Home Life Style I found out my daughter is not biologically mine – I’m devastated but people think I am wrong to want to leave my wife

I found out my daughter is not biologically mine – I’m devastated but people think I am wrong to want to leave my wife

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Reddit users were horrified to learn that a man was willing to abandon his nine-year-old daughter after discovering she was not biologically his (file image)

A father has sparked furious debate after revealing his plans to abandon his wife and daughter after discovering the girl may not be biologically his.

The anonymous man, believed to be from the US, shared on reddit that during an argument with his wife, she let it slip that their nine-year-old son might not belong to her.

Upon further investigation, the husband discovered that his wife’s suspicions were true and is now considering demanding a divorce.

However, this move would potentially leave his ex and the girl he once believed was his daughter homeless.

Reddit users criticized the father in the comments, calling him “totally messed up” and “clearly a bad father.”

Reddit users were horrified to learn that a man was willing to abandon his nine-year-old daughter after discovering she was not biologically his (file image)

The man, 37, explained: “We have been married for 10 years and we have a nine-year-old daughter who is turning 10.

“My wife and I had a fight and she said something about my daughter not being mine. I kept a straight face, but after she realized what she said, she left and went to bed.

‘I had never thought that my daughter was not mine, but I had to know if she was or not.

‘Long story short, I took a paternity test and I wasn’t her father. I showed it to my wife, who begged and pleaded for her not to divorce me, but I said yes.

After sharing the heartbreaking news with friends and family, the man says they all encouraged him to cut his ex-wife and daughter out of his life.

She continued: ‘I don’t want to raise a daughter that isn’t mine nor do I want to pay for her either.

“My wife keeps calling me to tell me not to leave her and our son homeless, but I don’t care if she’s homeless or not, I shouldn’t have cheated.”

Before asking the forum members for their opinion, the man revealed that the girl’s real father had died a few years ago.

The man explained that although he raised the young woman for nine years and her biological father is dead, he has no desire to raise or pay for a girl who does not biologically belong to him.

The man explained that although he raised the young woman for nine years and her biological father is dead, he has no desire to raise or pay for a girl who does not biologically belong to him.

Many flocked to the comments, horrified by what the man had said about a child he raised for nine years.

‘That poor girl. “She doesn’t know you’re not her dad,” one wrote.

“The wife is an idiot, but you may not be your daughter’s biofather, but to her you are you.” are his dad,” wrote a second.

Another chimed in: “This is what makes me sad.” He is not upset or heartbroken.

‘He is angry. He should be sad because she’s not sad because he loves her. Poor boy’

‘Yes, he clearly doesn’t love her. The hard part is that she probably adores him. “This is going to devastate her,” responded one Reddit user.

One asked: ‘You raised that girl for 10 years and would you be okay with never seeing her again?’ With her growing up realizing she wasn’t worth keeping in your life?

Others were baffled by the man’s thought process, with one person claiming they could never “cut off” a child they raised.

I found out my daughter is not biologically mine

Reddit users called the man a

Reddit users called the man a “terrible father” and some even went so far as to say the girl would be better off without him.

They added: “I’m sure she would be devastated and definitely not staying married.” But the girl would still be “mine.”

Another person called him a “terrible father” who never tried to “connect with his daughter.”

They joked: “(He) would probably make your life a little worse if he was in it.”

Some users were keen to point out that although the young woman may not biologically belong to the man, he may still be legally responsible for her well-being.

“I’m not sure where he is, but he may still be financially responsible for any children his wife had while he was married.”

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