Home Australia I kissed a stranger on a night out and ended up in hospital on an IV drip: Self-confessed ‘party girl’ warns club-goers about dangers of ‘kissing disease’

I kissed a stranger on a night out and ended up in hospital on an IV drip: Self-confessed ‘party girl’ warns club-goers about dangers of ‘kissing disease’

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Singleton Neve McRavey had gone clubbing with friends earlier this month to celebrate completing her studies at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

A self-proclaimed “party girl” who kissed an unknown boy at a bar during a night out has been hospitalized after contracting “kissing disease” and says it “ruined” her graduation.

Singleton Neve McRavey needed intravenous treatment after going clubbing with friends earlier this month to celebrate completing her studies at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

After meeting an unknown man at the bar, the 22-year-old journalism graduate says the couple shared an innocent kiss on the dance floor and didn’t think anything about it.

It was only when she woke up the next morning with a sore throat that she realized something was wrong, but she attributed it to tonsillitis.

Neve said her symptoms worsened over the next 24 hours and when she started gagging on her own saliva, she visited her GP, who prescribed antibiotics.

Singleton Neve McRavey had been out clubbing with friends earlier this month to celebrate completing her studies at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.


The self-confessed “party girl” says she was hospitalized after contracting “kissing disease” from making out with random men in bars during nights out.

The 22-year-old journalism graduate needed an IV to treat her illness while she was in the hospital.

The 22-year-old journalism graduate needed an IV to treat her illness while she was in the hospital.

But when medicine didn’t work, she went to the hospital where she was diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis and given an IV to rehydrate her.

Since kissing a stranger in a bar, Neve says she has been practically bedridden and finds it difficult to leave the house.

What is infectious mononucleosis?

Also called “kissing disease” because it is transmitted through saliva, this disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

In the United States it is also called mono, short for mononucleosis.

What is it?

A viral infection transmitted by EBV.

How is it spread?

Usually by exchanging saliva with an infected person. This can be through kissing or sharing cups or cutlery, but young children can also get it from sharing toys.

People are usually contagious for several weeks before symptoms appear.

What are your symptoms?

Common symptoms include:

  • a high temperature (fever)
  • a severe sore throat
  • swollen glands in the neck
  • fatigue (extreme tiredness)

Are there long-term risks?

Symptoms usually disappear after two to three weeks, although fatigue has been known to last up to seven months.

The virus behind glandular fever is suspected to trigger the onset of MS, although the exact mechanisms of this interaction are not understood. However, only a small fraction of people who have glandular fever go on to develop MS.

There have also been studies linking EBV infection with an increased risk of certain cancers.

He even admitted that contracting glandular fever “ruined” his graduation on Wednesday, as his symptoms prevented him from celebrating with friends and family.

Neve, who has been single since March, is now warning other singles to be careful who they kiss on their nights out to ensure they don’t face the same fate as her.

Neve, from Glasgow, Scotland, said: “It’s called kissing disease.” When I heard this, so much regret ran through my head.

“I’ve been single since March. I’ve been hanging out every weekend with the girls, dancing and having fun.

‘Every once in a while I would meet a guy in the bar and we would start chatting and kiss on the dance floor.

‘The first weekends in June I was celebrating the delivery of my thesis. I got a 2.1, so I was celebrating all the hard work.

‘On Sunday I woke up with a strange sore throat. I’m quite prone to tonsillitis, so at first I thought that was it.

‘On Monday morning I woke up and couldn’t even swallow my own saliva and I was gagging.

“I was very sick so I went to the doctor and they thought it was tonsillitis so they gave me antibiotics.

‘The antibiotics didn’t work and I kept feeling worse. She had a very high fever, swollen glands, was sweating profusely and vomiting and was so weak that she couldn’t really walk well.

“I went back to the doctors a couple of times and they tried to give me more medication but nothing worked. Then I went to the hospital and it turned out it was glandular fever.

“When you’re drunk and single you don’t think about it (kissing a random person) and it’s just a bit of fun.

‘It’s been over three weeks and I’ve spent almost a month of my life bedridden and in hospital just because I kissed someone in a bar.

‘I didn’t really get the graduation I wanted. The only thing I could manage was to walk across the stage, take my photos, and then go back to sleep.

“I booked a lovely dinner with my family, and then my friends and I booked tables everywhere for a great night out.”

According to the NHS, infectious mononucleosis is a viral infection that mainly affects teenagers and young adults and includes symptoms such as a sore throat and extreme tiredness.

Neve was left bedridden after contracting glandular fever while kissing a stranger in a club

Neve became bedridden after contracting infectious mononucleosis when she kissed a stranger in a club.

The infection may get better without treatment, but it can last for weeks and make you feel very sick.

Neve said that because of his “weak” immune system, his body is struggling to fight off the infection and it could take weeks for it to improve.

He now advises other single people to take “personal responsibility” by not kissing anyone on nights out if they themselves are unwell.

Neve, who graduated in English literature and journalism, said: ‘I think as a young person it’s part of our culture to go out and have a good night and sometimes part of that night includes kissing someone.

‘In the lyrics of the songs it is glamorous to go out and kiss boys and have fun. I was all this and I was a party girl.

‘I think now after everything that has happened I will be much more selective (with whom I kiss).

‘I also feel there is some personal responsibility. Since I was sick, I didn’t kiss anyone for a long time, but obviously the guy who kissed me knew that he had been sick recently, but he didn’t really care.

‘If that child had infectious mononucleosis, he was probably sick for a week and didn’t think anything of it.

“But because I have a weak immune system, it left me in the dust and ruined one of the most special moments of my life, which was my graduation.”

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