Home US I invited all the kids in my daughter’s class to her birthday party except for one; Now moms call me “bully”

I invited all the kids in my daughter’s class to her birthday party except for one; Now moms call me “bully”

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When planning the party, the mother thought she was inviting everyone in her daughter's class and was told there were 19 students to invite. But she didn't know that her daughter decided to exclude her

A mother asked him if he had made a mistake by not inviting his daughter’s best friend to her 13th birthday.

The 36-year-old planned a sleepover at a trampoline park and invited 19 students from her daughter’s class, not knowing she was leaving one out.

Then, on the day of the party, an extra girl, Kamilla, showed up with her mother and a box full of gifts.

‘When we were booking the event, (my daughter) said to only reserve 19 places. “I asked her if she was sure she wasn’t missing someone, but she assured me that there were only 19 kids in her class and that she just didn’t remember well,” the mother wrote on Reddit.

“When Kamilla went to hug my daughter and wish her a happy birthday, she pushed her lightly and told Kamilla that she couldn’t attend because we had forgotten to reserve her spot.

‘I apologized to Kamilla and her mother and offered to speak to those responsible and pay for her place, but my daughter insisted that Kamilla could not come. Kamilla was very distressed by this and she began to sob.

When planning the party, the mother thought she was inviting everyone in her daughter’s class and was told there were 19 students to invite. But she didn’t know that her daughter decided to exclude her “best friend” from her (file image)

‘I took my daughter aside and asked her why Kamilla couldn’t join, even though they used to be friendly and she had invited all the other students in her year. “She said that Kamilla was really weird, obsessive and creepy, and that she didn’t want to be her friend anymore,” the mother continued.

“I asked her if Kamilla was harassing her and she said no, she just didn’t want to be around Kamilla. Kamilla’s mom found out about the party from another parent and Kamilla decided to surprise my daughter knowing she hadn’t been invited.

The mother returned the gifts and apologized and then explained that there was not enough room for her to join.

‘Her mother started yelling at me, telling me that I was a grown woman bullying a pre-teen girl. “I told her it was my daughter’s birthday party, that she could invite whoever she wanted,” the publication continues.

‘She accused me of raising my daughter to be a bully and that I couldn’t just invite the whole class and exclude one girl. He claimed that Kamilla was my daughter’s “best friend” and that she had a right to be invited.

The 'best friend' and her mother showed up at the party unannounced with a gift, but were turned away because there was no room to join (file image)

The ‘best friend’ and her mother showed up at the party unannounced with a gift, but were turned away because there was no room to join (file image)

To calm the situation, the mother explained that she couldn’t force her daughter to invite someone “just to be nice” and that she “didn’t want to raise a doormat.”

“I didn’t want to teach her to value other people’s feelings at the expense of her own. If my daughter is uncomfortable around someone, then I prioritize HER well-being over that of a stranger,” he continued.

Kamilla’s mother is now talking to teachers at the school in the hope that her daughter will not be punished for bullying.

‘I have tried to explain to her that my daughter was simply setting her boundaries and that she should not have to face consequences for it. Kamilla’s mother said I was an “evil bitch” who “enjoyed bullying little girls.” Am I the idiot?’

Many were quick to respond with harsh criticism of the mother’s decision.

‘The real problem here is that your daughter lied to you about class size so she could exclude this person. It’s possible that Kamilla is making her daughter uncomfortable, but it’s also possible that her daughter is being unnecessarily mean. With teenagers, things can go either way,” wrote one Redditor.

‘I think you should go to school and find out what’s going on. You have no way of knowing if your daughter is really being a bully until she finds out for yourself.

‘If she is bullying Kamilla, you need to know so you can correct the behavior. Don’t be too quick to believe that her daughter is innocent here. Someone told Kamilla that she could come to this party. Ask yourself this question: how did Kamilla know where the party was and what time it started?

A third said: ‘If this student wasn’t bullying her, wasn’t rude, just ‘weird’, your daughter is actively isolating and possibly bullying a girl who just ‘doesn’t fit in with the crowd.’ YTA and also her daughter.

Others said the mother was not wrong to defend her daughter.

‘I’m going to be in the minority here, but (you) are not the asshole. Kids calling someone weird is like an adult calling someone creepy: the person makes you feel uncomfortable. “To be honest, showing up to a party uninvited and with so many gifts is strange behavior for a child, and creepy for an adult,” said one.

‘I’m leaning toward not the jerk. It reads like stalking/obsessive behavior or love bombing. Bringing so many gifts to a party you’re not invited to,’ said another.

‘It’s not your daughter’s fault that this ‘friend’ makes her feel uncomfortable and stuff. “I’m not an idiot for standing up to your daughter,” said one more.

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