Home Life Style I gained 100 pounds in 9 months after a terrible car accident, but then I joined the gym for the first time and now I’m blowing women away.

I gained 100 pounds in 9 months after a terrible car accident, but then I joined the gym for the first time and now I’m blowing women away.

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Now Connor intends to share his story as

A man who lost 70lbs after a horrific accident left him with just a two per cent chance of survival has transformed his body, leaving women speechless.

Connor Miles, 23, from Yorkshire, was partying in York in September 2021 when he was driven home by a driver who fell asleep at the wheel.

While sitting in the back of the car, the driver swerved off the road and crashed directly into a house, leaving Connor with serious, life-threatening injuries.

Connor was left with severed intestines, broken ribs, a damaged spine, a perforated pancreas and internal bleeding.

With only a two percent chance of survival, Connor even said goodbye to his parents, but miraculously the former fencer began to slowly make small improvements every day.

Now Connor is planning to share his story as a “former fat kid” with his 15,000 TikTok followers.

Connor Miles from Yorkshire, who gained 80lbs after a horror accident left him with just a two per cent chance of survival, has been transformed and left women swooning.

Connor Miles from Yorkshire, who gained 80lbs after a horror accident left him with just a two per cent chance of survival, has been transformed and left women swooning.

However, Connor turned to food to cope with the trauma of his accident, gaining seven stone nine months after the incident.

Determined to change his life, Connor began making changes to his diet and hitting the gym, which led to the incredible transformation in his appearance.

Now, Connor is intent on sharing his story as a “former fat boy” with his 15,000 TikTok followers and is baffled by the new wave of interest from women online, many of whom are labelling him “hot” and “fucking hot”.

Connor said: ‘Before the accident I was a normal guy with a 9-to-5 job. I was always a big guy, but I wasn’t as overweight as I was after the accident.

“I remember the shock. It was terrible. I don’t think I’ll ever feel such pain again in my life. I was given a two percent chance of survival. So obviously I said goodbye to my parents and my sister. I was hospitalized for over a month.

‘Then, little by little, I began to regain my ability to walk and was no longer in imminent danger of needing emergency surgery.

‘The night I was discharged and returned home, I suffered sepsis and spent another three weeks in the hospital. Physically I slowly began to improve.

“I was taking a lot of painkillers and it was driving me crazy. When you’re sick, you never want to sit down and eat healthy food.

While the 23-year-old was sitting in the back of the car, the driver swerved off the road and crashed directly into a house, leaving Connor with serious and life-threatening injuries.

While the 23-year-old was sitting in the back of the car, the driver swerved off the road and crashed directly into a house, leaving Connor with serious and life-threatening injuries.

Determined to change his life, Connor began making changes to his diet and hitting the gym, which led to the incredible transformation in his appearance.

Determined to change his life, Connor began making changes to his diet and hitting the gym, which led to the incredible transformation in his appearance.

Connor was left with severed intestines, broken ribs, a damaged spine, a perforated pancreas and internal bleeding.

Connor was left with severed intestines, broken ribs, a damaged spine, a perforated pancreas and internal bleeding.

With only a two percent chance of survival, Connor even said goodbye to his parents, but miraculously began making small improvements every day.

With only a two percent chance of survival, Connor even said goodbye to his parents, but miraculously began making small improvements every day.

“And so I did for six months, eating junk food after junk food. I was eating to try to get over what had happened.

“I was in a very bad state of health and I was getting fatter and fatter. Summer 2022 came and I hated the way I looked. I had never been to the gym before, I couldn’t stand it, but I started going to the gym and walking.”

After gaining more than seven stone following the accident, Connor began training at the gym six times a week and eating a high-protein diet.

The aspiring personal trainer soon fell in love with fitness and lost nearly four kilos, which inspired him to start helping others online.

Connor said: “I fell in love with fitness and going to the gym. When I started to see a difference, I became more and more motivated. From there, everything started to go from strength to strength.”

‘I started to gain more and more confidence. I started posting videos on the Internet and I realised that I could help other people too.

‘I definitely noticed a difference in how people treated me when I lost weight.

‘Over the past six months, I’ve noticed more attention from girls and in TikTok comments. It’s a little strange and it surprised me.

‘I have a bit of an online following and I just want to keep growing this. Not many fitness instructors do this from a perspective where they’ve lost weight themselves. I know firsthand what works and what doesn’t.

Connor said that because he was sick he didn't want to eat healthy and was turning to comfort food.

Connor said that because he was sick he didn’t want to eat healthy and was turning to comfort food.

North Yorkshire Police have confirmed details of the crash, saying a man has been given an eight-month prison sentence after falling asleep while driving home from a night out and crashing into a house after being awake for 21 hours.

North Yorkshire Police have confirmed details of the crash, saying a man has been given an eight-month prison sentence after falling asleep while driving home from a night out and crashing into a house after being awake for 21 hours.

After gaining more than seven stone following the accident, Connor began training at the gym six times a week and eating a high-protein diet.

After gaining more than seven stone following the accident, Connor began training at the gym six times a week and eating a high-protein diet.

After gaining more than seven stone following the accident, Connor began training at the gym six times a week and eating a high-protein diet.

After gaining more than seven stone following the accident, Connor began training at the gym six times a week and eating a high-protein diet.

The aspiring personal trainer soon fell in love with fitness and lost almost 40 kilos, which inspired him to start helping others online.

The aspiring personal trainer soon fell in love with fitness and lost almost 40 kilos, which inspired him to start helping others online.

1721338217 213 I gained 100 pounds in 9 months after a terrible

1721338217 473 I gained 100 pounds in 9 months after a terrible

1721338218 91 I gained 100 pounds in 9 months after a terrible

Social media users have flocked to the comments section to praise Connor for his weight loss transformation.

Social media users have flocked to the comments section to praise Connor for his weight loss transformation.

“It still doesn’t feel real to me what I’ve been through. I would tell other people that they can’t give up. They just have to get up and do it.”

“I don’t care what other people think. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life and I don’t want to waste it.”

Social media users have flocked to the comments section to praise Connor for his weight loss transformation.

One woman said: “It’s good… I mean, really well done.” Another said: “He’s fucking.” A third added: “Great.”

Another said: “What a well done transformation! Any girl would be lucky to have you.”

North Yorkshire Police have confirmed details of the crash, saying a man has been given an eight-month prison sentence after falling asleep while driving home from a night out and crashing into a house after being awake for 21 hours.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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