article to find out.

The drama apparently continued, after the Redditor in question said she received a text from her friend’s partner, saying that they had made her cry “because she loved the name and you ruined it for her.”

She responded to this by saying that, in her opinion, it was best to know what a roller coaster is before the child was born, as she felt it was inevitable that someone would make the association and make fun of her at a later date.

However, that was not the end of the matter, as the original post was edited with an update to say that the couple had since reconciled and put aside their differences.

They said their friend apologized for becoming defensive about the situation and probably wouldn’t call his son Coaster after all.

She also explained to her friend that she didn’t know what a coaster was because her family simply used napkins as coasters at home.

In response to the comments, other users sided with the original poster and said they would have reacted similarly.

One user wrote: ‘I don’t think I could have thought of a different answer right now! I would have been stunned. You’ve done the boy a favor.’

A second added: “Hopefully OP did the kid a favor.” Honestly, what worries me most is that the friend didn’t know what a roller coaster was.’

Another simply asked: ‘Have you ever literally been to someone else’s house?’

Another Reddit user commented: “She doesn’t respect wood.”

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